Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1628

Chapter 1628

Chen Zichu looked up in a daze.

This white-clothed boy obviously looked younger than him, but his tone of voice was old-fashioned, and he had an irresistible and wonderful aura.

Chen Zichu tremblingly stretched out his hand and grabbed the hilt of the sword on the ground.

Although it was not enough to slash himself with the sword, when he touched the hilt that was still warm, Chen Zichu was shocked, and finally had the real feeling that he was still alive.

He is still alive.

He was clearly prepared to die, so he slashed through the hole with the sword, then fell into the abyss, and was dragged into the hole by the group of green hands.

However, he is still alive.

"I..." Chen Zichu lowered his head in a daze, and suddenly found that the skin surface of his body was surrounded by a layer of wind.

He was naked, but he didn't feel the cold at all.

He didn't feel it because he thought he was dead before, but now he realized that it was this layer of wind that blocked the cold air around him, like a thick quilt covering him.

The stronger the wind, the more it can block the wind.

Chen Zichu's eyes became dazed.He vaguely remembered that when he fell into the abyss, there was also a layer of wind blowing from top to bottom to wrap around his body, but at this moment, the layer of wind on his body was thicker and more rounded than the previous layer of wind, which could be called seamless.

"This is……"

Not only this layer of wind, Chen Zichu found that there was a palm print on his chest near his heart. The palm print was a bit small, not as big as an adult man, and his heart was beating firmly under this palm print.

Could it be that……

Chen Zichu's eyes fell on the hands beside the boy in white, and he swallowed with difficulty.

"Yes... you saved me?"

Although he had been having weird dreams before, he vaguely remembered that when he was so cold that his heart lost its beating, suddenly a strong force came from his chest, and then a burst of white light appeared in front of his eyes.

Bright, warm, with infinite power.

It turned out that the white light was not his hallucination, but the light that appeared in his vision before he woke up.

It was the light in the boy's hand.

"That's right." The white-clothed boy glanced at him lightly, "You should thank your brother if you can recover."

"It was your brother who protected your heart from the air, and I just added fuel to the flames."

Chen Zichu was startled, and tightly hugged the epee on the ground in his arms.

He lowered his head, holding the sword and leaned over to the young man who was sitting leisurely on the side.

"Chen Zichu, thank Mr. En for saving his life."

"Benefactor's great kindness and virtue, I will never forget it."

Although the young man in white said it lightly, Chen Zichu knew in his heart that it was definitely not something ordinary people could do to bring back a man who was dying.

This is by no means an ordinary kindness.

"Okay," the boy in white yawned and stood up, "Let's go when you wake up, don't be an eyesore here."


The corners of Chen Zichu's eyes twitched. The boy rescued him and let him go like this?
Such a character probably wouldn't live like a bodhisattva, would he?Is there no purpose for him to save himself?
"That, benefactor?" Chen Zichu asked tentatively, "I haven't asked benefactor's name yet..."

"Why are you asking this?" the boy in white asked impatiently, "Want to burn incense for me?"

He really didn't think of this way.

Chen Zichu didn't expect this young man to be so daring to say it. Would ordinary people be so thankful for him?Wouldn't it be impossible to make people burn incense and worship him?
Chen Zichu said stiffly, "If benefactor wishes..."

"Hmph, forget it," the white-clothed boy waved his hand, "I'm not missing you."

Chen Zichu was stunned, what does it mean?
"Okay, don't be suspicious," the white-clothed boy pouted, "I saved you just by hand. Since you fell from the top, your high-level ceremony is over, so hurry up and go where you came from. "

Don't leave this mountain to block him.

"go back……"

Chen Zichu stood up holding the sword, looked around, and suddenly realized that Chen Zihan's voice hadn't appeared for a long time.

Before, he was used to Chen Zihan's wind around him, but at this moment, the surrounding was so quiet that it made people panic.

"Engong, my younger brother..."

"Ah, you said that kid," the white-clothed boy said calmly, "I can't get in his wind when I'm here, and you can hear his voice now that I'm gone."

"Is that so?" Chen Zichu opened his eyes slightly, watching the young man put up a finger, and the wind wrapped around his fingertips, easily transforming into various shapes.

Chen Zichu's heart beat faster.

He is also a wind mage, but he has never seen a being who can manipulate the wind so freely.

Where the hell is this boy?

"Okay, I'm leaving," the boy yawned, "The wind on your body will disappear after about three hours, enough to protect you and walk back."

As soon as he left, Chen Zihan would probably be able to find Chen Zichu immediately and guide Chen Zichu down the mountain.

He had done his best, if Chen Zichu could still kill himself like this, then he was dead.

Seeing a gust of wind rising from the boy's feet and about to leave, Chen Zichu rushed forward a few steps.

"Engong, wait, please tell me your name."

"Are you annoying?" The boy in white stopped and turned to look at him.

Although his face was full of disgust, he wrinkled his nose and left a word.

"My name is Bai."




The boy's voice disappeared into the ice cave together with his figure, Chen Zichu stood where he was, and repeated in a daze.

The next moment, Chen Zihan's voice of surprise and astonishment suddenly came from his ear.

"Brother, are you alright?"

"Ah, Zihan?" Chen Zichu came back to his senses, and smiled Hanhan, "It's okay, I'm sorry for worrying you, someone saved me."

"Someone rescued you?"

Chen Zihan looked around in the newly recovered field of vision, but saw nothing, he asked in shock.

"Who rescued you?"

He had witnessed Chen Zichu's near-death appearance before, and he was even more desperate after the wind method was cut off.But he didn't expect Fengfa to reconnect in less than a quarter of an hour. He actually saw Chen Zichu, who was dying, standing there.

Chen Zihan rubbed his eyes, thinking he was hallucinating.

"Let's talk about this when I go down the mountain," Chen Zichu said, "Zihan, I want to go down the mountain."

"Go down the mountain, I've found the way out," Chen Zihan breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as people are alive, it's fine.

"But Zihan, can you do something for me first?"

Chen Zihan was about to show the way, when Chen Zichu's troubled voice suddenly came from his ear.

"What's the matter?" Chen Zihan was taken aback.

Chen Zichu hissed and smiled awkwardly, "Can you bring me the whole dress first?"

Although the wind outside his body can keep him warm, he really doesn't want to run naked in the mountains.

Chen Zihan froze and nodded.

"Right, there's one more thing."

He suddenly remembered that there was still something he hadn't done.



"Embracing the moon?"

Before the exit of the ice tower forest, Ji Jiashu turned around in a daze and looked at Ying Baoyue who was standing still, "What's wrong with you."

Ying Baoyue stood there as if rooting on the soles of her feet, her eyes were a little dazed.

Standing beside her, Li Ji realized something, and clenched his fists slightly under his sleeves.


Ying Baoyue looked at the ice ahead.

The ice was wide, but all she could see was a narrow road.

She couldn't go on.

If she had to sacrifice other people, she would rather go alone.

She took a deep breath, raised her head without saying a word, and instantly mobilized her vital energy to the extreme.

"Embrace the moon!"

Ji Jiashu saw only a flash of a figure, and Ying Baoyue disappeared in front of his eyes in an instant.

However, the next moment, on the ice more than ten feet away, Ying Baoyue let out a muffled snort, and his figure reappeared.

Her arms were grabbed tightly.

 Sister Yue, give up, you will be a ghost if you can run away
(End of this chapter)

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