Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1669

Chapter 1669
Ying Huo Xing.

Wu Chanxu's pupils contracted slightly, and he looked straight at Chunyu Ye who turned around.

Large flakes of snow fell from the top of the two of them, hitting the young man's bare chest.

On such an extremely cold snow-capped mountain, Chunyu Ye was wearing very thin clothes. When he cut his wrists and bled, he pulled off the front of his clothes, exposing his entire chest to the cold wind.

The snowflakes melted on Chunyu Ye's chest, and on the boy's chest that was flushed with cold, a ferocious wolf's head was stabbed.

Wolf head.

Wu Chanxu's vision became complicated.

The wolf head tattoo is a sign of inheriting the blood of the White Wolf King.

This bloodline is both sin and glory.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, recalling the shocking divination 15 years ago.

The Qin Empire perished seven years ago, but except for the White Wolf King and the elders in the Zen Academy, no one knew that as early as 15 years ago, the Temple predicted the end of the Qin Empire's disintegration.

Fifteen years ago, Emperor Ying was still built here, the realm of Da Si Ming reached its peak, the Great Wall of Eternal Night was impregnable, Xi Rong was defeated and forced to retreat to the Mobei Grassland, and the morale of the entire tribe was low.

Under such circumstances, the Zen Academy carried out a large-scale divination with the support of the White Wolf King.

In this divination alone, thirty slaves and hundreds of cattle and sheep were sacrificed. The sky altar in the entire Mobei Grassland was stained red with blood, and vultures were flying in the sky.

In the end, on top of the tortoise shell, his master, the owner of the Buddhist monastery, said such a sentence.

"Three stars are born, the first emperor dies, land division, reunification, great chaos."

Wu Chanxu's eyes were slightly deep.

These twelve words have not been fully interpreted so far, but only the three words "Shihuang died" have a very clear meaning, which gave hope to the dormant Xirong people.

Emperor Taizu Emperor Yingdi, he is not a god, he is a human being.

People are mortal.

The death of the first emperor predicted that Emperor Ying would die soon, and the "division" predicted that once Emperor Ying died, the Qin Empire he established would also fall apart.

The White Wolf King was overjoyed when he saw the result of the divination, and immediately asked his master when the result of the divination would come true.

Wu Chanxu happened to be standing next to the master at that time, and he watched the master staring at the three words "Sanxingsheng" on the tortoise shell, and replied calmly.

"Wait until Samsung stops."

At that time, Wu Chanxu was still young and couldn't understand what it meant. It wasn't until he went to the Central Plains that he understood what it meant to "stand still".

This saying comes from the Central Plains.No matter in Xirong or in the Central Plains, newborn children are prone to die young, and they are generally considered to be kept when they are seven or eight years old, and it is not easy to die again, so they are called "stopped."

Only then did Wu Chanxu understand that "Three Stars" refers to three children.

According to his master, "Three Stars" are three luminous stars.

These three luminous stars are the key to causing the first emperor to collapse into chaos.

"Sanxingsheng" means that these three Yinghuoxing stars were born not long ago at the time of divination, and when all three stars stand still, it means that these three children will all grow to the age of seven or eight.

Then there are at least seven or eight years before the death of Emperor Taizu.

Hearing this explanation at that time, the enthusiasm of the White Wolf King faded a lot in an instant.

Seven or eight years, this time is not short, enough for many things to happen, he may even be kicked out of the throne.

What's more, the divination result only stated an approximate time limit, which was not enough for the Xirong people to do anything about it.

In the end, the White Wolf King bestowed a large amount of property on the monastery, but the result of the divination was not spread in the Xirong court.

Wu Chanxu knew very well that deep down in the White Wolf King's heart, he did not believe in the divination this time.

It wasn't until seven years ago that Emperor Taizu Emperor Ying died at a time close to the time predicted by the divination that the White Wolf King remembered this divination again, and immediately called all the elders of the monastery to discuss the matter.

