Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1544 Feathering

Chapter 1544 Feathering
Cold wind, dark night, snow mountain, girl in white.

All of these forms a grotesque world in front of Meng Shi's eyes.

Sensing that Ying Baoyue's aura in her arms was getting weaker and weaker, Meng Shi's breath became short of breath, and she looked at the girl standing on the snow in front of her.

"I, can't sleep yet."

"I still have places to go with my friends."

The girl in white looked at her, the smile on her face faded.

"Oh? Are you not tired?"

She smiled and said, "Someone came to see you just now? Why don't you go with her?"

Meng Shi hugged the person in her arms tightly.

Because the person she most wanted to see was in her arms.

But she knew she must not speak about it.

The white-clothed girl looked friendly, but in fact, the moment she stood there, the aura in her body had already locked onto her. If she acted rashly, this thing might tear her skin apart the next moment. She pounced.

Cold sweat slipped from Meng Shi's ears, and was instantly frozen into ice beads and fell to the snow.

Sensing Meng Shi's silence, the girl in white frowned dissatisfied.

"Hey, let me ask you something."

The person in front of him looked innocent even when he was angry, but Meng Shi's heart was extremely cold.

Because just at the moment when the girl got angry, a huge white shadow seemed to rise behind her.

What the hell is this?
"I..." Before he could provoke this person, Meng Shi squeezed out a few words, "I don't want to go with that person."

"Why?" The girl frowned even tighter, "Isn't that the person you want to see the most?"

The next moment, she stared at Meng Shi and suddenly realized, "Could it be that you hate because of love?"

The girl in white frowned, lowered her head and muttered in a low voice, "I haven't met such a guy in almost 50 years..."

50 years?
Meng Shi's heart grew colder. How long has this girl been on this snow mountain?

"But sitting here for such a long time is enough for you to become a feather, right?"


Meng Shi's heartbeat stopped for a moment. If she guessed correctly, this feathering probably meant freezing to death here.

The girl looked Meng Shi up and down, and suddenly there was a look of disgust in her eyes, "Oh, so it's a fire magician."

The girl in white snorted coldly, stretched out her bare feet, and kicked the snow on the ground, "I really hate fire magicians the most."

Meng Shi bit her lips, "Senior... have you seen other fire magicians?"

"Huh? You little girl is very courageous," the girl in white looked at her with interest, "Do you know that I am your senior?"

Meng Shi forced a smile, "To be able to gain a foothold here is naturally my daughter's senior."

"For you are polite." The girl in white seemed to be in a better mood. She sat on a rock and looked at Meng Shi with her chin in her hand. "Speaking of which, you really look like that woman."


Was it a woman who saw this girl decades ago?

"It happened not long ago." The girl in white yawned. "There used to be a young girl who often came here to bother me."

Meng Shi's heart tightened. Those who can come here must be high-level practitioners, women who can often come in and out here...

She vaguely guessed who the other little girl was in the mouth of the girl in white.

Meng Shi raised her head, stared at the girl in white who was sitting on the stone, bored, and said boldly, "Is that girl called Shubai?"

The girl in white opened her eyes wide and looked at Meng Shi in surprise.

"Hey, do you know each other?"

it is as expected.

Meng Shi couldn't help but look at the countless boulders scattered on the snow, but if that person had really been here and saw this girl in white killing this many people, why didn't he act?

Or is this girl in white clothes stronger than a human god?
Thinking of how the girl in white casually referred to Lin Shubai as a little girl just now, Meng Shi's heart sank deeply.

"Are you Xiao Shubai's apprentice?"

The girl in white frowned and looked at Meng Shi's appearance, then she looked disgusted, "No, how could Xiao Shubai's apprentice be as weak as you."

Feeling a powerful force penetrating through her whole body, Meng Shi felt a cold sweat all over her body when she knew all about herself in an instant.

No, you can't win.

The power gap is too great.

This girl in white gave her the feeling that she was more inscrutable than the Son of God. Although she had such a small body, it was as majestic and vast as the snow mountain behind her, bottomless.

All the partners around were silent, and Meng Shi faced this mysterious girl alone, feeling extremely desperate.

What is she going to do?
Everyone's lives were tied to her. After coming down from Ninggu Pagoda, Meng Shi originally thought that she would no longer be afraid, but now she seemed to be overwhelmed by fear.

Why, only her?

Meng Shi hugged the person in her arms tightly, and there was a sharp pain in her heart.

What is she going to do?
If Ying Baoyue was still awake, what would she do?
"You little girl is really stubborn." The girl in white frowned and looked at her, "Why don't you just go to bed obediently?"

"Just sleep like this now, and you can become a fairy without any pain. This is a kindness to you thieves."

Meng Shi's eyelids were getting heavy, and she opened her eyes suddenly when she heard this word.

By the way, the high-level ceremony has never been held before. It stands to reason that Xiling Snow Mountain has always been an inaccessible place. Why are there so many corpses in this place?

If this white-clothed girl is a ghost in this mountain, why does she guard this place all year round?

"I...can't sleep," Meng Shi stretched her eyelids and looked at the girl in white who was squatting on the stone, "I'm going to...the cool terrace."

The eyes of the girl in white turned cold.

"Hmph, I know," she said coldly, "everyone who comes here is going to the balcony."

Except for that woman named Lin Shubai.

Thinking of that strange woman, looking at the young girl struggling to support herself, wondering if it was because she saw the shadow of Lin Shubai on this woman, the girl in white took a deep breath and added a sentence for the first time.

"I really don't understand how you people really believe that kind of rumor."

The girl in white sneered, "You can become a fairy after eating snow lotus? What are you dreaming about?"


Meng Shi was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly realized that this was a fatal misunderstanding.

"Wait, senior, that's not the case, we're not going to pick snow lotuses..." She stretched her body up with difficulty, "We're just going to pass through the balcony..."

"Shut up. I've always hated liars."

There was anger in the eyes of the girl in white, she stood up and looked at Meng Shi, her eyes had no emotion at all.

It's better to say that she has no human feelings.

"Fortunately, I still think you are like Xiao Shubai, and I said a few more words to you."

"If you weren't going to pick snow lotus, how would you know about Qingliangtai?"

Meng Shi's heart skipped a beat. Although she didn't know what the snow lotus was, the name Qingliangtai was a trap, and these three words alone were enough to anger this mysterious girl.

An existence that is too powerful will not listen to the explanation of an ant under its feet.


"Originally, I wanted you to become a fairy without pain, but now I have changed my mind."

The girl in white stood up, bared her small white teeth, a gust of wind rose from her body, and her black hair stood on end.

Meng Shi looked at her in astonishment, only feeling as if a phantom of a white beast appeared in front of her eyes.

That ferocious beast was so huge that she didn't even have time to recognize what kind of living thing it was, that huge existence had already rushed towards her.

Meng Shi was thrown down on the snowy ground, staring at the stars, only seeing the long white fur hanging down in front of her eyes, and a pair of huge fangs as long as swords.

Snow-white fangs pressed against her throat.

Meng Shi's mind went blank.

Time seemed to stand still.

However, just when the pair of fangs were about to penetrate her throat, a hand that was bluish from cold pressed against the front of the fangs.

(End of this chapter)

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