Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1541 Living Vine

Chapter 1541 Living Vine
The tip of that finger was slightly cold, soaked in blood and slippery like a fish.

Half of Li Ji's shoulder stuck into the crevice of the stone, and he heard the creaking sound of his own bones.

"Chunhua, this way!"

Ji Jiashu reluctantly rolled over from the ground and sat up, and stabbed his sword into the rock wall next to Li Ji's shoulder.

Tiny thunderbolts immediately covered the entire rock like a net, and a large rock wall was shattered, revealing a large gap.

However, at the moment when the stone crack opened, dense trees and vines gushed out of the crack, and rushed towards the two people blocking the stone crack.

At this moment, Meng Shi made a move.

The moonlike sword fire covered all the trees and vines, Meng Shi bit her lips to bleed, "Burn!"

The fire ignited instantly, devouring all the vines and turning them into ashes.

"Sister, come out!"

In the raging flames, Li Ji's black hair rose violently. He exerted all his strength and pulled out a person who had been entangled in layers of vines from the cracks in the stone.

The moment the figure came out, there was a bang, and the stone wall closed in front of everyone.

The sword light of Sunset Sword flashed from the dense tree vines, and Ying Baoyue poked his head out of it, gasping for breath, "I'm suffocated, you..."

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly fell into Li Ji's arms.

Li Ji's legs were weak, and she fell to the ground. Ying Baoyue's forehead and hair were wet with wet liquid. She raised her head in a daze, and saw Li Ji's shoulders penetrated by vines.

The tree vines bulged and bulged, as if they were sucking Li Ji's blood.

"Aji, you..."

"I'm fine," Li Ji stood up straight, pushed her forward, and then pulled off the vine on his left shoulder with one hand.

Leaving his flesh and blood, the vine withered immediately, and turned into ashes before everyone looked at it carefully.

"What the hell is this?" Zhao Guang looked at the ashes in Li Ji's palm in horror.

Ying Baoyue swung a few swords and cut off the remaining vines on her body, "I don't know, it was this thing that entangled me just now."

She could have escaped smoothly, but just as she was about to squeeze out of the crack in the stone, there was a sudden force behind her, and something entangled her leg.

At that time, she didn't see what it was. After being pulled out, Ying Baoyue realized that it was actually a tree vine.

When it was in the crevice of the stone, this thing entangled itself, and she thought it was a snake.

"Is everything in this mountain refined?"

Zhao Guang's scalp was numb, and there were countless ashes and broken vines scattered on the ground. The cut vines looked like an ordinary dead thing, but he still remembered the situation when the thing just swung at everyone aggressively.

"Maybe, everyone should be careful next time."

Ying Baoyue looked at the wound on Li Ji's shoulder. Just now, in the crevice of the stone, although the vine entangled her, it didn't suck her blood. Why did this thing stick into Li Ji's body alone?
But no matter what, if it wasn't for Li Ji just now, I'm afraid no one could hold him back.

"Zhaohua, thank you."

Li Ji shook his head, looked at Ji Jiashu and Meng Shi, "I just thank Chunhua Jun and Meng Jizi."

Without any one person, Ying Baoyue could not be pulled out from such a dangerous situation just now.

"Well, thanks to you," Ying Baoyue turned around and looked at the tight stone cracks, thanking everyone.

Thinking of the scene where the tree vines tried their best to pull her in, she smiled wryly, "I don't know what's going on, do these crevasses like to get me in so much?"

Li Ji was startled, and suddenly remembered that when he and Ying Baoyue met for the first time, she almost fell into the crevice of the mountain.

At that time, he didn't know who she was, but instinctively stretched out his hand to grab her.

Thinking back now, he was so glad he reached out.

Like just now, he could grab her.

"Okay, my injury is not serious," Li Ji covered his shoulders, "this test is finally over."

"Time is limited, let's move on."

Although everyone was still in shock, they all wanted to leave this ghostly place as soon as possible, so they all got up after hearing the words.

Ying Baoyue nodded and was about to get up.

Li Ji suddenly found a drop of blood on her face, "Wait a minute."

He stretched out his hand, Ying Baoyue turned his head, and Li Ji curled up his fingers to gently wipe off the blood on her face.

Ying Baoyue glanced at her ear and smiled, "Thank you."

Ji Jiashu, who had been looking at the two of them, was startled, and stood there with staring eyes.

Li Ji's fingers suddenly became stiff. He withdrew his hand and pushed the person in front of him, "Let's go, are you in good health?"

Ying Baoyue nodded and looked at Ji Jiashu, "Jiashu, you were not injured just now, were you?"

Ji Jiashu came back to his senses, smiling as usual, "No."

He bent down and held out his hand to Ying Baoyue, "Let's go."

"Well," Ying Baoyue stood up with his hands in his hands, and took out the map from his arms, "The next level should not be far away."

"The next level is called... Qingliang Terrace?"

Zhao Guang leaned over and looked at the route drawn on the map.

After the round of baptism just now, everyone no longer dared to underestimate all the levels. The names of each level sound elegant, but who knows what strange things will happen inside?

"Shouldn't we take a break before climbing down a mountain?"

Ji Jiashu looked at the pale sky in the distance.

At this time they have passed through the first mountain, Tianqi Peak, and came to the foot of Feixian Peak where the second pass is located.In order to pass the first line of sky in time, everyone stayed up all night. In addition, they had just exhausted themselves in the center of the mountain crevice, and their footsteps began to tremble. Many people behind were already supporting each other to move forward.

At the foot of Feixian Peak, they found that many practitioners who had escaped from the sky were resting under some boulders.

Probably they are all recharging their energy for the challenge of the second level.

"Well," Ying Baoyue nodded, "but you can't rest for too long, or you won't be able to stand up."

The first Tianqi Peak and the second Feixian Peak in front of them are all snow-covered mountains. Looking from a distance, Ying Baoyue only saw a little greenery on the third Qingluan Peak.

In the third pass, there are some forests beside the Moon Marsh Lake. In Ying Baoyue's view, that is the place suitable for long-term rest.

According to her original plan, they should pass the first level and the second level in one breath and then rest at the edge of Moon Marsh Lake, but the plan could not keep up with the changes. If they did not rest at this time, everyone would not be able to walk.

"Come here," Li Ji found three big rocks juxtaposed together, he drew his sword and blew away the snow above and below, beckoning to everyone.

Everyone helped each other to the bottom of the boulder, curled up, and rested against the stone.

Although there were stones to block it, the snowflakes kept floating on everyone's faces.

Seeing everyone's tightly closed eyelashes covered with snowflakes and still too tired to open their eyes, Ying Baoyue's heart sank heavily.

She walked from one side of the boulder to the other, woke everyone up one by one, and stuffed a blood-promoting elixir into everyone's mouth.

"Don't fall asleep, we'll leave in an hour."

Everyone responded drowsily, Ying Baoyue stood up, suddenly dizzy.

She staggered and fell backwards.

(End of this chapter)

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