Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1551

Chapter 1551
Ying Baoyue clenched her hand, then let go.

"Thank you, but you can just let us go there. I have to walk the rest of the way by myself."

Huali opened her eyes wide and looked at the person in front of her.

"You're a bit silly," she lowered her eyelashes, "but I'm going up with you."

"Did you forget? There is something I protect on it, and I don't feel at ease just letting you outsiders go there."

Ying Baoyue laughed, "That's right, just watch us, if anyone dares to act rashly, I'll kick them down for you."

"Hahaha, good."

The girl in white clenched Ying Baoyue's arms again, smiling like a child.

Meng Shi looked at her with strange and slightly frightened eyes.

Although her actions and behavior are as innocent as a child, when she wakes up, she can detect the abnormality of this girl. It is a kind of suppression from the instinct of a practitioner. Just looking at it makes people unable to restrain the trembling and awe in their hearts. .

It is really impossible to treat an existence that can kill you with a single movement of your hand and foot as an ordinary person.

Even if you are smiling now, you don't know when he will turn his face in the next moment. After all, the other party is moody and has a completely different way of thinking from people.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

No matter how you pretend, the instinctive fear that comes from deep in your blood can't go away.

Unless one has the strength to contend with the other party like Shenzi, can one get along with the other party more or less calmly.

Meng Shi originally thought that in her previous life, the reason for the close relationship between Da Si Ming and Shao Si Ming and the Beast God was because the realm strength of the two of them far surpassed other practitioners.

But now Meng Shi discovered that this was not the case.

Standing beside the girl in white, Ying Baoyue just smiled normally, without fear, admiration, or excessive warmth.

Just like treating them, she treated this extraordinary girl in white normally.

Meng Shi pursed her thin lips slightly, feeling a little confused.

What is the difference between humans and gods?
For practitioners, what is the beast god?

There were also rumors that Teng Snake God actually met Lin Shubai when she was in the fifth rank, but it was generally not believed in the practice world.

After all, in the eyes of ordinary practitioners, the Divine Dance Realm is just an ant in front of the beast god, who can't even bear the pressure of the gods, let alone be able to talk.

The practice world actually had two completely different attitudes towards the beast god.

One is to enshrine the beast god as the supreme god. The will of the beast god is the will of the sky, and people can only look up on the ground.

The second is that the Beast God is a beast just like other divine beasts, and like other natural treasures, it should be used by practitioners, and all places that can be used should be used.

Before Emperor Taizu enshrined the Eight Beast Gods on the altar, people with second thoughts were the mainstream in the practice world.

Since decades ago, as the Eight Beast Gods are closely related to the national fortunes of various countries, after Emperor Taizu used the Eight Beast Gods to unify the mainland, the belief in the Eight Beast Gods was completely fixed, and people with second thoughts gradually disappeared.

However, at this moment, Meng Shi looked at the dozens of stone pestles remaining on the snow, feeling extremely complicated in her heart.

These are all practitioners who died under the hands of this white-clothed girl.

Born as a human being, this girl in white can be called the number one public enemy of practitioners.

But at this time, the girl in white was standing beside Ying Baoyue, talking and laughing at Yan Yan, she couldn't see the previous fierce appearance at all, and there was nothing strange on Ying Baoyue's face.

At this time, the girl in white was called away by a gust of cold wind, and while she was muttering something to the mountain ghost, Meng Shi walked up to Ying Baoyue and called out.

"elder sister."

"What's wrong?" Ying Baoyue turned her head.

Meng Shi bit her lip and pulled up the barrier. Although she knew it would be useless in front of the gods, she probably couldn't go on if she didn't ask at this time.

"Sister, aren't you afraid of her?"

Meng Shi asked.

Ying Baoyue was slightly startled, and smiled, "Maybe I'm also afraid."

"Then why did you..."

Meng Shi hesitated to speak, she originally thought that Ying Baoyue was so calm because she was sure that the girl in white would not hurt her, but now it seems that Ying Baoyue is not so confident?
"Because she probably doesn't want me to be afraid," Ying Baoyue smiled.

When she was a high-level practitioner before, many people were afraid of her, but whenever someone approached her without any suspicion, she would be very happy.

Having been with the gods for a long time, Ying Baoyue can somewhat feel the temper of the gods.

They are not as naive and ignorant as some myths and legends say. On the contrary, because they live for a long time, the gods often have more insight into the world than humans.

At the same time, the God who can live until now is extremely sensitive to people's thoughts, likes and dislikes.

In fact, Ying Baoyue felt a long time ago that the gods might not be happy when they are with people.

But as the ancient gods passed away one by one, the gods gradually had no choice.

They are so lonely.

Ying Baoyue touched the hand that Huali had just held, and lowered her eyelashes slightly.

There may be only Huali left on this mountain.

If she was afraid of Huali again, Huali would be quite disappointed.

"Since you're scared, sister, why don't you look scared at all?" Meng Shi frowned.

"Because I'm ready," Ying Baoyue smiled softly, "Even if I'm eaten the next moment, I'm still mentally prepared."

What is this man talking about?
Meng Shi froze, looking at the person in front of her in disbelief.

"Sorry, it's hard for you to understand, isn't it?" Ying Baoyue smiled and touched Meng Shi's head, "It's okay if you don't understand, and it's not necessarily a good thing to get too close to the gods."

Ying Baoyue calmly looked at Huali who was standing on the edge of the cliff and talking with the mountain ghost.

In fact, the Sons of God are all people who have made this preparation.

If you dance with the gods, you may become a sacrifice to the gods. Without this awareness, you cannot live beside the gods.

"But sister, she killed someone before." Meng Shi bit her lips tightly, "You really don't hate her?"

Ying Baoyue glanced at her, "I have killed people too, are you afraid of me?"

Meng Shi was taken aback.

"You think so because you regarded him as a different existence from the beginning," Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, "There is nothing wrong with your thinking, but I hope you at least don't be hostile to him."

Meng Shi thought she didn't have the guts either.

When Huali came back from the cliff, Meng Shi stepped aside, quietly watching Ying Baoyue who continued to talk to Huali with her normal expression.

Through the conversation just now, she faintly sensed that the gods in Ying Baoyue's eyes may be different from the gods in the eyes of ordinary people.

"Okay, let's go."

Huali glanced at the practitioners who were gradually waking up behind her, and stretched out her hand to Ying Baoyue again.

Ying Baoyue stretched out her hand and put it in her palm.

The two walked up the mountain path side by side.

(End of this chapter)

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