Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1547

Chapter 1547
"Have you seen it?"

The giant white-haired beast froze and sneered, "What nonsense are you talking about? If you want to save your life, I advise you not to lie."

Not to mention anything else, she has not shown her real body in front of climbers for many years, and there are only two living people who have seen her in this posture.

One is said to be dead, and the other is on the mountain behind.

"You've been talking nonsense since the very beginning, don't you know that this will make you die faster?"

The fangs of the giant white-haired beast criss-crossed, and its body became even bigger, staring dangerously at Ying Baoyue's face.

"I tell you the truth, everyone who has seen me is dead."

Seeing the appearance of the giant beast about to attack, Meng Shi's palms broke out in cold sweat, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

"Really, are they all dead?"

Ying Baoyue repeated, but there was no fear in her eyes, she just looked at the giant white-haired beast in front of her.

She could probably understand why Meng Shi was so scared.

Just because the giant beast in front of him really doesn't look like any creature known to mankind.

In the cloud forest, she has even seen saber-toothed tigers and double-headed snakes. Most of these unknowable places will have some unusual creatures.

But the ferocious beast in front of him looks really strange.

Its limbs are like a tiger's, its fangs are like saber teeth, and its long hair hangs down like a mammoth, but the most bizarre thing is that it has eight tails.

Ying Baoyue stared fixedly at the tail that unfolded like a fan behind the giant white-haired beast.

Her memories of her previous life are quite blurred, but she seems to have some impressions of these eight tails.

However, the eight-tailed beast in her memory was very different from the huge beast in front of her, which was taller than both of them.

"If it wasn't you I met..." Ying Baoyue stretched out her five fingers and made a slight gesture of a fist-sized ball, "Then do you have any relatives? Relatives who are slightly smaller than you."


Hearing this, the giant white-haired beast twitched its cheeks, and even its snow-white beard trembled in the snow.

Meng Shi didn't dare to vent her anger, even she didn't know what Ying Baoyue was talking about.

Besides, the size that Ying Baoyue gestured just now, is it really called only a little smaller?

That's too small!

The white-haired giant was speechless, she really didn't know if the girl in front of her was really fearless, or she was just so stupid that she had a brain problem.

She does have relatives in this world, but her only relative is taller and bigger than her, and it is impossible for a fifth-level practitioner to see her.

She was sure that the girl was talking nonsense.

She was amused by her hesitation in attacking earlier.

"If you know who my relatives are, you will know how stupid your lies are."

"Do you think nonsense can delay time?" The white-haired giant sneered, "No one in this world can save you."

Ying Baoyue was startled, her eyes dimmed.

The only person in this world who could save her was gone.

Her hand rested on the scabbard at her waist.

The giant beast in front of him was completely enraged.

Is it really the only way to attack it?

The strength of this giant beast should at least not be inferior to that of Shenzi. There is only the last sword energy left in the scabbard. Li Ji, Ji Jiashu and the others are still trapped in the snow. This last sword energy cannot save everyone.

Ying Baoyue turned her face to the side and glanced at Meng Shi.

Meng Shi's whole body was icy cold, and from Ying Baoyue's eyes, she saw death as her home.

"Sister, don't..."

She grabbed Ying Baoyue's shoulder suddenly, looked at the white-haired giant beast that was staring at him, and opened her mouth.

For a moment, Meng Shi had an urge to tell this giant white-haired beast who Ying Baoyue was.

From what the little girl said before, Meng Shi already knew that this giant beast knew Lin Shubai, so is it possible that it will show mercy to Lin Shubai's apprentice?

But when the words came to his lips, Meng Shi couldn't make a sound.

She remembered what the giant beast had asked her if she was Lin Shubai's apprentice.

This giant beast did not know Lin Shubai's apprentice.

It doesn't know Shao Si Ming.

Ying Baoyue faintly sensed Meng Shi's intentions, and smiled wryly in her heart.

This girl, you don't think that the identity of Shao Si Ming is omnipotent, does she?

Ying Baoyue turned her head, covered Meng Shi's mouth, and shook her head at her.

"It's useless," Ying Baoyue whispered to her, "I've never been to this mountain before."

Meng Shi's mouth was covered, her eyes widened in a daze.

In the words of the white-haired giant beast, Lin Shubai seems to come to this mountain often. Why does Lin Baoyue, who has been with Da Si Ming, never go up this mountain?
Ying Baoyue understood why Meng Shi was so surprised. After all, even she didn't understand why every time Master came to see the mountain ghost, she was only allowed to wait at the foot of the mountain.

"Huh? So you girl can tell the truth?"

The giant white-haired beast that was about to tear the two of them apart heard that its huge paws slammed on the snow.

She looked at Ying Baoyue with great interest, "You said that you have never been to this mountain, but you said that someone gave you snow lotus, and you have seen my relatives?"

The white-haired behemoth sneered, "You lied too much, are you inconsistent?"

I don't know why, every time I want to raise its claws to this girl, I feel a little panicked in my heart. The white-haired giant stares closely at Ying Baoyue's eyes, and keeps telling itself in its heart that it is a villain full of lies.

"I've never been to this mountain," Ying Baoyue glanced at the white-haired giant beast, "I met at the foot of the mountain."

Every time Master went up to see mountain ghosts, he would stay on the top of the mountain overnight, and she would wander around at the foot of the mountain with nothing to do.

Once, on a particularly cold day, she met a small existence at the foot of this mountain.

Ying Baoyue looked at her palm, as if she could see the little thing shrinking in her palm.

Among her many experiences, it was not a big deal, and she didn't take it to heart at the time.

It's just that she didn't expect that when she left the mountain, that little existence appeared in front of her again, with a snow lotus in its mouth.

Later, when her master was giving birth to Ji Ange, her master bled heavily, and the snow lotus plant almost saved her master's life, so Ying Baoyue always remembered that existence.

The white-haired giant looked at Ying Baoyue in silence, its originally dark eyes turned blood red, and its paws scraped hard at the snow.

Meng Shi shuddered all over, and stood beside Ying Baoyue with her sword clenched tightly.

They probably will never leave this place.

However, Ying Baoyue stood motionless on the spot, her eyes passed through the shoulder of the white-haired giant beast, and looked at the white mountaintop in the distance.

"If she is still in the mountains, please thank her for me."

"Thank whom?"

The giant white-haired beast, covered in fur as white as moonlight, let out a soft snort.

Its scarlet eyes are like rubies stained with blood, and the girl's slender figure is reflected from inside, which is also as bright red as blood.

"Small, like a little rabbit?"

In such a chilling wind, Ying Baoyue smiled gently and gestured to his chest, "Same as you, with eight tails."

At this moment, Meng Shi suddenly noticed that the cold wind in her ears stopped.

She stared wide-eyed.

The giant white-haired beast, which was bristling with anger, stood there in a daze, its blood-red eyes staring at Ying Baoyue for a moment, as if it had heard something unbelievable.

"Who are you talking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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