Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1655 The Moon

Chapter 1655 The Moon
The snow did not know when it stopped.

A bright and bright moon rose from the foot of the mountain, hitting the young girl clinging to the cliff.

Hearing footsteps behind him, Ying Baoyue stopped, "Ah Chen?"

"I'm here," Gui Chen replied behind her, "Don't look back."

"I know," Ying Baoyue looked forward, and said helplessly, "Didn't I say, you guys will come after I pass by?"

Gui Chen fell silent, looking at the winding mountain wall ahead.

Different from going straight up and down when climbing the ladder before, this time it is going around halfway up the mountainside, which means that when Ying Baoyue walks halfway along this road, her figure will disappear behind the cliff, and he can no longer walk from behind. see.

"I..." Gui Chen was silent for a moment, and then said honestly, "If I don't see you, I will feel flustered."

Thinking of her going around the back of the mountain alone, not knowing what she would encounter and what she would do, he was flustered.

Ying Baoyue froze for a moment, and her fingers stuck to the mountain wall trembled slightly.

"Don't worry," she paused, then smiled, "I'll be fine."

Now that everyone has come up, she can't let Gui Chen go back.Although he was not on the stone ladder at this time, Ying Baoyue faintly felt that the taboo of not being able to turn back should still be there.

"Be careful," Ying Baoyue tested the narrow road ahead with his feet, "The section in front of you is very narrow."

This stone path can only accommodate the width of one foot. Her soles are not big, and she can barely step on it, but it is more difficult for a man's feet.

"Okay," Gui Chen replied, but when he took a step and found that half of his foot was almost hanging in the air, he suddenly felt dizzy.

"Gui Chen!"

"Be careful, Mr. Gui!"

Ji Jiashu, Li Ji and others watched nervously from behind, and when they found that Guichen was struggling to move on the cliff, everyone's hearts were raised.

"'s fine..."

Gui Chen gritted his teeth, mobilized his whole body's true energy, desperately pressed his body against the mountain wall, kept telling himself not to look down, and to move forward little by little with courage.

Finally, he passed the narrowest section.

Gui Chen was sweating profusely and let out a sigh of relief.Just now all the weight of his whole body was supported by only half of the sole of the foot, as long as the foot slipped, it would be over.

Looking at the back of Ying Baoyue in front of him, Gui Chen's eyes suddenly became a little dazed.

He suddenly remembered what happened not long after he and Ying Baoyue met.At that time on Mount Li, he was tricked by others and fell off the cliff with crossbow arrows. Ying Baoyue, who was not yet a practitioner, insisted on pulling him to the death and would not let go.

He was about to give up at the time, but when Ying Baoyue's blood dripped on his face, he felt awakened for the first time.

At that time, he realized for the first time that people can explode with a potential far beyond common sense.

Finally, under Ying Baoyue's persistence, he climbed up the cliff.

After that, he had many firsts.

It was the first time I resisted my father, the first time I left my mother, the first time I went after someone without hesitation behind my sister's back, the first time I left my own country, went to so many places, and even came to such a desperate situation.

Feeling the wind blowing from the cliff below, Guichen looked at the slender figure in front of him. If he was still the person he was more than half a year ago, he would never have imagined that he would dare to walk such a road one day.

"Ah Chen, we're almost there!"

Ying Baoyue's cheerful voice came from the front, Gui Chen nodded with a smile, and followed her forward step by step.

The figures of the two gradually disappeared behind the cliff, but everyone was still nervously watching the direction in which the two left. Zhao Guang stroked his chest with his hands and panted heavily.

"That kid Guichen usually looks cowardly, but he didn't expect to be able to do it when he should."

Li Ji was speechless. He always felt that this person was praising himself. If he hadn't been on the ladder and couldn't turn his head, he really wanted to give this person a hard look.

But at this moment, he suddenly noticed something wrong in the air.

Too quiet.

The snow had stopped, and the attention of everyone who was still standing on the stone ladder was focused on the path in front of them and Ying Baoyue Guichen.

No one noticed, two figures standing quietly behind the crowd.

There are two pairs of eyes hidden in the back, watching the joy of the boys and girls in front with cold eyes.

Looking at the direction Ying Baoyue left, the elderly practitioner narrowed his eyes, and moved his five fingers hidden under his sleeves slightly.

There was a slight scoff in the air.

This sound is extremely soft, and it is extremely easy to hide in the howling cold wind.

But Li Ji heard it.His pupils contracted violently and he was about to turn around, but he immediately remembered the taboo of not turning back, and his neck froze.

In this short moment of time difference, two clusters of lightning followed the ice layer on the stone steps and rushed up the ladder, rushing straight towards the mountain path that Ying Baoyue and Gui Chen had walked through.


For the first time, Ji Jiashu's usually peaceful eyes showed intense anger. With the speed of the lightning, he didn't even have time to think about whose plot it was, and only had time to wave his hand violently.

The sound of Chunlei Sword being unsheathed resounded through the sky.

With a click, a huge rock was chopped down from the narrow stone path, and ice shards flew, one of the two clusters of lightning that had been chasing towards Ying Baoyue and Gui Chen's departure direction was instantly chopped down.

But just as his second sword rushed towards the remaining cluster of thunder, a black sword light suddenly shot out from another direction down the mountain, blocking Ji Jiashu's sword energy suddenly.

Sensing that familiar aura, Li Ji was furious and shouted angrily.

"Chun Yu Ye!"

Ji Jiashu's pupils constricted violently, everything happened too fast, he heard Li Ji's roar but had no time to think, he could only stare helplessly at the collision on the distant cliff.

His second sword was blocked.

Like a living creature, the cluster of thunder lights crawling in the front deftly crossed the broken rock wall, and rushed towards the back of the cliff with endless malice and murderous aura.

None of them could see what happened on the back of the cliff.

That thunder light came from the Hou Liao Tianjie.

None of them could turn back, they could only watch the thunder light slip over the cliff, and then there was a bang.

Snowflakes splashed from behind the cliff.

"Embrace the moon!"

Ji Jiashu's heartbeat stopped for an instant.

Li Ji's hand, who was about to slash the Juque sword in his hand, stopped in mid-air.

The black pupils in his mask froze like black jade.

Ying Baoyue did not answer Ji Jiashu's call, but the next moment, her voice came from behind the rock wall.


Ying Baoyue's voice pierced everyone's hearts like ice and snow.

What happened behind the cliff?
Ji Jiashu bit his lip with blood, he straightened his body without turning his head, "Zhaohua, please."

Li Ji understood what he meant, he looked at the young man in front, and slowly lowered his sword hand, "You go."

He will take care of the rest.

With gratitude in Ji Jiashu's eyes, he inserted the Chunlei Sword back to his waist, stood on the side of the narrow mountain path, and stepped on one foot without the slightest hesitation.

The two post-Liao practitioners at the bottom were amazed at the scene ahead. They didn't expect that Ji Jiashu would dare to go this way under such a situation.

But at this moment, the Hou Liao Tianjie suddenly noticed something, and turned his gaze back to the ladder a little bit.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he opened his eyes wide.

Li Ji, who was standing at the top of the ladder, turned around slowly.


Hou Liao Tianjie's hand holding the sword trembled. He clearly remembered that Li Ji had emphasized to everyone not to turn back.

But at this time, he turned around.

"What am I?"

Li Ji's hand holding the sword was hanging by his side, looking down at the two people at the bottom from a high position, he spoke lightly.

"I'll come and take you down."

 Brother Ji, let me teach you how to be human
(End of this chapter)

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