Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1572

Chapter 1572
The fog in the forest was getting thicker and thicker. Ying Baoyue and Ji Jiashu walked side by side in the forest, feeling that the road under their feet became more and more slippery.

The surrounding water vapor is thick, and dragonflies and insects are flying low on the muddy ground.

"Do you want to find a place to rest?"

"It looks like it's going to rain," Ji Jiashu suggested to Ying Baoyue, "It seems that we won't be able to get out of this forest tonight, so we might as well find a place to shelter from the rain as soon as possible."

Ying Baoyue hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

She is a water mage, and she could already feel that it was going to rain, but for some reason, the woods gave her a feeling that something was wrong, so she didn't propose to rest, and wanted to get out of the woods in one go.

But looking at the pale faces of the people around him, Ying Baoyue also knew that it was too much for him to forcibly lead Ji Jiashu forward in the rain.

"It doesn't matter, Yunshou Peak is ahead, we will rest for three hours, and we will definitely be able to walk to the foot of the mountain tomorrow morning."

Sensing Ying Baoyue's hesitation, Ji Jiashu comforted her softly, "If you want to continue walking, I'm fine."

"No," Ying Baoyue looked around, "I really should rest at night, I'll see if there is a suitable place."

There are actually only four mountains in the five passes of the high-level ceremony. After passing Qingluan Peak, they can reach the fourth and last mountain——Yunshou Peak.

Rather than rushing to Yunshou Peak as soon as possible, they really need to recharge their batteries before reaching the final hurdle.

The two walked forward for a while, Ji Jiashu's eyes lit up, and he pointed to a hillside not far away, "How is it there?"

Ying Baoyue took a closer look and found that it was a low cave, which seemed to be a naturally formed cave in the mountains. Although it was short, it should be enough for two people.

"Well, let's go there."

At this time, the sky was already raining heavily, and the two hurried to the edge of the cave. Ying Baoyue bent down and leaned into the cave, only to find that although the entrance of the cave does not look high from the outside, it is very deep and wide inside. Like the nest of a gigantic beast.

"go in."

Ying Baoyue got into the cave, and Ji Jiashu, who stood pale outside the cave, looked at her back with a secret smile on his lips.



"It's raining."

Li Ji and Ji Jiashu were walking side by side in the forest, when they noticed the raindrops falling from the sky, Li Ji frowned and looked at Ji Jiashu behind him, "How is your wound?"

Ji Jiashu covered his shoulders and frowned, "It's fine."

"Is this all right?" Li Ji sighed, and stretched out his hand to his wound, and Ji Jiashu's shoulders and clothes that were soaked by rainwater floated a few drops of water.

The boy bit his pale lips tightly, as if enduring pain.

"That won't work, I have to find a place for you to hide from the rain."

Li Ji looked at Ji Jiashu's unhealed wound with a solemn expression.

Ji Jiashu broke his shoulder on the reef, and with the physique of a practitioner in the Divine Dance Realm, he should be able to heal quickly, but the cold air in this mountain forest is too severe, and the wound has been soaked in dirty water, so he may soon have a fever.

Sure enough, Ji Jiashu's originally pale cheeks flushed abnormally, "I said it's fine, let's move on."

He passed Li Ji and walked forward, but he staggered and fell heavily to the ground.

"I told you not to be brave." Li Ji's eyes were full of anger, and he looked at the young man who was almost limp on the ground. He sighed and carried Ji Jiashu on his back. "There should be a cave near here, look for it first." Let's see."

Ji Jiashu nodded unwillingly.

Li Ji carried Ji Jiashu on his back.Push aside the branches in front of you and walk forward.

The raindrops on the head became more and more urgent, and Li Ji walked forward step by step as he heard the young man's heavy breathing.

For some reason, he felt that the person on his back was getting heavier and heavier.

The rain curtain is getting bigger and bigger, and it is so exciting that people can't open their eyes.

"Zhaohua, haven't you arrived yet?"

Ji Jiashu's voice came faintly from behind him.

"It's almost there," Li Ji wiped the sweat off his chin, and ran towards the faintly exposed cave.

"Really?" Ji Jiashu clasped Li Ji's shoulders tightly with both hands, staring gloomily at the edge of the bronze mask of the man in front of him, his gaze protruding into the gap between the mask and Li Ji's cheek like a hook...


At this time, Li Ji panted heavily, put Ji Jiashu off his back, and carefully pushed him into the hole.

Ji Jiashu's sight was blocked, and he lowered his eyelashes slightly, allowing Li Ji to support him into the cave.

"Let's rest here for a while," Li Ji found a flat place in the cave, let Ji Jiashu sit down against the rock wall, then took out flint from his arms, and pulled a few dead logs.

The dead wood was already soaked in water, Li Ji extracted the water droplets on the dead wood with concentration, and then crackled the flint.

Sparks fell on the dried wood, but they were unable to ignite for a long time.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Li Ji frowned. Although he was a water magician, he couldn't even light a fire with flint.

Ji Jiashu leaning on the rock wall stared at the dead wood on the ground, a dark light flashed in his eyes.

"Try it," Li Ji handed him the flint, and Ji Jiashu took it, but the next moment his arms dropped limply.

"Forget it," Li Ji sighed, "Forget it if the fire doesn't turn on, we'll leave when the rain stops."

"Well," Ji Jiashu curled himself into a ball and lay weakly in the corner of the cave.

Li Ji glanced at him, walked over and sat cross-legged beside him, closing his eyes and adjusting his breath.

It was completely dark outside, and the whole cave was extremely gloomy and cold, and time passed by bit by bit.

Apart from the tick-tock of water dripping, the only sound left in the cave was the boy's more and more rapid breathing.

"Are you okay?" Li Ji opened his eyes, put his hand on Ji Jiashu's forehead, felt the heat in his palm, and frowned.

He took out a pill from his pocket and stuffed it into Ji Jiashu's mouth, only to find that the other person didn't even have the strength to swallow.

It sucks.

Ji Jiashu's wound had already begun to fester, causing a fever.

Li Ji heard a saying from Li Zhao before that this kind of situation is called wound infection, which is more terrifying than a knife wound.

Many high-level practitioners did not die under the sword, but died of such concurrent symptoms.

Originally, if a practitioner could not heal the injury by himself, it would be difficult to heal it with medicine. Feeling the frightening heat from Ji Jiashu's body, Li Ji's scalp went numb.

"Zhaohua? Am I going to die in a place like this?"

At this time, Ji Jiashu, who was lying on the rock wall, moved and opened his eyes.

In the nearly dark cave, his eyes were shining brightly.

"You're overthinking it," Li Ji said lightly, "It's so easy for a practitioner of the Divine Dance Realm to die, it really makes people laugh out loud."

"Really?" Ji Jiashu's eyes fell on the Juque sword at his waist, "But as long as you swipe the sword lightly now, I can die immediately, right?"

Li Ji stared, "What are you talking about?"

"Actually, I know." Ji Jiashu's bright eyes stared at him in the dark, "You always wanted me to die, didn't you?"

Li Ji was giving him a hand to wipe his sweat, and stared at him quietly, "Are you burnt out?"

"Am I confused, or are you pretending too much?"

Ji Jiashu chuckled, looking at him bewitchingly with burning eyes.

"As long as I die, she is yours, isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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