Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1666 Drag

Chapter 1666 Drag
The second section of the ladder is wider than the first section, and some places can accommodate two people standing.Ji Jiashu took a step up, stood beside Li Ji and spoke quietly.

Except for Qionghuajun Song Zhai and Fenghuajun Murong Feixing, four of the six sons of the Warring States Period are in this mountain.But Ji Jiashu never thought that Yeluhua would be the first to fall off in the high-level ceremony among the four of them.

"Although Guanghua lost, he got what he wanted."

Li Ji stared ahead, and Yeluhua shook his head at them when he and Ji Jiashu turned around to rescue them.

Yeluhua and Meng Shi were dragged down by those vines, but for some reason, the moment he turned his head, he seemed to see a pair of young girls standing side by side on the snowy ground, holding hands and turning away.

Yeluhua chose the way of leaving that made him most willing, and the woman he loved bitterly chose to accompany him at the last moment.

Ji Jiashu was startled when he heard the words, and closed his eyes.

That's right, this might not be a kind of consummation.

Li Ji took a deep breath, looked at the slightly trembling back of Ying Baoyue in front of him, and said softly.

"Don't worry, Northern Wei's stepson and Mr. Guanghua will be fine."

"Well, I know," Ying Baoyue clasped one hand with the other and said softly.

Unlike others, Yeluhua and Mengshi fell down together.No matter when, no matter where, Yeluhua will definitely protect Meng Shi, and Meng Shi will also protect Yeluhua.

They are not alone.

"I know, I should trust Yeluhua."

Ying Baoyue slowly tightened her fingers, "That's the man Xiaoshi chose."

Her expression was extremely complicated.

Meng Shi didn't explain much just now, but Ying Baoyue understood that at that moment, Meng Shi decided to accept Yeluhua.

Li Ji looked at her lonely back, his eyes flickered, and finally turned into a gentle and helpless smile.

"Your sister is getting married, do you feel sad?"

Ying Baoyue was taken aback, "Sister?"

Meng Shi's age is older than her current body, why does Li Ji think she is her younger sister?
"No, it's not my sister," Li Ji laughed, "It should be my daughter."

Ying Baoyue probably didn't even realize that she had been doting on Meng Shi like her daughter.

Ji Jiashu on the side suddenly realized, and looked at Ying Baoyue's back and smiled wryly.

Speaking of which, he also felt that Ying Baoyue seemed to be raising a son when facing Ying Xun.

"No," Ying Baoyue was startled, then shook his head, "I'm very happy."

Meng Shi didn't abandon her just now, she just knew that she couldn't continue to climb to the top, so she made such a choice.

But even if Meng Shi chose to go with Yeluhua for no reason, she would still be happy for Meng Shi.

Ying Baoyue saw Meng Shi's guarded and cold eyes when she met Meng Shi for the first time in Nanchu, and her eyes were a little dazed.

That stubborn and awkward little girl was finally willing to choose to hug someone.

There are some things that Meng Shi is unwilling to tell her, but she understands them all in her heart.

She understands better that she is now happy for Meng Shi.

Very happy very happy.

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath and reached out to climb the stone steps above her head, "Let's continue walking."

Meng Shi has already found the place she wants to go, but she herself still has a long way to go.

"it is good."

Li Ji watched her back and said softly.

"You be careful."



The snow is still falling, but there are fewer and fewer people on the mountain road.

As we climbed higher and higher, the temperature became colder and colder.

Zhao Guang exhaled a breath of white air in the cold wind, looking at the scattered people in front of him, his light-colored eyes showed a hint of sadness.

"what happened to you?"

Li Ji's spirit had been tense all the time. Sensing the change in Zhao Guang's breath, he stopped climbing, fell behind a few steps and waited for Zhao Guang to climb to his side, and asked softly.


Zhao Guang opened his mouth, "I'm just a little sad."

"There were so many people when we came, but now, there are only so many left."

After Meng Shi and Yeluhua left, only Ying Baoyue, Li Ji, Ji Jiashu, him, and Song Qian were left in the entire team.

Among them, Song Qian was very cold because of his low level, his whole head was covered in the fox fur head, only his eyes and mouth were exposed, and he couldn't say a few words along the way.

Li Ji's eyes flickered, and he looked at the back of Ying Baoyue's lone figure in the front, and pulled up a barrier.

"Don't let Baoyue hear your words, she will be sad."

Ying Baoyue can live alone, but because of this, the departure of people around her will make her more painful.

She watched so many people leave, and many of them left just to push her up, the blow she received can be imagined.

"Hug the moon and hug the moon!"

However, Li Ji did not expect that his simple words and actions would make Zhao Guang furious.

Zhao Guang stopped and punched the stone in front of him hard, "You know you care about her!"

The ice chips on the stone steps rustled down, Li Ji was slightly stunned, and looked at the people around him.

"What are you crazy about?"

He originally thought that Zhao Guang was acting to get his attention, but the cold wind blew Zhao Guang's forehead hair, and Li Ji's whole body shivered.

At some point, Zhao Guang's light-colored eyes turned blood red.

"Zhao Guang, you..."

Zhao Guang's undulating chest calmed down, and he suddenly covered his eyes, "Don't look at me!"

"A Ji?"

At this time, he noticed that two people stopped behind him, and Ying Baoyue's worried voice came from the front, "What's wrong?"


Li Ji opened the barrier, and his voice was heard loudly.

"His Royal Highness has a broken foot, I'll deal with it for him, you go first!"

Ying Baoyue looked ahead, her vision flickering slightly.

She knew that things might not be that simple, but she closed her eyes, said nothing, and continued to climb up the stone steps.

No one else can interfere in the affairs between these two people.

"Zhao Guang."

After answering Ying Baoyue, Li Ji looked away, looked at Zhao Guang who was half kneeling on the stone steps with a complicated expression, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

With Zhao Guang's physique, he wouldn't freeze his brain here.

Zhao Guang covered his chest when he heard the sound, and laughed softly, "You always call me by my first name and last name like this."

"Didn't you ask me to call you that?"

Li Ji said lightly.

Although he has a title and name, Zhao Guang likes to be called by his first name and last name, especially not by his first name alone.

Zhao Guang was furious when other clan members in Soochow called him Ah Guang or Brother Guang.

For Zhao Guang, he hopes that the surname Zhao will always precede the name Guang.

Although he didn't know what Zhao Guangfa was crazy about, Li Ji coaxed him calmly, "What do you want me to call you? Your Highness the Duke?"


Zhao Guang gritted his teeth and shouted, but the next moment he realized that he was incompetent and furious, the anger all over his body was vented, and he covered his head dejectedly.

"Second brother."


"I don't want to drag you down any more."

Li Ji was stunned, and frowned, "Who said you were dragged down? What's wrong with you?"

Even if the blood was awakened to resist the cold, he remembered that Zhao Guang had become irritable and irritable at most under such circumstances in the past, and he would not become what he is now.

"Second brother, listen to me."

Zhao Guang raised his head and stared at the snow-capped mountains under the moonlight.

"I've figured it out, if I can come back alive this time, please take me home."

Li Ji's fingers holding the Juque sword trembled.

Because he suddenly understood that the home Zhao Guang was talking about...

It does not refer to Soochow.

(End of this chapter)

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