Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1686 Breakthrough

Chapter 1686 Breakthrough
"I heard from the master of Jixia Academy that you want to practice Lei Fa?"

In the blurred field of vision, Ji Jiashu saw himself standing in the study of the National Teacher's Mansion.

His father's study room was the place he was most afraid of when he was a child.

For him as a young boy, it was like a bottomless cave. His father's desk seemed to weigh a thousand catties, and a tall black shadow sat behind the desk.

In the first memory of his life, the existence of his father was not the face that was exactly like his brother, but a huge, oppressive shadow.

The eight-year-old boy stood under the desk, facing the black figure behind the desk, he tried his best to raise his head.


In the void, Ji Jiashu watched his young self straighten his body as much as possible, and said loudly with a guilty conscience, "I have passed the talent test of the Thunder Institute, and I am qualified to become a thunderbolt!"

"is it?"

What responded to him was only a cold voice behind the desk.

The voice of Nanchu Guoshi remained unchanged, looking down at his son standing on the ground, as if looking at ants on the ground.

He said lightly, "You call that kid's trick a talent test?"

The toddler standing on the ground trembled all over, and repeated in a daze, "A child's trick?"

"It's just wiping the sword to make thunder, and you can do it with your hands," Ji Mo, who was sitting behind the desk, sneered.

"It's not like you were taken away by the heavens. What can you explain by completing this trick?"

"You act like I don't know, have you passed all the talent tests of Fenghuoshuilei Fourth Academy?"


Ji Jiashu looked at his young self standing blankly on the ground, speechless.

The man behind the desk stood up, and the tall black shadow enveloped the eight-year-old boy.

"Have you forgotten, whose son are you?"

Ji Mo said lightly, "I gave birth to you to inherit my mantle, not to let you do whatever you want."

His father's voice was as flat as ever, but even now Ji Jiashu couldn't forget the suffocating sense of oppression.

He stood in the void, looking at himself in his memory, lowering his eyes slightly.

Speaking of which, when he was eight years old, he chose to abandon fire and choose Leifa, which was the first time in his life that he resisted the path arranged by his father.

But just that once, it almost broke him to pieces.

When he was eight years old, he broke through to the eighth rank, and it was time to choose the Sword Sect.

Almost everyone in Jixia Academy believed that he would choose Huofa, because he was the son of the Southern Chu State Master, and his future had already been decided.

That is to practice fire magic, and spend his whole life trying to inherit his father's identity as the strongest fire magician.

On the day of the screening in the Fourth Palace, he used the excuse of testing his talent to go around the Fourth Palace. He even went around the Water Academy to cover up his talents and participated in all the talent tests.

Just like what his father said, the talent test for admission is indeed the most basic. He can become the eighth grade at the age of eight, and his talent naturally has no flaws.

He has all the basic qualities of the Four Swords School, but just when everyone thought he would go to the Fire Academy, he sneaked to the Thunder Academy while his father was in retreat, begging the director of the Thunder Academy to accept him as a disciple.

The dean of Lei Yuan was terrified but ecstatic, and immediately agreed.He returned home happily, thinking that he would receive the official letter of admission from the Thunder Academy next, but after waiting and waiting, the letter just didn't come.

Ten days later, what he waited for was a word from Butler Ji Er.

"Second son, the master has left the customs, and I want you to go to his study."

When the Dong Chuang incident happened, he felt a thump in his heart, and his legs were limp when he stepped into the study.

But when he saw the man sitting behind the desk, an impulse surged in his heart for the first time. Faced with his father's questioning, he finally did not choose to give in.

"Father," Ji Jiashu looked at the eight-year-old himself standing in front of the desk, holding back the tears in his eyes, and argued hard.

"Didn't you tell me that practitioners should follow their own heart?"

"My heart?"

"Do you know what Lei Fa is? You talk to me about your heart?"

Looking at the young boy with his head held high behind the desk, the man's eyes flickered behind the desk, "Tell me, why do you want to choose Lei Fa?"

The boy swallowed hard, "I think I'm the most suitable for Refa."

"is it?"

Ji Jiashu opened his eyes wide, looked at the man sitting behind the desk and smiled indifferently.

"I can actually give birth to a son who is most suitable for Refa?"

The man came out from behind the desk and walked over to the young boy.

The tall figure approached him a little bit with unfathomable coercion, and Ji Jiashu watched his young hands trembling uncontrollably hanging by his side.


Finally, his father stood still in front of him, looking down at his face condescendingly.

"You're so weak, you still want to be the master of the sword sect?"

"Are you sure you want to choose Lei Fa?"

That was the first and strongest surge of courage in his life. The eight-year-old boy raised his head, looked at his father with all his strength, and gritted his teeth.


His father looked at him quietly, just when Ji Jiashu thought that waiting for him next moment was a whip and a ruler, his father turned around and picked up the King Yue Sword on the desk.

"Okay, since you made your own decision, no matter what happens later, don't regret it."

The young boy's eyes widened in disbelief, and just when Ji Jiashu thought he had just passed the test, his father put the sword in his waist, turned around and grabbed his arm.

"follow me."

In an instant, Ji Jiashu was horrified to find that he was no longer in the study.

It was windy and windy outside, and the rain soaked his whole body in an instant.

The day his father asked him to talk happened to be a thunderstorm night.

When a thunderbolt struck, Ji Jiashu found himself under a big tree in the wilderness.

There were lightning and thunder in the sky, and heavy rain hit his head and face. The eight-year-old was washed by the rain and could hardly open his eyes.

"You just stand there."

And his father was standing ten feet away, looking up at the sky, and said calmly.

"There will be about thirty bolts of lightning in an hour tonight."

"If you can stand under this tree for an hour without dying, I will admit that you have the ability of lightning and allow you to practice lightning."

The heavy rain was overwhelming, and Ji Jiashu watched his young self freeze under the tree.

With a bang, a bolt of lightning struck a tree beside him, and the whole tree was instantly split in half, igniting a raging fire.

Under the firelight, the father's cold and heartless face was deeply imprinted in the boy's eyes.

Who would have thought that the Imperial Master of Southern Chu would use such a decisive method to test his son's cultivation ability?

Ji Jiashu remembered that he was standing under the tree, and his whole body was shrouded in fear.

Another bolt of lightning struck, this time closer. The eight-year-old boy was terrified, but his father stood not far away with his hands behind his back, unmoved.


He said lightly, "Are you going to stand there, or give up?"

"I won't give up."

Standing in the void, Ji Jiashu watched the drenched young boy stubbornly raise his head, and gritted his teeth.

"I'm going to be a Thunderbolt."

The man looking at him looked deeply.

The next moment, a purple bolt of lightning struck down, directly hitting the tree where Ji Jiashu was standing.

For just a moment, Ji Jiashu saw that his hair was floating in the air.

Lightning struck the young boy standing under the tree, and unspeakable pain came from his back.

Just when he saw this scene, Ji Jiashu standing in the void disappeared, and suddenly reunited with the boy under the tree.


Ji Jiashu opened his eyes slightly, and in the hazy darkness, he felt the familiar pain again.

(End of this chapter)

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