Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 171 The Northern Wei Dynasty

Chapter 171 The Northern Wei Dynasty
Northern Wei?

Accompanied by the creaking and rolling of the carriage wheels, Ying Baoyue's outstretched hand stopped in mid-air.

Southern Chu, Eastern Wu, Northern Wei.

These were the three major powers in the Great Wall back then, and they were also the three major powers in the cultivation world.

Now that the former Qin Dynasty has fallen, Ying Baoyue can imagine how high the status of these three countries in the entire continent will climb.However, even when the Qin Empire ruled the country, the Northern Wei Dynasty was still a special vassal state.

There is no other reason, just because of its extraordinary strength.

And fierce.

One side of water and soil supports one side of people, this sentence is true at all times, and the special and powerful of the Northern Wei Dynasty also comes from its special geographical location.

Although Northern Wei, Eastern Wu, and Southern Chu are the three most powerful countries in the mainland at the same time, compared with Southern Chu, which is located in a warm water town, and Eastern Wu, which is near the sea, the situation of Northern Wei is much worse.

The northern land is extremely cold, and it is closer to the border of Xirong. The harsh geographical environment makes the practitioners of the Northern Wei Dynasty the strongest in combat effectiveness, tall and fierce.

The environment is always the most ruthless sword to hone a practitioner. When Ying Baoyue went to the Great Wall of Eternal Night for the first time, he was shocked by the fierceness of the soldiers of the Northern Wei Dynasty stationed on the Great Wall.At this time, listening to the panic of people outside the carriage avoiding, she understood that these people were experiencing the same shock as she did back then.

"Sister, it's outside..." Gui Li's heart beat wildly when he heard the murderous movement outside, Ying Baoyue reached out and grabbed the car curtain, and opened a corner.

A mighty yet beautiful giant city appeared in front of everyone.

The capital of Southern Chu, Danyang.

right in front of you.

Ying Baoyue looked at the huge city wall standing in the distance, and then looked sideways to the outside of the carriage. What the coachman said before was correct, the carriage they were sitting in now had already boarded the official road leading directly to the main gate of Danyang City.

But facing the open gate of Danyang City, there is an endless stream of people.

"Now is the day when practitioners from all over the world who participated in the primary ceremony enter the city," Ji Jiashu explained looking at the traffic outside the window.

Speaking of her wedding day is really a coincidence, Ying Baoyue looked at the carriages gathered from all directions and thought.

"It's really lively." Gui Chen said.

Looking at the crowded avenue and the practitioners in different costumes and descriptions, the boy's heart was surging.

The six countries gather, and the eight directions come.

This is the primary ceremony.

It was the first time Guichen saw such a large number of practitioners gathering, and only Nanchu's financial resources and grandeur could accommodate so many practitioners at one time.

No matter how lively it is, all countries are equal in the face of practice. At this time, motorcades from all countries are queuing up on the avenue waiting to enter the city, even Ji Jiashu Ying Baoyue's carriage with the emblem of the Southern Chu State Teacher's Mansion is no exception.

But not far in front of their carriage, in the densely packed convoy, there was a vacuum.

It was a team of carriages and horses with very simple decorations. At first glance, it looked ordinary, but when the other practitioners saw the team clearly, they backed away in horror, as if they didn't dare to stand shoulder to shoulder with it.

It was as if the entire convoy was surrounded by a huge barrier.

But there is indeed a barrier.

A barrier called strong country deterrence.

"That's the convoy of the Northern Wei Dynasty..."

"Get out of the way, what if you run into them!"

"There are so many people in the Northern Wei Dynasty this year? How can it be compared?"

"Which one is the stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty?"

It was just a carriage composed of more than [-] people on horseback, but it seemed to be a huge monster on the entire official road. People were discussing and dodging to avoid being hurt by its cruel and violent murderous aura.

"That is……"

Chen Zichu, who had been cynical all the way in the carriage, and Xu Yishan, who was as silent as a stone, suddenly became serious, and even clenched the hilt of their swords at their waists.

