Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1615 Rendezvous

Chapter 1615 Rendezvous
"Brother Ji?"

Chen Zihan raised his head. It was already late at night, and there was a raging bonfire at the foot of Tianqi Peak. Everyone's faces were burned red by the flames. Ji Qingyuan stood beside Murong Feilan, waving to him.

Chen Zihan walked over and found that Ji Qingyuan's eyes were dark and dark, and he hadn't slept for several nights.

This face reminded him of Ji Jiashu and the others who were also exhausted from staying on the mountain.

When they were struggling to climb the mountain, there was also such a group of people at the foot of the mountain, who were worried about lighting lamps and cooking oil for them.

"Second Master Chen, you..."

Ji Ange, Li Jinniang and the others were also standing close to each other, and when they saw him and Mu Qi coming out, their expressions were a little unnatural.

It was a good thing to be able to get out of the mountain safely, but it was obviously not the end of the high-level ceremony at this time, and they didn't know what to say to them.

There were also other practitioners who came out ahead of time, and everyone already knew that those who went down the mountain now were those who failed to pass the third level.

Li Jinniang stood on tiptoe and glanced behind them. Chen Zihan knew who he was looking for and smiled.

"His Royal Highness Nanchu has passed the third level."

"Yes, is it?" Li Jinniang coughed lightly, "Wait, who asked him?"

She frowned, "But with his two strokes, he can still enter the fourth level?"

She stayed at the foot of the mountain these days, waiting with Ji Qingyuan and others at the foot of the mountain every day, watching with her own eyes that practitioners continued to go down the mountain ahead of schedule.

From the mouths of these practitioners, everyone already knew how terrible and difficult the checkpoint on the mountain was.

Especially since early this morning, the number of people going down the mountain has been increasing.

There are very few people left on the mountain.

Every time someone came out, Li Jinniang and Ji Qingyuan were terrified.

She is in extremely complicated mood now, she hopes to see people she knows go down the mountain, but she doesn't want to see them.

The high-level ceremony has entered the final sprint stage. If the people she knows go down the mountain at this time, it proves that they failed at the last moment.

But if you can't see them, there is another possibility.

That is, they stayed in this mountain forever.

"No matter what, it's good to come back safely."

Ji Qingyuan stepped forward and patted Chen Zihan and Mu Qi's shoulders.

"Brother Ji, what about my aunt?"

Many people left before the Martial Arts Camp. Mu Rongqing took care of the descendants of the Mu family and went down the mountain ahead of time. Ji Qingyuan pointed to the place, and Mu Qi strode over to gather with the Mu family.

"By the way...your brother hasn't come down the mountain yet?" Ji Qingyuan looked at Chen Zihan who was standing alone, and his heart moved slightly.

It's not that he looks down on Chen Zichu, it's just that in terms of the ability of a practitioner, it's clear at a glance which of the two brothers of the Chen family is stronger and weaker.

As a practitioner, Chen Zihan was more capable than Chen Zichu.

But Chen Zihan went down the mountain earlier than Chen Zichu, which was unexpected to Ji Qingyuan.

"My elder brother has passed the third level." Chen Zihan touched his empty waist. He knew what Ji Qingyuan was wondering about, so he raised his head and said calmly, "He is stronger than me."

This strength is not ability, but something else.

This time in Xiling Snow Mountain, although he did not pass the high-level ceremony, he also gained a lot.

The experience at Qingluan Peak made him understand that as a practitioner, he has absolute flaws.

But what he lacked was exactly what Chen Zichu had.

"Really?" Ji Qingyuan looked at Chen Zihan's eyes that were different from those before going up the mountain, and vaguely understood something.

Chen Zihan's injuries were not serious, and what made him choose to go down the mountain was probably not the checkpoints on the mountain, but the disgust he felt towards himself.

Birds of a feather flock together.

Chen Zichu is Ji Jiashu's friend, and Ji Qingyuan probably understands what kind of person he will be.

The relationship between the Ji family's concubine and concubine brothers is also very complicated, so he can understand Chen Zihan's struggles when facing someone like Chen Zichu.

After all, it wasn't that he didn't hate Ji Jiashu when he was young.

It's just that Lin Baoyue appeared in time, preventing him from falling into the abyss.

He has no right to talk about other people's family affairs, but Ji Qingyuan looked up at the snow-capped mountains in the distance, with a trace of worry in his eyes.

Chen Zihan recognized himself, which is a good thing, but he chose to go down the mountain in advance, but it is likely to cause trouble for Ying Baoyue and others on the mountain.

According to Ji Qingyuan's deduction with Murong Feilan in the past few days, it is estimated that Ying Baoyue and the others will need wind magicians for their next journey.

"Baoyue and the others, are they still moving forward?"

Chen Zihan nodded, "I left too early and didn't meet Her Royal Highness, but I believe she should have reached Yunshou Peak."

With the heart that Ying Baoyue possesses, it is impossible for her not to reach Yunshou Peak.

"Cloud Shoufeng..."

Murong Feilan, who had been standing with his hands behind his back, had a flickering look in his eyes, and a trace of worry suddenly flashed across his eyes.

"Your Highness, what's the matter?"

Ji Qingyuan felt that his mood was not right, and his heart skipped a beat.

"It's nothing." Murong Feilan let out a long sigh of relief, "Didn't I tell you before that the Xirong cultivator I sent people to track down before disappeared."

When it was discovered that the traces of the Xirong Tianjie appeared in Hou Liao, the entire Hou Liao Imperial Prayer Province was almost taken aback.

Later, a great immortal official discovered that those heavenly ranks were not coming towards Hou Liao royal court, and the mountain ghost did not warn the capital and palace, which made Murong Feilan realize that something was wrong.

Before the Xiling Snow Mountain, the mountain ghost repelled the group of heavenly ranks, and then he asked the officials of the Imperial Prayer Province not to touch their edge, and only followed them from a distance until the group of people left Houliao.

But the immortal official who was in charge of tracking came to report to him before, and the group of people lost their trace.

Where did that group go?
Although he only heard his father mention it, Murong Feilan remembered that there are still extremely complicated traps and formations on Yunshou Peak.

Under such circumstances, what happened to Ying Baoyue and the others now?
"It's a pity that we can't see their current situation."

Murong Feilan smiled wryly.

Although he is famous all over the world for his resourcefulness, but at this moment he can only stand at the bottom of the mountain and deduce, and cannot help Ying Baoyue a little.

It's better than before, she is fighting in the front, and he can still give advice in the back.

"If you have the ability of Lord Mountain Ghost, you can see it," Ji Qingyuan smiled wryly.

In the past two grand ceremonies, he was able to know the battle situation of Ying Baoyue and the others in time, but this time he could only wait at the foot of the mountain with his eyes darkened.

"Wait, Mr. Mountain Ghost..."

Mentioning the ability of the mountain ghost, Ji Qingyuan's heart trembled, and he suddenly thought, "Could it be that..."

"You realize?"

Murong Feilan smiled, "Our national teacher used to fight with your mother often."

The mountain ghost never goes down the mountain, but he can clearly see the formation of the enemy's troops and help the chief plan his fate thousands of miles away.

When talking about the men who fought with Da Si Ming on the battlefield, people always only think of Emperor Taizu and Ji Mo.

But in fact, there are only two people in the world who can cooperate with each other thousands of miles away.

That is Lin Shubai and Shan Gui.

(End of this chapter)

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