Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1597

Chapter 1597
"Master has entrusted you with his old man's uninherited secret techniques, yet His Royal Highness King Zhai always seems to disappoint him."

Chunyu Ye stood firmly on the snow without looking back, his voice was calm and without emotional ups and downs.

"Really? As if you never missed a shot."

The smile on Wu Chanxu's mouth disappeared.

Chunyuye turned his face slightly, his eyes rolled back, "If I remember correctly, you were the one who directed the operation that made Princess Qianqin escape in the first Qin Dynasty, right?"

Wu Chanxu was silent for a moment, but a smile appeared on his face again.

"It's true that I directed it, but the person who was in charge at the time was your subordinate, Young Master Ye."

"Oh? So it's useless for my people?" Chunyu Ye sneered, "Didn't you kill Li Ji and Ying Baoyue before with seven heavenly ranks?"

"That's because the Son of God intervened," Wu Chanxu said with a smile all over his face, "This matter is not over yet, and it's not your turn to come, Young Master Ye, right?"

"I don't dare to accuse you of Xingshi," Chunyu Ye said calmly, "It's just that you doubt my ability, so I can't say a few words for myself."

"How dare I doubt Ye Gongzi's ability," Wu Chanxu said with a smile on his face.

Although his tone was frivolous, there was fear in his heart.

Although Chunyuye's realm is not as good as him, Wu Chanxu asked himself that when he was a teenager, he didn't have Chunyuye's realm and endurance.

What's more, Chunyuye's journey to ascend to the throne of Zhai was terrifying even to the people of Xirong.

The rumor that Ghost Huajun killed his brother and ascended the throne has spread throughout the mainland, but killing his brother alone is not enough to scare the people of Xirong.Killing a brother is not uncommon in Xirong, after all, no nobleman has more than a dozen half-brothers.

But in order to become the last King Zhai, Chunyuye killed not his half-brother, but the brother of the same mother.

Even beasts would have compassion for their mother and brother, but Chunyu Ye did not.

Wu Chanxu's eyes flickered. Although he was crazy, he also knew that such a person with no bottom line should not be offended too much.

Every Zhai king has the qualification to become the White Wolf King. Although the twelve Zhai kings are the youngest, the selection of kings in Xirong has never been based on age.

If Chunyuye really becomes the White Wolf King, he doesn't want to be settled by Qiuhou.

"Master Ye is unparalleled in bravery, everyone knows it," Wu Chanxu complimented, and he glanced at Chunyu Ye's clenched fists under his sleeves, "It's understandable for you to miss a few times, but there are two times that Master thinks you shouldn't It’s just a miss.”

"Which two times?"

"One is in the cloud forest, and the other is outside Misty Ridge."

Wu Chanxu's eyes flickered.

These two times, Chunyuye should have had the chance to kill Ying Baoyue, but he didn't.

"The first time I was not given an order to kill someone," Chunyu Ye said calmly, "The second time was Li Ji's awakening of an unusual ability."

Speaking of which, Li Ji arrived in time for the first time.

"Compared to doubting me, shouldn't you investigate what's weird about Li Ji?"

Chunyu Ye's eyes were as cold as ice.

Although he ordered others not to disclose what happened on the Misty Ridge of the Mu family for the second time, when he learned that Li Ji was assassinated by eight Tianjie, he knew that it had been leaked.

Although he didn't know who leaked the secret, he really couldn't escape that person's grasp.

If he fails to succeed in this mission, he will probably be tortured with bone-stripping and cramp waiting for him when he returns to the monastery.

"I also feel that you have been wronged, Young Master Ye," Wu Chanxu said with a smile all over his face, "So it's all because Mr. Zhaohua obstructed it, and it can't be because you showed mercy to the former Princess Qin."

Chunyuye's pupils shrank slightly.

Wu Chanxu was upright and strict, but no matter how he heard it, he was talking ironically.

Wu Chanlu, who was shrinking behind Wu Chanxu, also opened his eyes suddenly when he heard this.

The Twelve Zhai Kings who were cruel, ruthless and inhumane in Xirong, showed mercy to others?

"Did you do it on purpose?" Chunyu Ye turned around and looked at Wu Chanxu coldly, "Are you mocking me? Do you suspect that I let the former Qin princess go on purpose?"

"How dare I," Wu Chanxu lowered his head humbly, "It's just that Lord Zhai never misses, and his martial arts are too strong, which makes people feel delusional."

Wu Chanxu's eyes turned towards the ground slightly.

To be honest, Ying Baoyue herself and the people around her were really difficult to deal with, and Chunyu Ye always had a good reason to miss every action.

In fact, not many people in the monastery had any doubts about Chunyu Ye, but maybe only a lunatic could understand a lunatic. He always felt that there was something wrong with Chun Yuye's actions in the face of Ying Baoyue.

It's just that something is wrong, even he is elusive.

Wu Chanxu straightened his back, staring at the young boy's unmoving green pupils.

Can a beast have human feelings?
Seeing the killing intent in Chunyuye's eyes, Wu Chanxu bent down again.

"As long as the task can be successfully completed this time, no one will dare to doubt that His Royal Highness Di Wang will be merciful to others," Wu Chanxu held the black token in his hand to his forehead. From the next left and right."

Chunyuye snorted coldly, his leaving now was tantamount to confirming Wu Chanxu's suspicion, so naturally he couldn't leave.

"Master Ye, please," Wu Chanxu stretched out his hand, and the three of them walked into the forest of ice towers with a distance of more than two people.



"Hey, it's so cold."

Ying Baoyue heard Zhao Guang's complaints from behind, but couldn't see him.

The team had reached the middle of the ice tower forest at this time. Ying Baoyue walked in the front, turned around while holding the ice tower, and unexpectedly saw no one behind him.

Dozens of translucent ice towers vaguely reflected her own shadow, as if she had entered a maze of mirrors that were not so clear.

But fortunately, the reflection was not so clear. The clear reflection taken when standing by the Moon Marsh Lake had left a psychological shadow on everyone.

Seeing my own shadow in other things at this time always feels like being spied on.

Ying Baoyue settled down, and used the tip of her sword to carve a small mark on the ice tower beside her.

"Baoyue, is everything going well ahead?"

Ji Jiashu's voice came from behind the ice tower not far away, and Ying Baoyue raised her voice and replied, "Well, nothing unusual."

Although they couldn't see each other, Ji Jiashu loudly confirmed her safety like this every few minutes.

Hearing Ying Baoyue's response, Li Ji under the ice tower behind Ji Jiashu withdrew his gaze.

Ji Jiashu is not a person who likes to yell, but at this time he chose this method to confirm, which shows how worried he is about Ying Baoyue's safety.

Thanks to Ji Jiashu's actions, he can also feel at ease.

The voices of boys and girls echoed in the silent forest of ice towers.

The area of ​​this forest of ice towers is not small, and as everyone groped forward with difficulty, the sun gradually set.

In this season, the closer to the north, the sooner the sun goes down, and as the sky gets darker, the temperature inside the serac forest gets lower and lower.

The cold air surrounds every ice tower, even through the cloth strips, Li Ji can feel the icy cold in the palm of his hand.

He raised his head, looking forward to the ray of light brought by the rising moon, but at this moment, his pupils suddenly shrank.

A black shadow climbed over the edge of the bright moon.

lunar eclipse?

 A partial lunar eclipse just happened last night, did you see it?

(End of this chapter)

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