Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1566 Lin Hai

Chapter 1566 Lin Hai
Do not trust anyone?
The cold wind blew over the hot air on the surface of the spring, and Ying Baoyue stood on the bank in a daze, with a chill running down her originally warm back.

"What does this mean?"

"Yes..." Huali opened her mouth, but her teeth suddenly clenched and rubbed violently, and the phantom of fangs loomed around her mouth.

Ying Baoyue opened her eyes wide and rushed over to hug her.

"It's okay, it's okay, it goes without saying."

All the bones and muscles of Huali's body were twitching, and Ying Baoyue was very familiar with this reaction.

is prohibited.

Restriction is not exclusive to practitioners, rather the restriction of practitioners evolved from the "contract" between the beast gods.

Beasts have the behavior of dividing territories, and in a sense, they obey the agreement and the rules of the jungle and the jungle more than humans.

If Ying Baoyue's guess is correct, the beasts on Yunling Snow Mountain also divided their territory, hunting on their own territory, and placed restrictions on each other in their bodies not to reveal the secrets of each other's territory. punish.

The general prohibition is related to specific behaviors and some special words.

Huali's reaction should be because she almost told the secret of Moon Marsh Lake just now.

The restraint on her reacted instantly, almost knocking her back to her original form.

"Sorry," Huali swallowed a mouthful of heartache, and calmed down the convulsions all over her body, "I can only say so much."

"I understand, thank you," Ying Baoyue knelt on the ground and hugged her tightly, "I will be careful."

"Yeah," Huali looked sideways at the girl who was kneeling on the ground and was as tall as her, and stretched out her hand with white hairs on the back of her hand to touch her head.

"If you're scared, it's okay to run back."

I am afraid that Yuezhang Lake will torture people like Ying Baoyue quite a lot.

The emperor of the world is really a terrible person.

"If we can't make it through, we can't make it through," Huali bit her lips as she touched Ying Baoyue's head, "Come back to me, I won't let you die."

If possible, she really didn't want Ying Baoyue to pass through Moon Marsh Lake.

"You," Ying Baoyue let go of her, and said with a smile, "I haven't passed yet, why are you discouraged first?"

"It's a lake after all. Would I drown in it as a water mage?"

She even climbed out of the ice lake in the North Sea. Could it be that the Moon Lake is deeper than the North Sea?
"Okay, I'm not discouraged," Huali put her hands behind her back and looked at her with a complicated expression, "I believe in you."

If this woman, she might be able to pass through the ghosts with a method that the predecessors failed to do.

"Well," Ying Baoyue nodded, "Then I'll go find my companions."

"Companion..." Huali's expression became more and more complicated. Seeing Ying Baoyue turn around and run towards Huahai, she took a sudden step forward and grabbed Ying Baoyue's wrist from behind.

"Hua Li? Is there anything else?"

Ying Baoyue stopped in her tracks and turned around suspiciously.

"It's nothing." Huali lowered her arms, "Just be careful when you go down to the lake."

"I know that you are a water magician and you are not afraid of water, but you must not..."

Huali still wanted to say something, but her throat seemed to be choked and she couldn't make a sound. She could only open her mouth in vain, but she couldn't say that word no matter what.

Ying Baoyue looked at her understandingly, "Don't be careless, right?"

Huali could only nod her head.

"I see, thank you," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "I will come to see you again when I come back."

Huali waved her hand, watching Ying Baoyue run out of the flowers.

She didn't say the last half of the sentence until the girl's figure completely disappeared into the sea of ​​flowers.

Huali stood by the hot spring, her voice lost in the steam.

"Don't... go save other people."



Just when Ying Baoyue ran out of the sea of ​​flowers, the fog that had lingered over the sea of ​​flowers dissipated in an instant, and the scenery on the top of the mountain became clear.

Ying Baoyue knew that it was Huali who broke the barrier.

"Go, those boys are all ready, and they're all waiting for you over there."

Huali's voice came from behind, and Ying Baoyue nodded with a smile.

She ran out of the flowers facing the sun, and the rising sun hit the young people standing by the rocks not far away.

Meng Shi Yeluhua leaned against the rocks and closed his eyes to rest his mind, Yanwu Ying moved his hands and feet under the command of Mu Rongqing, Zhao Guangrui surrounded Li Ji and chattered, Song Qian Guichen listened with a smile on the side, Chen Zichu Ji Jiashu Xu Yishan We talked quietly together, and everything was the same as usual.

But for some reason, Ying Baoyue always felt that the atmosphere around the stone was a bit weird.

The group of people around Li Ji and the group of people around Ji Jiashu were neither close nor far away, but there was a strange sense of rigidity.

"Ah, Your Royal Highness, you are back!"

Zhao Guang seemed to be the first to see her, and waved to her with a smile.

No, Ying Baoyue knew very well that Li Ji and Ji Jiashu definitely noticed that she had just stepped out of the flowers, but they froze for a moment, and neither of them turned around first.

What's going on here?
in argument?
"What's the matter with you?" Ying Baoyue didn't know where to go, so he came to Meng Shi's side, "Did you sleep well last night?"

"Well," Meng Shi nodded with a smile, "I slept very warmly."

Ying Baoyue seemed to hear someone let out a sigh of relief. Ji Jiashu walked up to her, and everyone else gathered around, "How did you rest last night?"

"I've been soaking in the hot spring all the time," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "I slept in the hot spring."

"Really?" Ji Jiashu looked at her rosy face and smiled relievedly, "That's good."

"Huali told you to go to another place to soak, did everyone soak in the hot spring?" Ying Baoyue asked.

"Well, Guanghua and I had a bath together, and it was indeed very warm," Ji Jiashu turned around and glanced at Zhao Guang, Song Qian and the others.

His eyes did not fall on Li Ji.

Li Ji narrowed his gaze slightly, with a complicated expression on his face.

"It's very warm, second brother, you can go soak too." Zhao Guang patted Li Ji's shoulder carelessly, "You are the only one of us who didn't go, and it's too miserable to be called to talk all night. There is still some time, why don't you go down?"

Li Ji didn't take a hot spring?

Ying Baoyue paused while fiddling with Meng Shi's belt, a little funny.

Li Ji, did you tell the truth?
Or did he simply not say anything, and Zhao Guang misunderstood it?
Li Ji stared fixedly in one direction, without nodding or shaking his head, he was more like a rock than the rocks next to him.

Ying Baoyue laughed, well, she still wanted to see how Li Ji lied for her, but now it seems that he has returned to his previous state of not saying anything.

"Okay, it's fine if Zhaohua doesn't want to," Ji Jiashu said to save the siege, but he still didn't look in Li Ji's direction, and said softly, "Should we start?"

Li Ji glanced at Ji Jiashu, clenched his fingers slightly under his sleeves, and his expression became more and more complicated.

"Well, let's go."

Ying Baoyue took a last look at Huahai, and left this place that gave her warmth together with everyone.

The snow did not know when it stopped, and everyone walked down the mountain slowly along the road stepped by the people who left first.

Just as he walked down the mountain, a fresh fragrance came from ahead.

Ying Baoyue raised her head, and a large expanse of green came into her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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