There were no decorations on the motorcade in front, and the dress of the practitioners immediately was simple, but for Ying Baoyue, he didn't need these to see where those people were from.

This is the special feature of the practitioners in the Northern Wei Dynasty. Even if they don't look at people, but only look at horses, they can tell the difference from the practitioners in the Central Plains and the South.

Not to mention anything else, the war horses of the Northern Wei Dynasty were taller than the war horses of the Southern Chu by more than one level.The horses in Southern Chu were at most five feet high at the shoulder, but the horses in the Northern Wei Dynasty were at least six to seven feet high, and there were even dragon colts with a shoulder height of eight feet.

Horses are so tall, let alone people.

As long as a practitioner with insight can distinguish it.

"It seems that they are the troops of the Northern Wei Dynasty this year." Ji Jiashu's face was not relaxed, and he squinted his eyes and looked forward. "The number is indeed a bit more than in previous years."

"The number of people fighting has always been fixed. What are you going to do with so many people in the Northern Wei Dynasty this year?" Chen Zichu frowned.

"What grades are they all?"

"The lowest rank is seven, and there are ranks six..." Ji Jiashu paused, "Ten people."

"What? Ten people?" Chen Zichu almost rolled off the horse stool, "Did the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty take some kind of elixir by mistake? How did this generation get so many first-class sixths?"

"It seems that I have been saving for a long time," Ji Jiashu looked solemnly at the tall people who stood out from the crowd not far away.

In the first two primary ceremonies, Northern Wei was defeated by Southern Chu both in crowd battles and individual battles. In the year he participated, he picked six Northern Wei warriors in a row, which made Northern Wei lose face.


Ji Jiashu lowered his eyes slightly, but the Northern Wei Dynasty was the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Being able to support the northern border for seven years after the death of the chief commander and the younger commander, the speed of the younger generation's honing and rising is really amazing.

"Those savages..."

Chen Zichu took a deep breath, moved to the window of the carriage regardless of his image, poked his head out and looked forward desperately.

"I want to see, who is the stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty this year?"

Seeing Chen Zichu's actions, Ying Baoyue also followed his gaze, rather than saying that everyone on the official road was asking this question at this time.

Who is the stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty?
The stepson is the leader of a country's practitioners, and even the soul of the participants in the primary ceremony.

Whether a country's stepson is strong or not also represents the strength of that country to a large extent.

Looking at the menacing scene of the Northern Wei Dynasty this year, everyone can't help but wonder who is leading this group of tall practitioners, and what kind of burly and brave man is it...


Just at this moment, the Northern Wei convoy had arrived under the city gate, and when the city guards inspected it, the figure of the tallest horse in the front suddenly appeared.

next moment.

There was a sudden silence on the entire official road.

"What..." Chen Zichu, who leaned out most of his body, froze by the window.

Ying Baoyue was slightly taken aback when she saw the figure at the front of the Northern Wei motorcade.

At this time, the other people on the official road were stunned for a moment when they saw the figure, and suddenly exploded.

There's no way, it's because the impression of that figure and the practitioner of the Northern Wei Dynasty is too obvious.

"What's going on? Is that kid really the stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty?"

"He is riding an eight-foot dragon horse. Only the stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty can ride an eight-foot horse... It's really him..."

Ying Baoyue looked at the blurry figure in the distance but was obviously a head shorter than the people around her, and slightly raised her forehead with a strange feeling in her heart.

Every country has its special products. If Southern Chu is rich in elegant princes, then Northern Wei is rich in... burly men.

However, looking at the thin figure on the tall horse in front of the group of tall men, a sharp ridicule suddenly sounded from the official road, speaking everyone's heartfelt thoughts.

"What happened to the Northern Wei Dynasty this year?"

The man laughed loudly.

"You actually found a little boy to be your stepson?"

(End of this chapter)

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