Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1698

Chapter 1698
The breakthrough of a practitioner is an extremely mysterious thing.

At the human level, you need to meet specific conditions for breaking through the realm. At the ground level, you need solid tendons and accumulation of true energy. But when you reach the peak of the ground level, if you want to continue to break through, you will enter an unknowable field.

But no matter how mysterious it is to break through the sky level, sufficient power accumulation is absolutely necessary.

When Li Ji broke through the heavenly ranks, he was already invincible in the same realm, even several times stronger than the ordinary fourth ranks. Although Chun Yuye was also wickedly stronger than the ordinary fourth ranks, he was still too young.

Murong Feilan's expression was serious. If Chunyuye lived a few more years, he might not be able to reach the threshold of the heavenly rank, but now...

Still too fast.

Chunyu Ye shouldn't have the ability to hit the heavenly ranks at such an age.

But that's what he did.

Once a practitioner fails to break through the realm, he is dead and crazy, and it is impossible for Chunyu Ye not to know the consequences.

Murong Feilan suddenly raised his head, looking at the dense thunderclouds on the top of Yunshou Peak.

So, who gave him such confidence?

"Wait, I remember that there was something wrong with breaking the sky level?"

Zhao Guang couldn't understand what Murong Feilan and Yeluhua were discussing, but he suddenly remembered an important condition for breaking through the sky.

"Don't you need the guidance of the Eight Beast Gods to break through the sky?"

Zhao Guang raised his head and stared blankly at the crowd, "Then, will God Xuanwu come?"

Eight beast gods?
Murong Feilan's heart skipped a beat, how could he forget this?

He realized he had made a huge mistake.

Breaking through the heavens does not require only the practitioner's own strength.

Li Ji's breakthrough gave the world an illusion, but in fact, the most important part of the breakthrough level is whether the practitioner can be recognized by the eight beast gods.

"Basalt God..."

All the thunderbolts present looked at each other with complicated expressions.

Chunyu Ye is a thunderbolt, and it stands to reason that if he wants to become a thunderbolt, he must be recognized by Xuanwu God.

But they didn't think that Xuanwu God would choose to admit him.

If Xuanwu God really came, he would also guide Chunyuye to become a heavenly rank...

Yeluhua's face was a little ugly, he felt that his Dao heart as a thunderbolt would be in jeopardy.

At this moment, his palms warmed up, and he looked to his side in astonishment.

Meng Shi held his hand, and she squinted to look at the sky, "God Xuanwu, he won't come."


Meng Shi couldn't tell why, it was just her intuition, but the next moment, her intuition became a reality.

Thunder rumbled on Yunshou Peak, but the figure of the ancient god did not appear in the thunder cloud.

Xuanwu God did not show up.

Everyone's expressions became more serious, looking at each other with solemnity and doubt in their eyes.

"Chunyuye, how is he going to break through?"



By the ice lake at the top of Yunshou Peak, a man in white stood in the water of the lake, staring at the thundercloud above his head, his eyes changing.

"Xuanwu will not come."

There was a soft sound behind the man in white, and the soles of the silver-haired boy landed on the rocks by the lake. He watched closely the back of the man in the lake, and said in a deep voice.

"So don't act rashly."

The man in white didn't look back, "The people of Xirong never fight unprepared."

Xuanwu God would not help the Xirong people break through the border, Chunyuye must have known this well before breaking through, and he probably had other preparations.

"That's right, so you can't go out from here."

The silver-haired boy stared at the thin back of the person in the lake, and a dark light flashed in his eyes.

"I will never let you fall into the hands of the Xirong people."

The man in white gave him a sideways look, "That junior doesn't have such skills yet."

Even if Chunyuye ascended to the heavenly rank, it would not be enough to pose a threat to him, but...

"Where's the Xirong Tianjie?" the man in white asked.

