Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1607 End

Chapter 1607 End
kill him.

The man's voice rang in the young man's ears like a ghost, Chunyuye's expression was still calm, but his heart was beating in his chest.

Ying Baoyue clutched her chest, suddenly flustered.

Although she only saw a few fragments of Chunyu Ye's memory, she often heard the word "kill" when she was half awake.

For a boy who grew up in the royal court of Xirong, blood and killing almost accompanied his entire childhood.

The words of the people around are all violent and rude, and I don't know how many times I have heard the words of urging people to kill, but none of them are more exciting than this man's words.

What does this feel like?
Ying Baoyue stood in the dark in a daze, staring at her red palm in astonishment.

She knew that her senses were connected with Chunyu Ye's at this time, and what she felt was also what Chunyu Ye felt.

Chunyu Ye's eyes turned blood red.

The man's voice seemed to have magical powers, awakening the beast hidden in the boy's heart.

"You are also 12 years old, and you are a man," the man said lightly, "It's time to get it over with."

Yeah, it's time to wrap things up.

Ying Baoyue watched the thin boy stand up with a calm face, and dragged a rusty long sword from the grass.

Only then did she realize that Chunyu Ye had been sitting on a sword the whole time!
This sword is extremely long, standing up almost to his waist, and the spikes can still be seen on the hilt, but the blade that should be sharp is covered with rust, the red rust is densely packed, like coagulated human blood .

"You still have this sword?" The man frowned, "Such a blunt sword can't kill people."

The young man's eyes flickered slightly, and Ying Baoyue saw from Chunyuye's memory that this sword was actually the sword that Chunyuya grabbed casually when he was ten years old and threatened to castrate him. He is so tall.

Faced with his elder brother's vicious threats, the little boy just stood there dumbly, neither dodging nor dodging. Chunyu Ya became angry and slashed at him with the sword.

At this time, Princess Zhiyun suddenly rushed from the side, the long sword passed through his mother's shoulder, and slashed at his body.

Blood spattered all over his face.

Fortunately, Chunyu Ya withdrew his hand at a critical moment, and Princess Zhiyun only suffered a flesh injury.

But in the end Chunyu Ya was not punished. Chunyuye, whose entire shoulder was cut by the sword, was tied to the flagpole by the White Wolf King, and he was whipped fifty times in public.

In the tradition of the Xirong people, it is only natural for children to fight fiercely. Even if they accidentally kill someone, the other brothers will take revenge. However, it is the shame of the Xirong people that children who need their mothers to protect them during the battle.

The fault was not Chunyu Ya who stabbed his mother, but him who was bullied and unable to fight back.

No one would care how much older and stronger Chunyu Ya was than Chunyu Ye.

After that, every Xirong noble could spit when they saw him.


Chunyu Ye stood quietly on the spot holding the sword, and the eyes of the White Wolf King when he was tired and threw the whip on the ground appeared in front of his eyes.

He didn't hate his father, after all, he also felt that what the White Wolf King said was right.

After being beaten to death, he woke up, the first thing he did was not to find his mother, but to find the sword stained with his and his mother's blood in a debris pile.

Chunyuye clenched the sword in his hand, ignored the words of the person behind him, and said calmly, "Whether a sword can kill people depends on who is using it."

Ying Baoyue opened her eyes wide, watching the boy in the grass straighten up, dragging his long blood sword and walking towards the horse farm down the hillside.

No one knew that he was not powerless to fight back.

He is just waiting.

The racecourse was still very lively, Chun Yuzhang was riding on the horse talking and laughing loudly with other brothers around him, when suddenly he saw a figure out of the corner of his eye, his eyes froze.


The tip of the sword slid on the sand, making a rustling sound.

The young man's thin figure was unremarkable, but because of his past embarrassing deeds, when Chunyu Ye's figure appeared by the side of the racecourse, the original joyful atmosphere froze slightly.

There was a booing from the crowd.

"What are you here for?"

The White Wolf King, who was holding Princess Zhiyun in his arms, sat up from the throne, frowned and looked at his shameful young son.

Princess Zhiyun opened her eyes wide, and saw that he seemed to be scalded, with a frightened look in her eyes, she looked in Chunyu Ya's direction in fear.

Chunyu Ye lowered his head.

His mother hadn't wanted to see him since the last time he was nearly beaten to death.

"I heard that there are spoils of war today," the young man raised his head and said calmly, "I want to grab some."

"You?" The White Wolf King laughed loudly, "You didn't go to the battlefield, so what right do you have to snatch it?"

Looking at this thin little son, he sneered, "Why, you're old and want a woman?"

There was a burst of laughter from the surrounding crowd.

The rude Xirong language was mixed with the laughter.

Ying Baoyue frowned.

Chunyuye turned a deaf ear to the laughter, and just looked into the eyes of the White Wolf King, "What if it's for my royal court?"

The smile on the corner of the White Wolf King's mouth faded, and his blue pupils deepened slightly, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

Chunyuye turned his head and looked at the Zhai kings who were riding on their horses and looking at him unkindly, "I heard that No. 12 royal court has not yet elected a new Zhai king."

At this time, there were only eleven kings Zhai galloping and fighting on the racetrack.

"so what?"

The White Wolf King narrowed his eyes, "The first warrior to be determined at the Bodhidharma Conference next month will become the Twelve Zhai Kings."

"Your brother became the number one warrior at the age of 15. If you look at you again, you can't even lift a knife."

The other King Zhai around looked at this brazen child and all burst into laughter.

Chunyu Ye stood on the ground still dragging his sword, and bowed to his father, "Father, a new King Zhai will be elected before the Dharma Conference."

"What are you crazy about?"

The White Wolf King frowned and stared at this usually inconspicuous son, always feeling a little strange in his eyes.

Chunyu Ye didn't say as much in a year as he did today.

Princess Zhiyun also looked suspiciously at this son whom she hadn't looked at carefully for a long time.He was already a head taller than the last time she saw him.

But compared with Chunyu Ya, the body shape is still like the difference between a child and an adult.

Seeing Chunyu Ye speak like this, she just felt scared, afraid that he would offend another son at some point.

"You shameful thing, don't get out yet!"

Sure enough, before Chunyu Ye could speak again, the sound of horseshoes sounded beside him. Chunyuya roughly pushed the woman off the horse, and the horse rushed towards Chunyuye's side, and stomped on him with the horseshoe raised.

"Want to die?"

There were women's screams and men's applause from the crowd.

"Stamp him to death!"

"Stamp him to death!"

With his elder brother's familiar threats and wild laughter in his ears, Chunyu Ye held the hilt of the sword in his hand.

"Ya'er! Stop!"

The mother's shrill cry came from a distance, but the next moment, the woman's voice stopped.

Chunyu Ya's wild laughter stopped abruptly.

The rusty long sword drew a long arc in the air, and a headless corpse rode a few steps forward on the horse.

(End of this chapter)

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