Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1599 Memory

Chapter 1599 Memory
Ying Baoyue raised her head abruptly, only to see a pair of green pupils who were equally astonished, flashing past like fireflies in the dark night.

The next moment her field of vision was suddenly occupied by a dazzling red light, and the ice tower beside the two suddenly glowed with strange brilliance, before Ying Baoyue had time to say a word, her eyes suddenly went dark.

Darkness struck, and the surroundings were extremely cold.

This is where?

Ying Baoyue suddenly raised her head in the darkness, but couldn't see anything.

There is nothing around, no ice and snow, no cold wind, no seracs, no human voice.

what happened?

Ying Baoyue's mind suddenly became confused, isn't she in the ice tower forest of Yunshou Peak?Why did the scenery around him suddenly change in an instant, as if he had fallen into an illusion.

and many more?fantasy?
In the darkness, Ying Baoyue's eyes suddenly widened.

Her consciousness is still very clear, it's not that she's fainted, what she sees in front of her eyes is real, it really seems to have fallen into an illusion.

But what kind of illusion did she enter?
Is this really an illusion?

She obviously didn't feel the breath of the formation before the last breath, but only remembered that she bumped into someone, she bumped into...

At this moment, the space around her suddenly trembled.

Only then did Ying Baoyue realize that the darkness around her was not empty.

There was a squeezing sensation in the limbs, and the pain seeped into the whole body from the chapped skin, and the hands and feet around him were in severe pain.

When she found out what environment she was in, Ying Baoyue was stunned in the darkness.

She was packed in a bag.

No, it shouldn't be her who was packed in the bag.

The smell of sheepskin filled the nostrils, and suddenly a gleam of light came from the top of the head. Someone opened the mouth of the bag and took a look inside.


"Is it time to feed water?"

Someone in the distance seemed to answer, and the next moment, a ladle of cold water was poured over the head. The person carrying the bag didn't care whether the people in it drank or not, so he tied the bag again, hung it on the horse and continued walking.

Plop, plop, the sheepskin bag dangled, protruding from the human skeleton.

This is a child in a bag.

Ying Baoyue stayed blankly in the darkness, feeling the pain and cold all over her body, and finally understood what happened to her.

This is a person's memory.

She had entered into another person's memory that did not belong to her.

But whose memory is this?
She wanted to touch the hands and feet of the person in the bag, but found that she couldn't do it at all. She could only watch the memory of this person, but she couldn't interfere.

Judging from the size of the bag, the child in the bag was probably only three or four years old.

Judging from the age of human memory, this is probably the first memory of that person's life.

Ying Baoyue stared blankly at this sheepskin bag that could only accommodate a child.

Three or four-year-old children were put in bags and hung on horseback, wandering around.

Can ordinary children really survive?
Who the hell put him in a bag and treated him so mercilessly?

The endless darkness, the bumps, the beatings, the thirst and hunger.

The initial memories of this life are full of these things.

But the child never cried or made a fuss, just curled up in the bag like a kitten, and occasionally made some noises, fists and legs would kick the bag, he could only cover his mouth and not even breathe. All restrained.

Ying Baoyue sat in the dark in a daze, and suddenly hugged herself tightly.

Is this the first memory of his life?
She stretched out her hand, trying to open her eyes to see the child clearly, but the next moment, a dazzling light came in front of her eyes, and the scene in front of her eyes suddenly changed.

The stinking sheepskin bag was torn from the child's head, and he squinted and crawled on the ground like a wild animal.

The surrounding scenery changed to a huge tent, Ying Baoyue raised his head and saw a pair of green eyes.

Different from the pair of mysterious blue pupils she was familiar with, these blue pupils were cloudy and full of traces of wine.

This is a tall man, he is covered with human hair and gems, sitting high on the head.

Seeing this person, Ying Baoyue's pupils shrank violently.

She knows this person.

Xirong White Wolf King.

What this man is wearing is not just human hair, but human scalps!
The Xirong people have a terrifying military custom, that is, the victor will peel off the scalp of the defeated and hang it on his body and reins to show off his victory. The more scalps on his body, the more brave and skilled the person is.

Although the White Wolf King sitting on top of the big tent at this time was much younger than Ying Baoyue remembered, only those eyes and the booty all over her body were still fresh in her memory.

"It's five years old and still can't walk."

Looking at the child poured out of the bag, the White Wolf King just glanced at it lightly, and said something in Xirong language.

The child didn't know who he was, he just arched his back and yelled fiercely at the man.

Seeing him like this, the eyes of the man above flashed.

At this time, a figure faintly appeared behind the child. That figure was not as tall as the White Wolf King, but the child flinched.

Ying Baoyue froze for a moment, realizing that this child had an instinctive fear of this person.

He's the one who put this kid in the bag.

She wanted to look back to see this person clearly, but this was the child's memory, and she couldn't see the person standing behind him.

"Khan, don't think he can't stand up, but he grew up on the back of a horse. If he can't stand up, he can ride a horse."

The man also replied in Xirong language.

"is it?"

"Xirong has no shortage of sons who can ride a horse at the age of five."

The White Wolf King glanced at the child on the ground, "What did you bring him for?"

The man standing behind the child said, "He's awakened."

The man's voice was extremely vague, but Ying Baoyue found that the next sentence was deeply etched in the child's first memory.

"He is the son of Zhiyun and the son of Da Khan."

Juvenile cloud?

Suddenly there was a woman's sob in the distance.

Ying Baoyue was in the child's line of sight, watching him raise his head, and stare blankly at a woman sitting next to the White Wolf King.

Only then did Ying Baoyue realize that there was a woman sitting beside the White Wolf King.

The woman was dressed very simply, with a pair of light green eyes that resembled the White Wolf King. She seemed to want to stay away from the White Wolf King, but was hugged by the White Wolf King.

"So he was Zhiyun who secretly gave birth to that child? You really dare to bring it in front of me."

"He is also the son of the Great Khan."

The man standing behind the child said calmly, "I have given my life for him, and he will surely realize the sweat's long-cherished wish in the future."

"Really?" The eyes of the man sitting at the top changed.

The White Wolf King stood up, a tall shadow shrouded the child's body.

He stretched out his big palm to pinch the child's throat, and suddenly there was a scream behind him.

"do not want!"

(End of this chapter)

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