Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1570 Terrible

Chapter 1570 Terrible
"Embrace the moon!"

"Hold the moon! Where are you?"

Li Ji's voice came indistinctly from outside the lake, Ying Baoyue opened his mouth in the lake, unable to make a sound.

Seeing that Ji Jiashu was swept to the bottom of the lake by the undercurrent, she couldn't care about anything else, and swam towards the direction where Ji Jiashu was swept away.

Ji Jiashu is not a water magician, if he is always trapped at the bottom of the lake, he will be drowned!

However, the current was too fast, the bottom of the lake was messed up, the mud and sand were flying, and the visibility was extremely low. Ying Baoyue lost her way as soon as she dived into the lake.

Jiashu, where are you?
Ying Baoyue was very anxious.

Not only Ji Jiashu, but where are the others?
The huge wave just now involved even the people on the shore into the lake. Ying Baoyue didn't understand why there was such a big wave. You must know that this is a lake and not a river or sea. Logically speaking, it is impossible to send such a large amount of water.

However, no matter how much she couldn't figure it out, the undercurrent at the bottom of the lake was still surging fiercely, and Ying Baoyue soon felt suffocated.

This is not going to work, she must find Ji Jiashu as soon as possible.

They are all water-sensitive, and generally they cannot drown, but if they are caught in an undercurrent, they are quite dangerous.

At this time, Ying Baoyue faintly saw a tiny electric light near the bottom of the lake.

"Jia Shu?"

She tensed her whole body violently, desperately pushed aside the muddy dead branches in front of her eyes, and swam towards that direction.

However, just as she was about to approach that direction, a huge turbid current suddenly hit her head-on.


Ying Baoyue closed her eyes abruptly, and was overturned in the lake water. Huge silt exploded in front of her eyes, and she couldn't see anything suddenly.


Ying Baoyue pulled out the sunset sword and split the mud in front of him.

But the previous thunder has disappeared.

She floated in the lake in a daze.

At this moment, a small stream of water engulfed her feet. Ying Baoyue looked down and found that in the direction where the turbid stream disappeared just now, the mud and sand dispersed, revealing Ji Jiashu's pale face.

Ying Baoyue opened her eyes wide.

Ji Jiashu closed his eyes tightly, and was slowly sinking to the bottom of the lake, with one hand helplessly reaching out to the surface of the lake.

Ying Baoyue breathed a sigh of relief, went downstream and grabbed the hand.

The moment she held it, she was startled.

Ji Jiashu's hands were unusually cold and a little slippery.

Just when she was in a daze, the pale young man opened his eyes slightly, Ying Baoyue looked at her, Ji Jiashu opened his mouth, and his mouth was calling "Baoyue".

Ying Baoyue calmed down, hugged his waist, and led him up the water.

With a "crash", the heads of the two stuck out of the water, and Ji Jiashu coughed violently.

"Are you okay?" Ying Baoyue looked at him worriedly.

Ji Jiashu's face was extremely pale and almost lost all color.

"It's okay." Ji Jiashu covered her lips and smiled at her, "You came to save me. I thought you wouldn't come."

He smiled very brightly.

Looking at his smile, Ying Baoyue was taken aback, "Of course I will come to save you."

"Really?" Ji Jiashu lowered his head slightly, "By the way, where are we going next?"

"Next..." Ying Baoyue found that the originally turbulent lake calmed down at some point, she stared back at the empty lake, "Where are the others?"

Just before she dived into the lake to rescue Ji Jiashu, she faintly heard Li Ji calling her, but Li Ji was not on the lake at this time.

Where did Li Ji go?
"Are you all gone?" Ji Jiashu looked at his palm, "I was involved in it for a long time, and the others are near the shore, so they must have escaped?"

Indeed, Moon Marsh Lake is extremely deep, and it takes a long time to go back and forth from the bottom of the lake to the surface of the lake.If Ji Jiashu hadn't been sucked into the bottom of the lake like Ji Jiashu, after the lake calmed down, he should be able to go ashore faster than them.

"Anyway, let's go up first," Ji Jiashu reached out to caress Ying Baoyue's cheek, and said softly, "Zhaohua didn't drown so easily, maybe he saved the others and took everyone away."

"Besides, there is no breath of other practitioners in this lake."

It is gone.

It is indeed dangerous to stay here.

