Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1586 Difficulties

Chapter 1586 Difficulties
The mountain in front of me is really too high.

During the four days when she arrived at Xiling Snow Mountain, Ying Baoyue watched the mountain countless times from a distance, but she didn't realize how terrifying this mountain was until she got to the foot of the mountain.

Without the cover of other mountains, Yunshou Peak is like a lonely king. The mountain has sharp edges and corners, mixed with countless glaciers, and its momentum is majestic.

"I can't go any further, so I'll just introduce you briefly," Huali took a deep breath, looking up at the mountain that even she had never climbed.

"There are three steep walls between the northeast ridge, southeast ridge and west ridge of Yunshou Peak, which are called the north wall, east wall and southwest wall. The fourth pass of the Baili Cloud Ladder you are going to climb is on the southwest wall."

Baili ladder.

Ying Baoyue murmured the name silently, "There shouldn't be only clouds on it, right?"

"Of course," Huali sighed, "There are more than 500 large glaciers distributed between these ridges and cliffs, and [-] of them are on the southwest wall."

"Wait, is it okay for you to reveal so clearly?" Ying Baoyue looked at Huali worriedly after being shocked.

She still remembered that when she was in Feixian Peak, Huali wanted to leak information about Qingluan Peak to her, but she was almost forced to vomit blood.

"It doesn't matter, because there is no restriction on Yunshou Peak."

Huali stared at the huge mountain in front of her with a complicated expression.

This mountain itself is forbidden.

There is no enchantment, there is nothing unspeakable, and there is no place you cannot go.

Just because even if you know everything, this place is still unclimbable.

"Did you see that place?" Huali pointed to a place covered by white clouds in the middle of the southwest wall, "There is a forest of ice towers there. If you can climb to that place, you must be careful."

Ice tower forest?
Ying Baoyue was stunned. She had only seen this kind of terrain in books before. It is said that it is magnificent and rare. The vertical and horizontal cracks in the mountains divide the glacier into pieces of ice. Under certain climatic conditions, the ice in the cracks The layer melts faster, slowly forming towering ice towers one by one.

But if she remembers correctly, forests of seracs can only appear on continental glaciers in middle and low latitudes, and forests of seracs cannot form on glaciers in high latitudes.

Xiling Snow Mountain is a high latitude area in the north, how could it appear in the forest of ice towers?
"What's wrong?" Sensing the doubt in Ying Baoyue's eyes, Huali asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Ying Baoyue didn't know how to explain the geographical latitude to her, so she could only frown and said, "There should be no forest of ice towers on Xiling Snow Mountain."

"Why not?" Huali asked strangely, "There was a forest of ice towers there when I was born."

Her elder brother even went up there with her in his mouth, but for some reason she almost froze to death as a snow beast. Since then, she has stayed away from that forest of ice towers.

"By the way, that's not the only place you have to be careful of."

Huali looked up at the glaciers above her head. On the glaciers on the southwest wall, there are not only a forest of seracs in various poses, but also ice cliffs with a height of tens of meters, light and dark ice crevasses with traps every step of the way, and dangerous ice avalanches and avalanches. .

"Ice tower forest, ice cliffs, ice crevasses, and ice avalanche and avalanche areas," Ying Baoyue said with a smile after listening to Huali's introduction, "I remember."

"It's a good thing you can still laugh," Huali looked at her speechlessly, "Do you know that even I can't go to these places?"

Ying Baoyue was taken aback, "Can't you even go up?"

"Yes," Huali sighed, "there is only one beast god who can go up."

That is the king of Xiling Snow Mountain.

Ying Baoyue fell silent, it was self-evident who this god was.

"What about the cultivator?" She asked softly.

Huali's expression was a bit subtle, although she didn't really want to admit it, but in fact... there was one and only one.

"As far as I know, there is only one practitioner who climbed Yunshou Peak with his own feet."

Ying Baoyue asked, "Master Mountain Ghost?"

"No," Huali shook her head and said with a complicated expression, "it's Lin Shubai."

In human body, comparable to gods.

At the beginning, her elder brother carried the mountain ghost on his back, but Lin Shubai was the only one who actually climbed Yunshou Peak with his own legs.

Ying Baoyue opened her eyes slightly.

"However, now you know how difficult it is to climb Yunshou Peak, right?" Huali tiptoed and touched her cheek, "This is my last advice to you, don't think that you can all climb it .”

Ying Baoyue was stunned, they had already reached the foot of the mountain, but a god told her not to think about climbing it?

But after the experience of Qingluan Peak, she vaguely realized that Huali's advice can always hit something.

"What does it mean?"

"Isn't my meaning obvious?" Huali said lightly, "This is a mountain that only humans and gods can climb. I don't know what your high-level ceremony is going to do, but at least this ultimate goal is not realistic. "

This group of boys and girls couldn't reach the end from the beginning.

"If I'm not mistaken, the mountain ghost should finally choose the winner from among the tallest people who can climb."

Huali's eyes became serious, "Also, I have to warn you about one thing. You should also pass this sentence on to the other participants."

"Mountain ghost, he himself failed to conquer this mountain."

This also means that there are many dangers that will happen on this mountain that the mountain ghosts can't handle.

Huali's eyes were sharp, "When there was danger on other mountains before, the mountain ghost could save you, but on this mountain, I don't think he can do it."

Ying Baoyue was taken aback, a chill ran down her back.

At this time, she suddenly found that scattered practitioners not far away returned to Qingluan Peak from the opposite direction.

"This is……"

"Sister, you don't need to talk about Baoyue," Hua Snake stepped forward from behind, listening to the voice in the wind.

"The mountain ghost has already started to warn the people down the mountain."

Ying Baoyue was taken aback, when the familiar old voice rang in her ears.

"Gentlemen, welcome to Yunshou Peak."

"Congratulations, you are here, each of you is a great practitioner."

"The twenty Ganoderma lucidum plants at the foot of the mountain are your rewards for coming here. For those who come here, each of you can take one plant with you."

Ganoderma lucidum?
Ying Baoyue remembers that this is a panacea that is of great benefit to practitioners, and it is not insignificant to get this reward after three levels.

"You must have heard the content of the five levels from the prince of our country. The first three levels must have gone through hardships."

"This Ganoderma lucidum is a reward for the hard work you have done before."

Ying Baoyue faintly heard the cheers of the practitioners from the foot of the mountain.

"It's just," Shan Gui changed the subject, "Those who want to take the Ganoderma lucidum grass must leave here."

What do you mean?
Ying Baoyue was stunned.

"Cultivators below the heavenly rank can already come here."

The mountain ghost said slowly, "The next Baili ladder is not a checkpoint for practitioners below the heavenly rank."

 Babies who are familiar with geography probably already know where the prototype of Yunshou Peak is.

  That's right, the largest forest of seracs on Earth is located in the highest peak in a certain world
(End of this chapter)

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