Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1595 Devil

Chapter 1595 Devil
The pagoda forest carved out of ice and snow stands in front of everyone's eyes, reflecting various colors in the sunlight.

Each ice tower is at least as high as two people, and they are crowded and frozen together like mushrooms after a spring rain. There is no space in the middle, only steep and rugged ice.

"This is the ice tower forest?"

Even though she was born in the severe cold of the north, Meng Shi had never seen such a strange and magnificent landform. She wondered, "I've never seen such a place on a snow mountain before."

That's because the forest of seracs did not originally appear on the northern peaks.

Looking at the genuine ice tower in front of him, Ying Baoyue suppressed his doubts and looked for a way to go there, but found that the ice tower forest was surrounded by steep ridges, and the terrain was lower here.

No wonder Huali told them to be careful, this forest of ice towers is the only way to go up the mountain.

"It seems that we can only pass through this ice tower," Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, pulled off the cloth strip from his body and wrapped it on his palm.The gap between the ice tower and the ice tower is extremely small, and people cannot stand firmly. If they want to walk through, they must hold the ice tower and drill through.

She always felt that this piece of ice tower forest that appeared strangely in the high latitude area might not be as simple as the steep terrain.

"Everyone must be careful. If you hear the sound of ice breaking, don't run first. Stand still and notify others loudly."

Ying Baoyue turned her head and ordered, and the others responded one after another. Following her example, they wrapped their palms with cloth, and carefully walked into the ice forest while supporting the ice tower.

"Sister, look over there!"

Just as Ying Baoyue passed through the two ice towers, Meng Shi's exclamation suddenly came from behind him. Ying Baoyue heard the sound and looked, only to see that the ice tower on the left in front of them had been cut off in half , dripping blood on the sharp edge of the ice.

The height of the ice tower forest is similar, layer upon layer, and the rear ice tower is tightly blocked by the front ice tower, so standing outside the ice tower forest can not see the internal situation at all, and only when you walk to a certain position can you see the scene behind.

Everyone paused, looking at the blood-stained ice tower in shock.

"This... this should still be at the entrance, right?"

There were only bloodstains and no corpses on the cut half of the ice tower, but everyone could still predict the fate of this practitioner.

Blood almost stained most of the ice towers red.

No living being could withstand such a large amount of blood loss.

Ying Baoyue stared blankly at the ice tower in front of her. This was probably the first person to die in this high-level ceremony.

"What's going on? Isn't this the mountain where Lord Mountain Ghost and the White Tiger God live?" Looking at the horrific bloodstains, Zhao Guanghun said, "Why didn't anyone save him?"

Although he signed the life and death certificate before going up the mountain, Zhao Guang had become accustomed to the benevolence and supernatural power of the mountain ghost along the way, and it was difficult to accept it for a while.

Ying Baoyue was silent for a moment, then spoke softly.

"Maybe, he didn't have time."

The blood on the half-broken ice tower was spread out in a large area, like a piece of blood-colored brocade wrapped on it. If it was just a gushing of blood, it would not have splashed so much blood in an instant.

This proves that this person was exploded, or like this ice tower, was cut in two with a single sword.


All those present were excellent practitioners, and they understood what Ying Baoyue meant almost instantly.

Seeing the smooth section of the ice tower in front of them, everyone shuddered.

Such a section, only one weapon can create.

It's not animal claws, it's not cold wind, it's not ice and snow.

is the sword.

A sword that only practitioners can hold.

"It's impossible," Ji Jiashu walked up to Ying Baoyue, "Even if it's a heavenly rank..."

If you want to cut a living person in two with one sword, it is very difficult even for Tian Tier in a duel.


Ji Jiashu's voice suddenly stopped.

"You figured it out," Ying Baoyue glanced at the distance between her and Ji Jiashu, and said softly, "Unless the two of you are very close."

Not face to face like in the battle, but like she and Ji Jiashu are now, walking side by side, hand in hand.

The cold wind passed through the forest of seracs, making a whimpering sound.

Everyone who was about to step into the ice tower forest froze in place.

They found a practitioner killed at the entrance, and from the distribution of the blood, Ying Baoyue deduced that it was the people around the practitioner.

"Baoyue, this..."

"This is just my speculation," Ying Baoyue turned around to reassure everyone, and said with a smile, "it may not be correct."

But she knew in her heart that this was probably true.

Only when the people around him were caught off guard by a surprise attack would the mountain ghost and the White Tiger God have no time to stop it.

It's just that if she affirms this guess at this time, it may cause everyone to become suspicious of the people around her.

"By the way, where did this person's body go?" At this moment Xu Yishan suddenly stepped forward and asked out of nowhere.

Ying Baoyue was taken aback for a moment, and there was no blood and ashes on the ice tower, which proved that this person was not blown to pieces, so it was strange that only bloodstains were left and the body was missing.

"Could it be that……"

Ying Baoyue looked at the shining ice tower in front of her, and was suddenly at a loss for words.

"Is it what?"

Ying Baoyue shook her head, "I don't know either."

In fact, an extremely weird idea appeared in her mind for a moment.That is, are these seracs devouring human corpses?
It's just that this idea is too groundless and unscientific, so she can only suppress it in her heart.

The ice is not a mountain, the ice is translucent, and no human body can be seen inside the ice tower.

"In short, let's spread out and be careful of these ice towers."

Ying Baoyue warned seriously.

Although I don't know what happened, but the companions who can walk to this mountain together must be friends with deep bonds.How could such a relationship suddenly draw a sword to attack, and hack the other party to death in such a cruel way?
This incident is too unreasonable, and the only explanation is that this place is weird.

"it is good."

The crowd also muttered in their hearts, and immediately dispersed, with at least two or three people separated from each other.

Only Li Ji stood still.

"A Ji?"

Ying Baoyue looked suspiciously at Li Ji who was standing behind her, "What's wrong with you?"

Li Ji hesitated for a moment, then took two steps back.

To be honest, Ying Baoyue's judgment was correct, and it was undoubtedly correct to ask everyone to separate after discovering that there were traces of fighting between two adjacent people on the ice tower forest.

It's just that the ice towers in this forest of ice towers have similar postures, and they gather together like a maze.Spread out in this way, the people behind will easily lose sight of the people in front.

Teams can easily get separated.

Ying Baoyue looked into his eyes and knew what he was thinking.

"Aji, are you worried that we will get separated?"

Li Ji nodded.

This is indeed a problem, and Ying Baoyue was a little embarrassed.If you don't separate, you are worried about what problems will arise between your companions, and if you separate, there is a risk of being separated.

"How about this method?" Ji Jiashu suggested, "The people in front leave a mark while walking, how about it?"

The ice tower forest is all ice, and it is easy to make nicks with the tip of a sword.

Ying Baoyue's eyes lit up, "Good idea."

Everyone pulled out the long swords at their waists, dispersed into a loose team, bypassed the blood-stained ice tower, and walked forward slowly.



Just when the figures of Ying Baoyue and others completely disappeared at the edge of the ice tower forest, the figures of three men in black appeared in front of the ice tower forest.

"This is the Xiling Ice Tower Forest," Wu Chanxu smiled, "It's a well-deserved name."

"Don't underestimate this place," Chunyu Ye said coldly, "It is said that it is difficult for the living to pass through."

"That's right," Wu Chanxu turned to look at the young man with a gloomy expression behind him, "Do you know that there is another name for this place?"


Wu Chanxu smiled, looked at the endless ice forest in front of him with his hands behind his back, and spoke lightly.

"Devil Forest."

 Have you ever heard of Yadan Devil Forest?

(End of this chapter)

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