Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1642

Chapter 1642
Faint clouds and mist floated beside her, and Ying Baoyue exhaled a mouthful of cold air from her chest.


Half a hundred miles away, the closer to the finish line, the more likely to go wrong. She stared at the ice surface that was still a few meters away, without slack, her eyes became more serious.

"Hey, ex-Princess Qin, my sword energy won't go up any further! You can figure out a way for yourself!"

The shouts of Hou Liao practitioners came from below.

It takes a lot of real energy to dig through the ice, and the farther the distance is, the greater the test of the practitioner's strength will be.

When she climbed half way before, the fourth-rank practitioner couldn't hold back and was defeated, all supported by that Tianjie. At this time, that Tianjie seemed to have reached his limit.


Ying Baoyue responded, and the two post-Liao practitioners really worked hard, and it was beyond her expectations to dig such a high hole.

From now on, it's all up to her.

Ying Baoyue pulled out the Sunset Sword at her waist, and a spray of water suddenly flew up from the side of her face, digging a shallow hole in the top of her head.

"A Ji?"

Ying Baoyue was startled and lowered her head.

I saw Li Ji standing under the ice waterfall, looking at her with his hands raised.

The post-Liao Tianjie was squeezed in again, looking a little embarrassed.

He had just said that his sword energy could no longer rise, and Li Ji's actions slapped him in the face.

He did save some strength, and he could actually go a little higher, but after all, he didn't need to work so hard for this former Qin girl, so he lied that he had tried his best, but he didn't expect that Li Ji would suddenly stand beside him. Just say hello and let's go.

Fortunately, Li Ji didn't dig a deep hole enough to draw on, otherwise, wouldn't it be true that he was not as good as him at this level of heaven.

"Look, Mr. Zhaohua, this position is really too high." Hou Liao Tianjie laughed dryly twice, and spread his hands to Li Ji, "Even if it is Tianjie, it is not easy to dig a hole, right?"

Li Ji looked at Gujing calmly, glanced at him without speaking, and raised his hand again.

Hou Liao Tianjie's heart skipped a beat, this guy didn't try his best just now, right?

Li Ji held his breath and focused his attention, mobilizing all the true energy in his body, Hou Liao Tianjie watched this scene, his forehead was sweating, and he was slandering in his heart.

There are only a few steps left, Ying Baoyue can dig the hole by himself, why bother to stand in such a deep place and spend so much effort digging for her from the air?

Does this make her exhausted?

"A Ji, no need."

At this time, Ying Baoyue's voice came from above, "It's not too far away, I can just come by myself, don't bother so much."

Li Ji's palm stopped in mid-air and slowly lowered it.

Hou Liao Tianjie breathed a sigh of relief, and glanced at him speechlessly.

Well, compared to this future Soochow National Teacher, the former Qin princess is actually more like a normal person.

The sound of ice chiseling came from overhead, and Ji Jiashu and others gathered under the ice waterfall, looking up nervously at Ying Baoyue's figure.

At this time, she had already climbed a distance of several tens of feet, and she was just a small black spot to the naked eyes of ordinary people. Her figure became very blurry through the clouds and mist, and she could only see clearly by using her true energy.

Zhao Guang watched Ying Baoyue climb the ice wall with one hand and a sword in the other to dig into the ice, with respect in his eyes.

If it were him, his legs would be weak from climbing such a high place alone, let alone dare to dig holes in the ice.

The cold wind howled in his ears, and crystal beads of sweat slipped from Ying Baoyue's chin.

She dug the hole she dug, and climbed up little by little.

Climbing up while digging in this way really consumes a lot of physical strength. After climbing a few steps, the originally sore arm hurts to the point of breaking, and the vision in front of him becomes dizzy.

But fortunately, the end is at hand.Ying Baoyue gathered his mind and raised the sword above his head. At this moment, Chen Zihan's voice suddenly came from his ear, "Wait, there's a hole in it."

"Zihan?" Ying Baoyue was surprised, "You recovered?"

"Well," Chen Zihan's voice came from the cold wind, a little shy, "I'm sorry, I've been watching for a while, and seeing you are so focused, I didn't dare to disturb you."

"It's okay," Ying Baoyue smiled. She knew what Chen Zihan was worried about. She would fall if she made a wrong step while climbing the ice waterfall. It was only natural that Chen Zihan didn't dare to make a sound to distract her.

"By the way, you said, there is a hole in it?"

The upper half of the icefall was completely covered by clouds and mist, and the visibility was extremely low. Ying Baoyue couldn't see clearly what was above her head in the dizziness.

At this time, under Chen Zihan's reminder, she discovered that there was a hollow in the ice waterfall above her head. It should have been a cave on the rock wall. After the waterfall fell down, the water flow froze on the edge of the hole, making the hole look like the size of a fist.

Ying Baoyue immediately understood why Chen Zihan wanted to remind her.

If there is a cave at the bottom, the ice layer below is likely to be hollow and not frozen well.

If she cuts ice on this hole, it is likely to cut through the ice layer, or the ice layer will suddenly break when climbing up the hole, in short, it is very dangerous.

"Thank you, Zihan."

Ying Baoyue looked at the ice cave above her head, estimated the scope of the hole, cut a few holes on the side, and carefully walked around the hole.

"Embracing the moon?"

Ji Jiashu and others' worried voices came from below, and Ying Baoyue sped up his movements, "It's okay, we'll be there soon!"

Going around the entrance of the cave, the top of the head was covered with ordinary ice walls. Ying Baoyue dug a few more holes, grabbed up with his hands, and finally touched a piece of flat ground.


Ying Baoyue finally released joy in her eyes, and with a sudden force of her arms, she turned over and climbed to the top of the ice waterfall. She stood up straight and stared blankly at the majestic mountain not far behind the ice waterfall.

The sharp peak goes straight up to the sky, and the top of Yunshou Peak is right in front of you.

Seeing that she climbed up safely, Chen Zihan also breathed a sigh of relief in the wind on the side.

It seems that although this level is difficult, at least there is no other danger.

"Embracing the moon?"

At this time, seeing Ying Baoyue's figure disappearing on the upper edge of the ice waterfall, the voices of Ji Jiashu and others came anxiously.

"I'm fine! Let the rope down now!"

Ying Baoyue came back to her senses, looked around, and finally found an ice shoot not far from the top of the waterfall.

The ice bamboo shoot was half a person's height, and looked like a frozen tree stump. Ying Baoyue untied the rope around his waist and tied it, pulled it, nodded in satisfaction, and threw the rope down with his hand.

Seeing that the rope was successfully lowered, the eyes of the two Houliao practitioners lit up, and the Tianjie reached out to grab it.

However, his wrist was held in mid-air.

"This fellow," Li Ji said indifferently, "you can stay here with me, and go up at the end."

Being called a peer by someone who was at least ten years younger than him, a hint of anger flashed in the eyes of the Hou Liao cultivator, but he was helpless.

He has grandsons already, but Li Ji is not yet married, but in the realm of cultivation they are of the same level, and their seniority is the same, Li Ji doesn't need to use honorific words to him, he can treat him as he pleases.

Seeing that Hou Liao Tianjie was controlled by Li Ji, Ji Jiashu heaved a sigh of relief.

Ying Baoyue stayed up there alone, how could they rest assured that this person would go up first.

Ji Jiashu glanced behind him, and his eyes stopped on Gui Chen.

"Ah Chen, you go up first."

Gui Chen nodded, and was about to grab the rope, but the rope was grabbed by another person.

"Wait!" Huo Zhan held on to the rope tightly and said loudly, "Let me and the eldest son go up first!"

(End of this chapter)

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