Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 170

Chapter 170

"Ten years old?"

As soon as Ji Jiashu finished speaking, no one expected that it would be Ji Ange who questioned him first.

Two days ago, under Ying Baoyue's persuasion of "everyone here has seen your face, it's meaningless to wear it", Ji Ange rarely gave up wearing a veil in the carriage. At this time, the shock on the girl's face was clearly visible .

"How could a ten-year-old encounter Shenyin?!"

Under the eyes of everyone in the carriage, Ji Ange realized that he had no veil now, and he lowered his head in shock, but the woman's unbelievable voice still came out in a low voice.

"Didn't it mean that only those under the age of seven..." Ji Ange took a breath, "Maybe a natural practitioner who is at most eight years old... can encounter Shenyin?"

And it must be a practitioner with high enough talent.

Ji Qingyuan glanced at his sister worriedly, and patted her on the shoulder. He knew why Ji Ange was so excited all of a sudden.

Shenyin may be just a legend to other practitioners, but to their brothers and sisters it was a childhood nightmare.

To this world, practitioners are like the fruit that greedily absorbs its essence and grows up, so they swallow the most promising fruit before absorbing too much nutrients from the world, even if it is not an orthodox god, for the mainland Whether it is a mythical beast or a monster, it is very attractive.

It is common sense in the Shanhai Continent that children with higher parental realms are more likely to encounter Shenyin.

And in this continent, there is no one who can reach a higher level than the parents of their brothers and sisters.

Because of this potential danger, Ji Ange and him have been restricted in their freedom since they were young. They must not go to the wilderness, they must not go to the mountains or the sea, and they must not meet too many outsiders other than their parents. They were all confined to the courtyard with a solid formation.

And he didn't care about it, Ji Ange even missed meeting that woman because of her disappearance.

Looking at his pale younger sister, Ji Qingyuan knew that although Ji Ange never mentioned it, she still cared about it to some extent.

At this time, when Ji Jiashu mentioned Shenyin, she immediately awakened the not-so-good memories in her heart.

Although Ji Jiashu was still young back then, he had heard about it to some extent. At this moment, his reaction when he saw his eldest brother and elder sister froze, but the next moment Ji Qingyuan looked up at him and said, "It's okay, you can continue talking."

I have never had the chance to chat with this younger brother, not to mention that he also cares about Shenyin.

Shenyin is the legend of the entire mountain and sea continent, and it is also a mystery in the hearts of all practitioners.

Looking at the curious eyes of everyone in the carriage, Ji Jiashu settled down.

"This incident is just a rumor. I have only seen Mr. Zhaohua from a distance, but the reason why there are rumors of a ghost is that Mr. Zhaohua disappeared for a while when he was young."


Everyone in the car was shocked when they heard the words, and even the downcast Ji Ange raised his head again.

"Yes," Ji Jiashu nodded, thinking of that unfathomable man, the boy's eyes darkened.

Although he only had a glimpse from a distance, the power hidden in that man was a blow to him head on.

Mr. Zhaohua was four years older than him, but Ji Jiashu still couldn't believe how a practitioner could have such great power when he was younger than the weak crown.

That is by no means something that can be obtained only by studying hard.

When Ji Jiashu saw that man for the first time, he had only one thought.

That is.

What has he been through?
Ji Jiashu was not a young man in Jixia Academy who would only envy and jealous when he saw a strong man, he knew it better than anyone else.

What inhuman power often means is an extraordinary experience.

Painful, even heartbreaking.

Or, unforgettable.

In a sense, the world is fair.

Without a bit of bitter cold, the plum blossoms will not be so tangy.

Except for the one from Xirong, Ji Jiashu learned the tip of the iceberg of the powerful man's secret from Qionghua Jun, the oldest and most knowledgeable of the Six Warring States Masters at the only gathering of the Six Warring States Masters.

"It's true that Shenyin is usually at the age of seven or eight," Ji Jiashu looked at Ji Ange and said.

The reason why it is seven or eight years old is because the last awakening of natural practitioners is around this age.

