Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1601 Others

Chapter 1601 Others
No, did this woman lose her memory or something?

Chunyuye stared blankly at the blank space behind the fence, his face became extremely ugly.

Ying Baoyue's memory is simply made up of various blanks.

Although he didn't understand what kind of illusion he had entered by mistake, but this kind of illusion where he could see the memory of the other party, logically speaking, what appeared should be the most fresh memory in a person's heart.

As a result, this illusion now tells him that Ying Baoyue's most critical memory, whether it is a child or a teenager, is blank?
Chunyu Ye fixedly stared at the blank courtyard in front of him, and walked forward at a leisurely pace.

The light in his green pupils changed, and doubts emerged in his heart.

Is it because Ying Baoyue doesn't remember her past, or is she too defensive that others can't touch her memory?
Chunyuye squinted his eyes. He had experienced countless punishments in the punishment hall of the Buddhist monastery, and he had also witnessed countless times the fine works of other countries tortured and captured by the Zen monastery.

Those who dare to sneak into Xirong are all elites, there are many hard-headed practitioners, and they will not let go after torture.

For such people, the monastery will use methods other than torture.

After all, what the Chanyuan wants is the information in these people's minds, not their humble lives.

Thus, Tuzhen Wan was born.

Thinking of the tricks of the master of the monastery, the hairs on Chunyuye's back stood up. He calmed down and remembered what he had seen in the monastery.

In the face of unrelenting elaboration, the monastery will first torture people until they lose their minds, and then feed them truth pills, and then these people will see hallucinations in their minds.

Chunyu Ye's eyes flickered, the illusion was to some extent very similar to what he saw now.

The role of Tuzhenwan is to allow those practitioners to see their own memories, and to tell the truth about their past when they are unconscious, so that the Chanyuan can get what they want.

Only the owner of the Buddhist monastery can make Tuzhen pills. The quantity is rare, but the effect is outstanding. It is almost tried and tested. Occasionally, the master of the Buddhist monastery can bring it into his own small world and let them live in their own experience. Let go of your defenses in your memory.

After such a few rounds, there is no practitioner who does not recruit.

There was only one accident.

Chunyu Ye's eyes were dark, because his bones were too hard, so he firmly remembered that person's name.

It was a man named Wang Sheng. It was said that he was a remnant of the Black Tiger Army. Did not see.

Later, the owner of the Chanyuan found out the reason. Wang Sheng actually forgot some of his most critical memories by forcing his own soul before he became a master. But also got nothing.

This is also the first time that the Xingtang of the Chanyuan failed to extract a confession.

Chunyuye still remembered the anger of the elders of the punishment hall, and finally Wang Sheng was cut into pieces by five horses and died.

Although the death was tragic, Chunyu Ye felt nothing in his heart. In his opinion, death was death. No matter what the method of death was, in this game, Wang Sheng was the winner, and the Buddhist temple had to kill him in the end. that loser.

So, which kind is Ying Baoyue?
The blank scene in front of him seemed endless, and Chunyuye gradually became restless as he walked.

He is now in Ying Baoyue's memory, so it is not difficult to guess who Ying Baoyue is in.

But Chunyuye was not very worried about Ying Baoyue's entry into his memory.

Before entering Yunling Snow Mountain, he personally manipulated his own memory and disguised the memories in his heart to be flawless. If Ying Baoyue entered it, he would probably be able to see a perfect son whom he personally disguised.

He really wanted to see her expression when she saw this scene.


Chunyu Ye paused.

He didn't know how strong the formation that involved him and Ying Baoyue at the same time was.

The memory he faked easily fooled the snake, but how deeply can this illusion on Yunshou Peak penetrate people's hearts?
Thinking of his blank memory before entering the ice tower forest, Chunyu Ye's eyes suddenly became gloomy.

Due to excessive use of forbidden techniques, he had memory confusion before bumping into Ying Baoyue.

Thinking of the red moon he saw before being engulfed by the darkness, Chunyu Ye's blue pupils flashed a ray of darkness.

That round of moon has an evil nature.

When there was a gap in his memory-forbidden technique, what position did Ying Baoyue get in his heart?
Ying Baoyue was in his heart, what exactly would he see?
Chunyu Ye stood still in place, with a gloomy aura all over his body.

In Xirong, he was not afraid of others knowing his past.

If it is said that his memories are unbearable, there are not many memories of his past that people can see.Those who witnessed his loathing of memories, except the instigator whom he could not kill, were all killed by him.

He has a lot of secrets about the master of the monastery in his memory, so no one in the execution hall dared to use Tuzhen Wan on him.

So he didn't witness his own memory in the illusion.

So in the deepest part of his heart, what is the deepest memory?
he does not know.

But he has a memory that only he knows, and no one knows that he is right next to him, watching it with his own eyes.

If this is known...

Chunyuye slowly spread his five fingers, looking at his blood-stained fingertips.

It doesn't matter who that person is.

He will, kill her.



The stench, the smell of blood, the smell of mutton, the friction of wind and sand, the dull pain of being thrown on the ground.

Ying Baoyue woke up from a coma, staring blankly at the boots on her chest.

No, the boots on the kid's chest.

Since coming out of the bag at the age of five after getting his own name, his days haven't been much different from being in the bag.

The only difference is probably that there is an extra mother.

But this mother does not belong to him alone.


A fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy kicked the eight-year-old boy to the ground, spat on his face, and bared his yellow teeth.

"Who gave you the guts to hang around this side of the big tent? Do it again, and I will castrate you!"

Listening to the harsh Xirong language, Ying Baoyue felt sick in his chest.

Although she knew from Chunyu Ye's memory that the child was only 15 years old, from the perspective of the ground, the person who stepped on the child could be called a strong man.

He was eight feet tall, with dark skin and a fleshy face. His physique was exactly like the two Huyan brothers she had seen in Soochow before.

The black-skinned boy stomped heavily on the bony child on the ground, and stomped down hard with his hard leather boots, wanting to break all the child's ribs.

The eight-year-old boy spat out a mouthful of blood, but he didn't beg for mercy, but just stared at the boy who stepped on him bitterly.

"Look at what!"

"Little bastard!"

The black-skinned boy stretched out his palm like a cattail leaf fan, and slapped the ground hard several times.

The boy's face was swollen, and seeing him like this, the black-skinned boy burst out laughing.

"That's right, this kind of face looks like a Xirong person, doesn't it? Hahaha, why don't you thank me, brother?"

Ying Baoyue was taken aback. Is this young man Chunyu Ye's elder brother?

Just looking at the appearance of the two, there is no slight similarity at all, the only similarity is probably the color of their eyes.

Ying Baoyue shuddered and suddenly realized something.

She once took off Chunyu Ye's mask in the cloud forest.

Chunyu Ye's appearance was exceptionally handsome.

(End of this chapter)

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