Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1635

Chapter 1635
Looking at the water bridge in front of him that could accommodate one person, Xu Yishan was speechless.

Weak water will not obey the call of the water magician, and there is so little moisture in the air. He just tried his best to condense a strip of water that is two fingers wide, but Li Ji paved such a wide strip of water in an instant. bridge.

It is impossible for the air to become humid all of a sudden. This only proves that Li Ji can absorb moisture in the air in a much wider range than he does.

Is this the gap between those who are also water mages?
Xu Yishan's eyes were a little dazed, and he vaguely felt that the gap might not be just due to realm.

"Come up!"

Li Ji shouted sharply, interrupting his thoughts, Xu Yishan suddenly raised his head and looked at Li Ji at the other end of the water bridge.

With such a large-scale mobilization of water, the ice layer under Li Ji's body also cracked instantly, but he had been prepared for a long time, supporting the edge of the ice cave with one hand, and still holding the giant sword firmly with the other hand.

However, Li Ji's lower body was already soaked in weak water, and Xu Yishan heard the sound of his muscles and bones being pulled.

No matter who it is, as long as it touches weak water, it will fall.

Even a heavenly cultivator is not surprised.

Sensing that new prey fell into the river, many smaller red chinchillas swam towards it.But for some reason, these red chinchillas swam to a position close to Li Ji, but suddenly stopped.

Xu Yishan was stunned.For some reason, he could see hesitation and fear in the eyes of these red chilies.

Is it because Li Ji is a heavenly cultivator?

Xu Yishan vaguely remembered that there was a saying circulating in the practice world that unless a celestial cultivator killed himself, killing a celestial cultivator would be punished by heaven.

But does this statement also apply to these divine beasts that coexist with the heaven and the earth?
However, at this moment, the smell of blood came from the tip of Xu Yishan's nose.

He stared wide-eyed, watching the surface of the water bridge in front of him suddenly bloodshot.


Ying Baoyue's voice came from afar, and Xu Yishan's eyes froze.

Has his junior sister ever called him that before?

Blood splashed on the ice, Xu Yishan stared blankly at the blood dripping from the giant sword in the distance.

Looking at the Chi Chi who were floating in the water not far away and looked at him hesitantly, Li Ji's eyes moved slightly, and he swung his sword towards his thigh.

Three feet of blood spattered.

The blood beads poured into the weak water, slowly fell into the depths, and the blood splashed on the ice was absorbed in a short time.

It's like the whole river is thirsting for this man's blood.

Xu Yishan stared wide-eyed, staring at this strange scene in astonishment, the next moment his body shook.

The world under the ice has completely plunged into madness.

Chi Chi, who was originally surrounded by him, swam away in an instant, his eyes turned white, his belly rolled, and he rushed towards Li Ji frantically!
With fresh flesh and blood in front of their eyes, the temptation has completely overcome reason.

"Second brother?"

Zhao Guang hugged the ice tightly, staring at the empty water in astonishment. Before he saw the creatures in this mountain so crazy, it was when the green hands under the cracked ice smelled the blood of Ying Baoyue.

Is the blood of these two people so attractive to the monsters in this mountain?
There was the sound of clothes being torn, and through the translucent ice, Xu Yishan saw more than a dozen red chinchillas biting the hem of Li Ji's clothes at the same time, dragging him down hard.


Ying Baoyue stared blankly at the empty ice in the distance.

On the edge of the ice cave, a bloody handprint was left.

Li Ji disappeared into the ice cave.

Xu Yishan's pupils contracted, and Li Jiren had disappeared, but the water bridge in front of him was still solidly paved in front of him.

Li Ji's figure was already submerged in the group of red chinchillas. Under the water surface, countless red chinchillas formed a bright red ball that surged wildly.

At this moment, a hand protruded from the blood-red fish scales.

That hand still held the Juque Sword firmly, and a bridge of water gushed out from the tip of his sword.


Li Ji's voice came from among the fish balls, he was being bitten by many red eels, but Xu Yishan couldn't hear the slightest change in his voice.

Xu Yishan's eyes were red.

He struggled to climb up the water bridge dragging his bitten leg, at this moment, the hand protruding from the school of fish threw it fiercely!
With a click, the Juque Sword drew an arc in midair and plunged into the ice in front of Ying Baoyue.

The long water bridge leads to Ying Baoyue.

Xu Yishan stood on the bridge and looked at Ying Baoyue who was standing on the other side of the bridge.

Ji Jiashu grabbed her tightly from behind, but Ying Baoyue didn't struggle too much, she just raised her head and stared blankly at him standing on the bridge.

Xu Yishan was hit by her eyes.

He suddenly remembered that day, when he was sitting alone on the steps of the water courtyard of Jixia Academy with his sword in his arms, she walked towards him through the mountain gate.

After more than ten years of waiting, he just waited for her.

She was his only junior sister, and he had promised to protect her forever.

However, the road under him at this time was paved by her important person with his own flesh and blood.

How could he go there?
Xu Yishan turned his head and looked at his partner who was struggling in the weak water behind him.

"At that time, you probably thought so too, didn't you?"

Thinking of the friend who had already taken a step ahead, he lowered his head, smiled and called out in a low voice.

"Am i right?"

"Zi Chu."

Chen Zichu, who was wrapped in a tattered bearskin, stood on the mountain path going down the mountain, and suddenly turned his head as if feeling something.



Ji Jiashu, who was trying to grab Ying Baoyue's shoulder, suddenly raised his head and looked at his friend standing at the end of the water bridge.

"Sorry, Jiashu."

The calm boy smiled, showing his last smile to his friends who grew up with him.

"After that, I'll leave it to you."

Sensing that the long sword in front of him suddenly vibrated, Ying Baoyue reached out to grab it, but the Juque sword suddenly flew out of the ice!


Ying Baoyue's heart skipped a beat, and she looked at Xu Yishan, but Xu Yishan didn't look at her, nor did he speak to her.

Xu Yishan half-kneeled on the water bridge, with his palms covering the water surface, blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

On the shore of the weak water, suddenly the waves surged into the sky.

"This is……"

Li Ji, who was wrapped in the school of fish and was being bitten, opened his eyes suddenly, and there was a look of astonishment in his eyes.

With a click, the ice surface ten feet away from Xu Yishan as the origin was completely broken, but just before the weak water gushed out, a layer of more turbulent water spray covered it.

"True essence burst?"

Seeing this scene, Ji Jiashu's eyes cracked.

This is a tactic that practitioners will use when they are desperate, and it is also the last tactic that will be used when they die together with their opponents.

Xu Yishan actually chose to release all his true energy at this moment!
He used all his strength to mobilize the most splashes in his life.

When the big waves came, Zhao Guang, Meng Shi, Guichen and others who were struggling on the ice were all rushed to the shore.

The originally solid water bridge turned into turbulent waves, and countless water splashes flew from afar. Xu Yishan opened his arms, with a smile on his face, and poured his face into the icy cold water.

 Still water runs deep, he is the best senior brother in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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