"Anyway, it's definitely safe to cross the waste line," Ji Jiashu said quietly, "I don't know the reason why Mr. Zhaohua from Soochow was so late, but..."

The boy paused and said, "Maybe it has something to do with his awakening time being relatively late."

After being awed by the man's powerful strength, Ji Jiashu was even more shocked when he heard about the age of the man's awakening.

As the man with the highest realm among the five young masters he met back then, Ji Jiashu did not expect that he was the last one to awaken.

Although that person was older than himself, he entered the cultivation world at about the same time as most fifteen or sixteen-year-old boys.

In such a short period of time, Ji Jiashu finally understood why he thought of another young girl from him.

Of course, the girl's name cannot be mentioned in the practice world now, especially in front of Soochow people.

Whoever mentions it is out of luck.

But even if it can't be mentioned, the many records set by that girl are still standing in front of countless practitioners, and no one has surpassed them so far.

Far away.Ji Jiashu came back to his senses, took a deep breath and continued, "Zhaohua...he has a special identity. It is said that when he was ten years old, he was taken out for a horse race by a servant at home. He accidentally lost it and lost it completely." tracked."

At that time, because of the special status of that young man, it caused a lot of trouble in Soochow.

"Afterwards, their family sent countless people to look for it, but they couldn't find it for a whole year," Ji Jiashu said, "That's why it was considered a hermit.

If you want to see a person, if you want to see a dead body, but the child has nothing, so he is regarded as a ghost.

Can't find it by accident?

Ying Baoyue felt a little unnatural when he heard the description of the young man in front of him.

Looking at Ji Jiashu with complicated eyes, Ying Baoyue knew that the young man had hidden some information, such as the real identity of Mr. Zhaohua.

But she was not prepared to ask, she knew that some news was only circulated among the upper echelons of the family, as a son of a family, there were some things that could be said and some things that could not be said.

This is a tacit understanding between the families, and it is also the exchange and balance of their respective interests.

But because of this, Ying Baoyue also heard the smell of internal strife in the aristocratic family in this story.

After all, a ten-year-old child can't just throw it away.

Unless it is thrown in a remote place where a ten-year-old child will never be able to find it.

Ying Baoyue narrowed her eyes.

For example, the wilderness, the deep mountains and old forests.

But isn't this approach a bit reserved?
Why not just kill him?
Can't find it by accident while running a horse?Needless to say, they are all excuses to cover up on the surface. There are many examples of power and property competition among aristocratic families, and it is not uncommon for one house to kill another house to start with its heirs.

Looking at Ji Qingyuan's thoughtful eyes, Ying Baoyue knew that she was not the only one who thought of this.

But the ups and downs of other people's homes are not what they want to pay attention to, and Ji Jiashu is also very clear, taking a deep breath and continuing to speak.

If it's just a ghost, it's just a tragedy that belongs to the fate of a practitioner or a family member.

But the story of Soochow Zhaohuajun is not limited to this.

"Just when the Soochow people gave up, no one thought..." Ji Jiashu's eyes became serious, "Just one year later, in the land where the Soochow ancestor was, Mr. Zhaohua was suddenly found."

The lost boy.

It is also the beginning of a mysterious legend.

And then, the boy who disappeared for a year started his rise from obscurity and became a cultivation genius in the whole continent.

"It's just that he has a weird personality and keeps things simple, and only a few people have seen him," Li Ji said with a wry smile, "no one knows what happened to him."

But one thing is for sure, something must have happened in the year that the boy disappeared.

"That Mr. Zhaohua..." Gui Li opened his eyes wide and was about to speak, but at this moment the carriage suddenly stopped forward, and the driver's loud voice came from outside.

"Young masters, Danyang City is almost here!"

The boys and girls in the carriage were all shaken, Ying Baoyue stretched out his hand and was about to lift the curtain, but at this moment there was a sudden noise outside the carriage, it seemed that countless people and horses were evading.


"It's a convoy from the Northern Wei Dynasty!"

 The last of the three great powers made a grand debut.

(End of this chapter)

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