Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1563 Get up

Chapter 1563 Get up
The small figure on the stone flashed past and turned into a cloud of mist.

Ying Baoyue opened her eyes wide, but only saw the white mist in front of her.

She is in the hot springs in the north, not in the lakes in the forest in the south.

But what did she just see?
That is, her memory?
But why does she feel so familiar yet so strange?

The water vapor in front of her eyes blurred her vision, and Ying Baoyue felt that her mind was also filled with water vapor, echoing the blurry figure.

Ying Baoyue stared blankly at the spring water in front of her.

Is she dizzy?

"Embracing the moon?"

Realizing that there was no voice behind him, Li Ji asked anxiously, "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine," Ying Baoyue collected himself, "just now I was in a trance."

Li Ji was startled, "Are you okay? Did you soak for too long?"

This hot spring is indeed very warm, but a little too warm for water mages.If you relax your mind, it is easy to be swallowed by this warmth.

"Maybe," Ying Baoyue looked at the milky white water in front of her, and exhaled softly.

The warmth was refreshing, and she felt light and light, as if her body didn't belong to her anymore.

Maybe it was because of this that she could see the memory that didn't seem to belong to her.

"Then how long are you going to soak?" Li Ji asked worriedly.

If Ying Baoyue really got dizzy here, he didn't know if he would have the guts to pick her up when the two of them were honest with each other.

"Huali said she would call me when the time comes," Ying Baoyue said, "If you say it's not enough time, the cold poison won't get rid of it."

Li Ji was taken aback, and immediately remembered the matter of Ying Baoyue's injury that Huali vaguely mentioned to him, "By the way, didn't you tell me what injury you suffered?"

Ying Baoyue paused while covering her shoulders, and smiled with her back turned to him.

"What are you asking? Aren't we together all the way? Don't you know I was hurt?"

Yes, he couldn't possibly not know.

He didn't always stand at the nearest place to her, but he kept watching her, and Ying Baoyue almost never left his sight. It stands to reason that she couldn't have suffered an injury that he didn't know about.

Li Ji leaned against the rock and breathed a sigh of relief, but became nervous again the next moment.

"No, didn't I sleep for half an hour when I was at the foot of the mountain?"

When they woke up, Meng Shi looked very embarrassed. It was obvious that they collided with the beast god. What if Ying Baoyue was injured at that time?
"Hey, are you not letting go even half an hour?" Ying Baoyue smiled wryly.

She raised her right wrist, "It's just a few bruises from rolling on the snow a few times, and it's healed."

"Really?" Li Ji felt a little settled in his mind, but he always felt that something was wrong.

"Who did you hear that I was injured? Huali?"

Ying Baoyue glanced at the mask exposed on the edge of the rock behind her, feeling warm and helpless in her heart.

She had told Huali not to say anything. Huali should have kept her promise, but she probably reminded Li Ji secretly in a unique way.

"If you are really worried, just go around the stone."

Ying Baoyue leaned against the rocks and spread out his limbs, "You can just see for yourself."

Li Ji froze behind the stone, "What are you talking about?"

"I told you I'm fine, you don't believe me," Ying Baoyue smiled wryly, "Then what else can I do?"

"Anyway, I'm not wearing anything now, you can see everything when you turn around."

"Or, should I go?"

The sound of splashing water came from the rocks behind, and someone seemed to almost choke on the water, so Ying Baoyue laughed.

Li Ji clutched the clothes he had put on the rocks as if grasping at straws, and sighed helplessly when he heard the laughter of the people behind him.

"Don't play tricks on me."

This person clearly knew that he didn't dare to turn around, she simply said that on purpose.

"it is good."

Ying Baoyue put away her smile and became serious, "Don't worry."

She took a handful of spring water in her hands, and the water stained the scar on her wrist, red as blood.

"If I can't hold on one day, I will definitely tell you."

Li Ji was startled, and lowered his gaze slightly, "Am... us?"

He is not alone.

So, where will he be ranked?

"Well," Ying Baoyue didn't notice the complicated thoughts of the people behind him, but thanked him warmly, "Thank you for worrying about me."

There was one sentence she didn't say.

Thank you for worrying about me all the way.

Even if she may not be able to reach the end of this road, this experience will become the best memory of her life.

The few months I spent with Ji Jiashu and Zhao Guang, and the few days I spent alone with Li Ji.

She will always remember.

It has nothing to do with the time spent together, even if it is only a month or two, or even a few days, it is long enough for her life of only one year.

Just like her previous life, although she spent a short time with many people, she only lived for 18 years, so every year and every moment is precious to her.

Although it is estimated that nothing good happened in the year before her death, Ying Baoyue still regrets the memory of the lost year.

No matter how painful it was, it was her memory, something very important to her.

Ying Baoyue looked at her palm. Before her life is over, can she get back what she lost in her previous life?

"It's nothing." Li Ji was immersed in his own thoughts, and did not notice the change in Ying Baoyue's voice. He clenched the clothes in his hands and sighed in his heart, "I just hope that if you are in pain, don't hide it from me." us."

That day on the frozen lake, Ying Baoyue hugged him from behind and told him that she was cold.

Although that might just be to save his acting skills, she probably didn't know how happy he was for it.

She is willing to tell him that she is willing to share with him.

That's enough.

If possible, he really hoped that one day when she was in pain, she would be willing to tell others that she was in pain.

Even if that person is not him.

"Well," Ying Baoyue soaked in the spring water, she didn't know why Li Ji was so obsessed with her pain or not, so she replied with a smile, "I understand."

Of course, if she judged it necessary.

Li Ji sighed in his heart, he knew that Ying Baoyue didn't understand.

"By the way, I'm not cold anymore," he stood up from the hot spring with a splash, and said warmly, "I've already soaked, don't turn around, I'm leaving now."

Li Ji grabbed the outer robe on the rocks and shook it over his body. Although he was sitting in the water just now, he didn't take off his lower clothes. The lower clothes were soaked in the water and dripped water.

But all of this can't be difficult for the water magician. Li Ji stood on the bank, water droplets floated from his lower garment, and returned to the hot spring little by little.

Li Ji felt relieved when he realized that his lower body had become dry.

Although the hot spring water was indeed very warm and fragrant, it was definitely the most restless bath in his life.

He took a deep breath to calm himself down, put on his boots, and prepared to leave.

"and many more."

At this time, the voice of Ying Baoyue came from behind the rock.

Li Ji trembled, "What's wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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