Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1683

Chapter 1683
Ying Baoyue didn't speak, but glanced at the two of them.

Li Ji put his hand into his bosom, "Hungry?"

Ying Baoyue nodded silently.

Li Ji had already taken out a piece of dry biscuit from the magic weapon in his arms, bent down and handed it to her, saying softly, "This is the last piece."

Ji Jiashu was startled, Ying Baoyue didn't say anything, just a look, she and Li Ji could communicate.

Facing the dry biscuit handed to him, Ying Baoyue didn't take it, sat up and pushed in the direction of Li Ji and Ji Jiashu, "Eat it first."

Li Ji regretted adding that sentence just now, he touched his bosom, "I read it wrong, there is more."

Ying Baoyue sighed, "Do you think I will believe it?"

The dry food this time was bought temporarily by Li Ji and her in Chongquan Town. At that time, in order to hide their identities under the pursuit of Xirong Tianjie, they could not buy too much food at one time. There was not much left before going up the mountain. It's almost sold out.

"Although it's gone, it's enough," Li Ji stretched out his hand and broke the cake in half, and handed half to Ying Baoyue and Ji Jiashu.

Before the two could resign, he said calmly, "I'm Tianjie, and I'm fine if I don't eat for a few days, so I'm not hungry right now."

Is that the case?

Ying Baoyue snorted in her heart, if she hadn't been a heavenly rank, she would have believed it.

As for now, she believed him a ghost.

She broke the half cake in her hand into two halves, and stuffed it into Li Ji's hands, "It's impossible to get full, let's eat a little bit."


Ji Jiashu frowned, isn't he the one who ate the most?
Li Ji pushed the cake back into Ying Baoyue's hands, and said firmly, "I told you, I'm not hungry."

Ji Jiashu began to break the cake in his hand, "I don't need to eat so much."

Under the firelight, looking at the pie that was about to be broken into pieces in the hands of the three of them, Ying Baoyue burst out laughing.

Both Li Ji and Ji Jiashu were startled, and looked up at her.

"It's nothing," Ying Baoyue reached out to take the cake in their hands, and divided it into three evenly.

The biscuits were very dry, with a lot of chaff in them, and they were very rough, and she had to be very careful not to let the crumbs fall to the ground.

Ji Jiashu watched Ying Baoyue's every move with dazed eyes.

Who would have thought that the three of them would share a piece of pie here so cherished?
He never had to worry about food and clothing since he was a child, and he has never paid so much attention to food, and Li Ji must be the same.But at this moment they were gathered around the fire, looking at the cake in Ying Baoyue's hands, as if they were looking at a rare treasure.

Three people sit together and share a piece of pie.

Ji Jiashu felt that he would never forget this scene.

"It's divided."

At this time, Ying Baoyue stuffed the divided cakes into the hands of Ji Jiashu and Li Ji, "Isn't that okay? Everyone has the same amount, so don't be humble."

"I said..." Li Ji still wanted to resist, but Ying Baoyue directly touched the cake in his hand to his lips.

Li Ji froze.

"Eat?" She put the cake back into Li Ji's palm, "Or do you want me to feed you?"

Li Ji supported his forehead and was defeated.

He silently stuffed the cake in his hand into his mouth.

A smile appeared on the corner of Ying Baoyue's mouth, and he began to eat the cake in his hand.

Ji Jiashu also stuffed the cake into his mouth, chewing on the crumbs, almost choking.

Li Ji handed Ying Baoyue two bamboo tubes, and Ying Baoyue handed one of them to Ji Jiashu, "Drink some water."

Ji Jiashu took it and found that the bamboo tube had been filled with clear water at some point.

He couldn't help sighing in his heart, at least he didn't have to worry about dying of thirst when he was with the Water Magician.

After swallowing the rough dry biscuits, Ji Jiashu wiped his lips with his sleeve, and when he looked up, he found that Ying Baoyue was looking at him.

He knew what she was worried about, smiled and said, "It's delicious."

Ying Baoyue was startled, she lowered her head slightly, "Really?"

"Well, really, I'm not kidding you."

Ji Jiashu looked into her eyes and said softly, "It's the best thing I've eaten recently."

"Well, I think so too," Ying Baoyue raised her head, looked at the two people beside the fire and said softly, "I'll cook something delicious for you when I get down the mountain."

"Then I'm looking forward to it," Ji Jiashu laughed heartily, "It's a deal."

"Okay," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "Senior Brother, Zi Chu, Xiao Shi and the others, come together, and we will have hot pot together."

"It must be a great pleasure to be able to eat hot pot under the snow-capped mountains," Ji Jiashu clapped her hands, "That's it, I'll call everyone here."

"it is good."

Li Ji, who had been silent all this time, poked the bonfire, "I'll be in charge of calling people, and whoever doesn't come, I'll tie him up."

The three people sitting cross-legged by the fire all laughed.

After laughing, the cave returned to silence,
"It's still two hours before dawn," Li Ji felt the breath in the air, and looked at Ying Baoyue, "Sleep a little longer."

"You sleep for a while too," Ying Baoyue looked at the unstoppable blackness in the deep eye sockets under his mask, "Let's take turns keeping watch."

This time Li Ji did not refuse, and Ji Jiashu nodded in agreement.

They don't know what will happen tomorrow, they all want to preserve their energy.



For the next two hours, the three of them took turns keeping vigil until dawn.

It is said that it is dawn, but the cave is still dark.

"It's about time."

Ji Jiashu opened her eyes in Ying Baoyue's voice, she leaned over to the place where he was sleeping, and pushed his shoulder.

"Really, is it the hour?"

Ji Jiashu turned over and sat up, while Li Ji packed up the animal skins and packed his luggage.

The collected moss was bundled into a torch by him.

"Let's go."

Li Ji said softly.

Ying Baoyue and Ji Jiashu nodded, and the three followed the light of the torch in Li Ji's hand, and walked cautiously into the depths of the cave.

Tick, tick.

Water droplets fell from the ceiling of the cave, and Ying Baoyue and Ji Jiashu vigilantly looked at the darkness beyond the light of the fire.

The more you go inside the hole, the bigger the space is, where the fire can't shine, there are all kinds of jagged and strange rocks, like beasts hidden in the dark.

Ji Jiashu felt more and more creepy as he walked.

"I always feel..." he said softly, "We are like walking inside the body of a giant beast."

"That's true," Ying Baoyue smiled wryly. "It's the second time I feel this way."

Ji Jiashu was taken aback, "The second time?"

Ying Baoyue glanced at Li Ji who was walking in front, "Didn't Zhaohua and I fall into a hole before? Although that hole was not as wide as this one, it was very long."

Like the body of a giant snake or dragon embedded in a mountain.

Ji Jiashu's eyes flickered, it was the first time he heard Ying Baoyue mention the few days when she and Li Ji disappeared alone.

He opened his mouth and was about to say something when Li Ji's voice suddenly came from ahead.


Li Ji stopped in his tracks, Ying Baoyue and Ji Jiashu took a closer look and found that there was no way ahead.

A black hole in the stone wall appeared in front of the three of them, and the stone wall looked extremely smooth.

 The most touching details

(End of this chapter)

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