"It's gone," the silver-haired boy's eyes flashed, and a trace of gloom flashed across, "I don't know where it fell or what happened, but the breath disappeared for no reason."

"Even you can't find it?"

The man in white frowned slightly.

"There is a god on this mountain three feet above the head," the silver-haired boy's eyes flickered, "Maybe he was eaten by something on this mountain, and I don't know for sure. For example, Kui Niu never told me what he swallowed."

The man in white didn't speak, but looked up at the thunderstorm on the top of the mountain.

He knew that the silver-haired boy had already locked the energy mechanism behind him at this time, and the more dangerous the moment, the less this existence would allow him to leave Tianchi.

With a bang, a thunderbolt strikes down!
The pupils of the man in white shrank slightly.




"Embrace the moon!"

Sand and rocks were flying beside the white boulder, Li Ji suddenly protected Ying Baoyue's head in his arms, and fixedly looked at Chun Yuye who was caught in the whirlpool not far away.

"Has he really started to break through?"

Ying Baoyue poked his head out of Li Ji's arms with difficulty, a look of astonishment flashed across his eyes, "Has Xuanwu God come?"

Before Chunyu Ye clearly said that he was still one step away from the heavenly ranks, but at the next moment, a storm of true energy suddenly arose all over his body, and he began to break through without saying a word.

This recklessness simply exceeded his impression in her heart.

"I didn't come." Li Ji hugged Ying Baoyue and hid behind a white boulder. Amidst the fierce wind and thunder, his voice was a little fuzzy. "If I don't come again, I probably won't come."

In the distance, amidst the thunder, there was the crackling of human joints breaking.

This meant that Chunyu Ye's bones were being regenerated, which meant that he had entered the second stage of breaking the boundary.

Having experienced all this personally, Li Ji knew very well that the next moment should be when the Eight Beast Gods appeared to guide the practitioners to calm down the true energy storm in their bodies. body and die.

Li Ji raised his head and stared at the thunder cloud above his head.

The dark clouds rolled over, and there was no figure of the beast god.

Just like... he himself was the same when he broke through the heaven level.

Li Ji took a deep breath. He still remembered the scene at that time. Countless storm essence and things that did not belong to his body collided and rolled in his body. His consciousness was blurred, and his whole body was about to burst. .

But just when he was about to lose his sanity, he heard Ying Baoyue's voice.

Li Ji clenched his fists.

If Ying Baoyue hadn't appeared at that time, he would not have been able to regain his sanity, and would either have been killed by the sword he had given to Zhao Guang in advance, or he would have become a lunatic who was neither human nor ghost and would kill until his true energy was exhausted and he died.

But now, how will Chunyu Ye get over this hurdle?
Regardless of whether Chunyuye is successful or crazy in the future, he will become an extremely terrifying existence.

Li Ji tensed his muscles and mobilized his true energy, but before he could respond, a sullen voice suddenly came from above their heads.

"found it."

Ying Baoyue trembled all over, and raised her head suddenly, and saw Chunyuye standing on top of the boulder where she and Li Ji were hiding.

His clothes were all scorched black, his green pupils were blood red, and he looked like a ghost.

Li Ji's pupils shrank slightly, and a sword light suddenly appeared on the Juque sword, and the sword swept out.

However, Chunyu Ye nimbly turned somersault on the boulder and dodged the sword.

His figure suddenly appeared under the boulder, with one hand grabbing Ying Baoyue's shoulder.

"How can you avoid me?"

Those scarlet eyes were staring at her closely, "I've been looking for you for a long time."

Ying Baoyue was hairy all over, the Flowing Fire Sword shot up into the sky, and the Sunset Sword pierced Chun Yuye's chest, and the stabbing sensation came from his hand, Ying Baoyue opened his eyes wide in surprise.

However, the next moment, her pupils shrank violently.

Just behind Chunyu Ye, a black shadow suddenly appeared.

A hairy head poked out from behind Chunyu Ye's shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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