However, although Emperor Ying died, Da Si Ming held up the scene and personally guarded the Great Wall of Eternal Night to prevent the invasion of Xirong cavalry.

Even after the death of Da Si Ming and the second emperor, Ji Mo took over the burden of the leader of the practice world and took the lead in supporting the independence of the Southern Chu king. Afterwards, the princes and kings stood on their own and divided up the territory of Da Qin in an orderly manner. The kings of Hou Liao defended the Great Wall in their own country as if they were crazy, and Xi Rong failed to invade a step.

Although, as the divination predicted, "the first emperor died and the land was divided", Emperor Ying died and the Qin Empire collapsed.

But the Shanhai Continent was not in chaos.

The "return" and "great chaos" mentioned at the end of the divination result have not appeared for a long time.

It's better to say what the word "return" means, which has never been deciphered.

Wu Chanxu's eyes flashed.

Reversion, reversion, what is reversion?
At the big tent meeting, the White Wolf King was once again extremely disappointed by the divination in the monastery, but just as he was about to walk away, his master gave the latest interpretation of the prophecy.

Wu Chanxu looked at Chunyu Ye's green pupils, his eyes were slightly deep.

At that gathering, Chunyu Ye was also there.

His master said that he had already found the location of the three Yinghuo stars.

One of the luminous stars is right beside them.

For that mysterious divination, everyone didn't fully believe it, but when they heard that there was a luminous star by their side, everyone was taken aback.

Emperor Taizu was able to communicate with the eight beast gods, and he was destined to return, making great achievements.

Even if such a person can be killed, one can imagine how ominous those three Yinghuo stars are.

Hearing his master's words, the White Wolf King, who was about to leave, stopped in astonishment.

"who is it?"

His master stepped aside, and Chunyu Ye, who was still young at that time, was standing behind him.

Standing behind the rock, Wu Chanxu quietly stared at the young man with unfriendly eyes.

According to his master, two of the three Yinghuo stars have inherited the blood of the White Wolf King.

Because the light of the third one was too weak, he hadn't found out the other party's identity yet.

And among the two stars who inherited the blood of the White Wolf King, one of them was Chun Yuye.

When his master said these words, the audience was in an uproar, and everyone's eyes on Chunyu Ye changed.


However, the White Wolf King just repeated it bluntly, took a look at Chunyu Ye, and finally opened the tent door and strode out.

No one knew whether the White Wolf King believed his master's words or not.

"I don't know much more than you," Wu Chanxu finished his memory, looked into Chunyuye's eyes and said calmly, "According to Master, the second star should be your brother."

Wu Chanxu raised the corner of his mouth, "Who do you think?"

"how could I know?"

Chunyu Ye sneered, "At least it can't be Chunyu Ya."

This elder brother of his mother, his father's favorite son, had already been slaughtered by him.

Such a person deserves to be a Ying Huo Xing?

"Not your real brother..." Wu Chanxu laughed, "Then only your cousins ​​are left."


Chunyuye lowered his head and quietly looked at the wolf's head on his chest.

He didn't care about Ying Huo Xing at all.

But in recent years, a saying has suddenly spread in the Buddhist monastery.

Those who are qualified to be the second star are those who have the ability to become the next White Wolf King.

 The prophecies and celestial phenomena here are not all fabricated by the author. For details, you can read the relevant records of the first chapter of Qin Shihuang in the author's words.

  In ancient China, "Mars" was called "Yinghuo", and the "heart" in the 28 mansions was called "heart" for short. "Heart" is the "Scorpio" in modern astronomy, mainly composed of three stars.When Mars moves near the 3 stars of Scorpio and stays there for a while, it is what the ancients often said is the sign of "Yinghuokexin".The interpretation of this kind of celestial phenomenon to the imperial power is that the brightest of the three stars represents the emperor, the next one represents the prince, and the other represents the concubine.

(End of this chapter)

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