Those who have just landed have been sucked into the water, and it is only right to leave as soon as possible after landing.

Ying Baoyue fell silent, the lake around her was already calm as if nothing had happened.

She glanced at Ji Jiashu's hand placed next to her face, and he took it back in time and smiled gently at her.

"Go ashore," Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, and swam to the shore with Ji Jiashu.

The two climbed onto the shore dripping wet, and Ying Baoyue glanced at the cave in the middle of the lake, with a trace of hesitation in his eyes.

"what happened?"

"I was thinking, what's the matter with that child's crying," Ying Baoyue said.

"Didn't Mr. Zhaohua have already read it and said nothing?" Ji Jiashu smiled, "Or do you not believe what he said?"

Ying Baoyue was startled, and looked at the boy standing behind her.

"Look what I'm doing? Are you suspicious of him?" Ji Jiashu's smile was still so gentle, and his eyes were fixed on Ying Baoyue. "Even if there is a baby, in order to protect you, he can probably kill that baby with a single sword." child?"

"What are you talking about?" Ying Baoyue frowned, "Aji is not such a person."

"That's right." Sensing the change in Ying Baoyue's eyes, Ji Jiashu smiled and lowered her head, "It's because I choked on too much water just now, and my mind is confused."

Realizing that the other party had just narrowly escaped death, Ying Baoyue's expression softened a little, and she stepped forward, wanting to feel Ji Jiashu's pulse.

"I'm fine," Ji Jiashu blocked her hand, his movements were gentle but firm, "Don't waste your mind on me, let's move on."

Ying Baoyue was taken aback, "Let's go? Don't you wait for others?"

"They probably won't wait for us either," Ji Jiashu looked down at the footprints on the ground, "Anyway, everyone is going the same way. Let's leave a mark and go to the fourth level first. Can't everyone gather in front?"

You're right, they really don't have much time left.

Ying Baoyue nodded, turned around and bent down to draw the previously agreed mark on the muddy ground by the bank.

She was so focused on writing on the ground that she didn't notice.

The pale young man behind her looked at her back and showed a bewitching smile.



"Embrace the moon!"

After finally breaking free from the turbid waves wrapping around him, Li Ji poked his head out from the lake.

Just a quarter of an hour ago, he saw Ying Baoyue diving into the water chasing Ji Jiashu who had sunk into the lake. He was about to swim in the direction where the two of them were, when he was suddenly dragged into the lake by a huge wave and rushed straight to the bottom of the lake. On the northeastern shore of the lake, he was pinned tightly among the reefs on the shore, entangled by countless currents and could not escape.

When he finally broke free from these currents, the shaking at the bottom of the lake also stopped.

Looking at the calm lake, Li Ji turned and climbed up the reef, shouting loudly.

"Embrace the moon!"

"Zhao Guang!"

No one responded, Li Ji stared at the lake in a daze, his heart sank, and he walked straight along the reef. Just as he was about to jump into the lake again, a low groan suddenly came from behind him.

Li Ji turned his head and found the figure of a young boy lying on the rock not far from him.

The man's shoulder was stained with blood, and his breath was weak.

Seeing the other person's face clearly, Li Ji's pupils shrank slightly.


He quickly rushed to the other side, heard his voice, lying on the reef so injured that the young man opened his eyes slightly, and said weakly, "Zhaohua?"

"Why are you here? Where is the moon hugger?"

Ji Jiashu covered his chest and sat up, opening his mouth with difficulty.

"Baoyue, I just saw her take Meng Shi ashore..."

"Really?" Li Ji felt relieved, if he was with Meng Shi, then Ying Baoyue should be safe.

"By the way, why are you here? Didn't Baoyue go to save you?" Li Ji looked at Ji Jiashu and asked suspiciously.

"We were scattered by the current, and I was washed all the way here." Ji Jiashu looked at the wound on his shoulder, and took a breath. "This injury was caused by hitting this rock."

"That's it," Li Ji reached out to find the powder in his bosom, "I have the medicine, just wait."

"Thank you," the pale young man smiled and stretched out his hand to Li Ji, "Can you give me a hand?"

Li Ji paused while looking for medicine.

Looking at the other party's bright smiling face, he hesitated for a moment, and held the other party's hand.

 Think carefully

(End of this chapter)

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