Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1681

Chapter 1681
Formed as husband and wife, there is no doubt about love and affection.Life should come back, death should be longing.

Ji Jiashu was in a daze for a moment, "You guys got married?"

Li Ji was silent for a long time.


He raised his head and stared at the fire, "I was just thinking about it."

On the last night with Li Zhao, the disappearing hair tie gave him a chance to have strange thoughts.

The woman he liked disappeared together with the bride price he wanted to send.

So can he take it as, she accepts it?

Li Ji lowered his head and gave a wry smile.

I've seen self-deceit, but I've never seen such a self-deception like him.

When he met Li Zhao nine years ago, when he proposed to her for the first time, Li Zhao only regarded it as a child's joke.

But she said that if he was still willing to say the same thing ten years later, then she would seriously consider it.

Maybe it was just what she said to coax the child back then, but nine years later, he still remembered it.

Counting ten years away, there is only one year left.

"It was I who took her as my own wife without authorization, and bullied her so that she has no chance to come back and refute me."

Li Ji smiled gently, and looked back at Ji Jiashu, "I'm a bit strange, so don't imitate me."

Probably not just a little weird...

Ji Jiashu slandered endlessly, but looking at the man sitting by the fire talking calmly, complicated emotions surged in his heart.

Li Ji's past seems to be soaked in blood and tears, but at that age, it is a kind of luck to meet someone who makes him fall in love with him and will never forget him for the rest of his life.

Li Ji gave his heart when he was 13 years old, and never took it back.

This unspeakable longing, others are not qualified to comment.


Ji Jiashu's eyes fell on the face of Ying Baoyue who was sleeping on his lap, and his eyes became sharper.

"I'm not qualified to judge your past," he said indifferently, "but you still come to Baoyue thinking about others, it's extremely hateful."

If he didn't know Li Ji's character, facing this kind of person, he would just say, go as far as you can.


Li Ji froze, he wanted to explain a few words, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them again.

"Let me ask you a question," Ji Jiashu narrowed his eyes, "Does Baoyue look like that person?"

Li Ji was shocked all over, and suddenly raised his head to look at Ji Jiashu in astonishment.

"It seems that I have hit the mark," Ji Jiashu sneered, his gaze became extremely cold.

With Li Ji's infatuation with the woman named "Zhao", how could he get close to other women so easily?
Ying Baoyue must have something similar to that woman.

In the darkness of the cave, Ji Jiashu heard the sound of his knuckles clenched.

He stared intently at Li Ji's eyes, his gaze seemed to be able to pierce through rocks.

"You, take hugging the moon as a substitute?"

"I do not have!"

Li Ji didn't even understand how he spoke, the words had already blurted out.He clenched the hilt of the Juque sword tightly, and found that his hands were trembling uncontrollably.

what happened to him?
Ji Jiashu's questioning was like a thunderclap, hitting his ear and smashing his armor to pieces.

Li Ji stared blankly at his hands.

Who is the person he likes?
Is it Ying Baoyue in this life, or Li Zhao's shadow?

Ji Jiashu stared at him coldly, lowered his head and raised the animal skin on the ground, and gently placed Ying Baoyue's head on it.

Then he stood up, pulled out the Chunlei sword, and pointed it quietly at Li Ji's eyebrows.

"If it is true, even if my state is not as good as yours, I will kill you."

Li Ji looked at the sharp sword in front of him, but did not draw it.

"Why, can't you answer?"

Ji Jiashu's eyes were as sharp as a knife.

Today, he wanted to reveal the deepest secrets in Li Ji's heart and end the entanglement between them.


Li Ji slowly got up from the ground, facing the tip of Chunlei Sword directly with his chest.

"Aren't you hiding?"

The tip of the Chunlei Sword pierced through the clothes on Li Ji's chest, touching human flesh and blood. Ji Jiashu's eyes became colder, "Or is it that a heavenly practitioner will not die even if he is pierced through his chest?"

Li Ji looked into his eyes, the black pupils were like deep pools.

"I don't hide because I really can't give you the answer now."

After Soochow believed that Ying Baoyue was Li Zhao, he readily accepted the arrangement of fate, escaping the question of who he fell in love with, and walked to the present in such a daze.

But after seeing Meng Shi's dream in the ice tower forest, he discovered a more terrifying possibility, and he still hasn't sorted out his mood until now.

Leaving aside the shadow that resembled Li Zhao, what did he think about the girl he met on the former Qin Li Mountain who claimed to hold the moon?

Before he thought that Ying Baoyue was Li Zhao, was he tempted?
Did he betray his feelings for Li Zhao?

he does not know.

That's why he has been unable to confront Ying Baoyue, and can only hold on to the original agreement he made with her.

"You're right, I'm a coward," Li Ji said calmly, looking into Ji Jiashu's eyes, "The reason why I haven't been able to explain clearly to Baoyue is because I don't know."

"do not know?"

Ji Jiashu's hand holding the sword slightly tightened. He was very angry at Li Ji's almost evasive statement at first, but the next moment he saw a familiar expression in the other's eyes.

That was the look he had seen in the bronze mirror before the end of the primary ceremony, the eyes he had shown when facing Ying Baoyue.

"Hey, you can't be..."

Ji Jiashu couldn't believe it, "You won't be sure..."

"Well," Li Ji lowered his head and smiled wryly, "I'm not sure what I want."

In other words, the current Li Ji is the same as he was when he was with Ying Baoyue in the National Teacher's Mansion, and he has not yet confirmed whether he is tempted.

Ji Jiashu didn't know how to react, he really wanted to shout, do you know how long you two have been together?
But in his capacity, it always feels a bit weird to shout such a sentence.

Ji Jiashu let out a long breath, and he didn't know what to say. After all, he also experienced a lot of struggles before confirming whether he was tempted.

But... Li Ji is different!

"Aren't you very experienced?" Ji Jiashu looked coldly at the man who was six years older than herself, "I think you were very determined when you were 13 years old."

After all, at the age of 13, he dared to make his own decision and proposed to an older woman. Why did he become confused when he was in his early twenties?

Does this person think he is still a young boy in love?

"That's different," Li Ji said, looking away, "After all, the previous time, the desire was very strong."


Ji Jiashu's sword hand convulsed, and he almost missed the sword in his hand. Looking at the calm man in front of him, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

Li Ji's words probably didn't mean what he imagined, did they?


Ji Jiashu's tongue was a little knotted.

"Desire, what is desire?"

(End of this chapter)

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