Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1700 Desperate Death

Chapter 1700 Desperate Death
For a moment, Ying Baoyue noticed that the wolf's head sucking on her shoulder stopped for a moment.

The blood-stained snout of the wolf lifted up, his eyes warily looking up the mountain.

It seems that there is something more powerful being watching here.

But Ying Baoyue has no time to think about who is looking at this side. This momentary pause is precious, and finally gave her the opportunity to regain consciousness.

Hissing water vapor rose from her cheeks, looking at the wolf's head on the mountain road ahead, a dark light flashed in her cloudy eyes.

Ying Baoyue looked at these eyes at a very close distance.

"I thought you were crazy," she said quietly, "so you haven't gone crazy yet?"

Black mud dripped from the wolf's mouth, exposing the fur that had no background on its face.

If Ying Baoyue remembered correctly, the fur should be white before it was completely polluted.

Although it is not as silvery as the White Tiger God, it is still as white as the snow on Qilian Mountain.

Even though it was just a glimpse on the battlefield, she still vaguely remembered the opponent's appearance.

It was a huge white wolf standing behind the Xirong cavalry, and it was also the totem of the Twelve Royal Courts of Xirong, one of the eight beast gods, and the white dog god.

Its name is a dog, but it is actually a wolf.

However, at this moment, the white dog can no longer see its original appearance.

In Emperor Taizu's Unification War, the White Dog God fought against the Qinglong God.

The White Dog God didn't have the ability to fight the Azure Dragon God, but he became completely evil during the battle, and fought with the other seven gods by himself. In the end, the Qinglong God defeated him, and the White Dog God's body disappeared.

But the Qinglong God was also seriously injured in this battle, and finally fell into a deep sleep.

Finally, eight years ago, the aura of the Azure Dragon God completely disappeared.

And the white dog god went crazy and disappeared.

Ying Baoyue didn't know the whereabouts of the Qinglong God, but she always felt in her heart that the white dog should not be dead.

She had already had a premonition when she saw Ying Long transformed into an evil god in Soochow before, but she didn't expect that she would see him again so soon.

No, it should be said.

What she saw in front of her was neither a human being nor a god, but a clone that was parasitic on a human body, neither human nor ghost.

Looking at the wolf's head growing from Chunyuye's body, Ying Baoyue shouted, "White dog!"

white dog?

Li Ji froze in the strong wind, and his back suddenly felt severe pain.

But compared to this inexplicable pain, his mind was even more confused.

White Dog God?
The white dog god of Xirong is not dead?Actually invaded the Great Wall, and even came to the peak of the main peak of Xiling Snow Mountain?
What are the White Tiger God and the Mountain Ghost doing?Unprepared for such a situation?Or……

Looking at Chun Yuye, who had empty eyes not far away, Li Ji's heart beat like a drum.

It was Chunyu Ye who brought the White Dog God in.

Li Ji never thought before that a god would actually live on a person.

But this kind of thing just happened, the white dog god hid in Chunyu Ye's body and got into Xiling Snow Mountain.

At this time, the White Dog God has awakened, so where is Chunyu Ye now?
"White dog."

Ying Baoyue looked into the wolf's eyes, and said in a cold voice, "Do you know me?"

Does it know what happened to her in the past?

What role does it play in it?
The wolf head growing out of the black mud looked at Ying Baoyue, opened its mouth, and saliva dripped from its mouth.

Ying Baoyue stared at it.

"Can't even talk anymore?"

Langtou didn't respond, a streak of greed flashed across his cloudy eyes, and he threw himself on her shoulder again.

However, the next moment, a raging flame ignited in front of its eyes.

Ying Baoyue lit her hair on fire.

Looking at the flame, Li Ji's pupils shrank violently.

It turned out that Ying Baoyue had been trying to light a fire, and the steam rising from her face was a sign that she was lighting a fire!
The flames splashed everywhere, the flames were bright red, and the flowing flames rushed up in an instant, burning on the white dog's mouth.

Ying Baoyue's eyes were also bright red, not only her hair was burnt, but also part of her soul that had been sucked out by the white dog.


With a scream from the wolf's mouth, Ying Baoyue's regained consciousness broke free from Chunyuye's restraint, and pushed away the black shadow in front of him.

With a bang, she was thrown out and fell heavily to the ground.

"Embrace the moon!"

"Leave me alone, cut it!"

Ying Baoyue cut off the burning hair with a sword, and shouted sharply.

Li Ji's speed was faster than her voice, and the overwhelming ice and snow mixed with countless water arrows hit Chunyu Ye who was rolling on the ground.

With a bang, the sky and the earth were shrouded in water mist, and a deep hole was smashed out in the place where Chunyu Ye was.

Ying Baoyue lay on the ground, staring at the bottom of the pit.

The next moment, the mist dissipated, and Chunyuye knelt down on the bottom of the pit with his legs, but his body seemed unscathed.

Ying Baoyue's pupils constricted, which is no longer the strength a human body can have.

Chunyuye's back bulged, and the wolf's head that had been retracted into Chunyuye's body when Li Ji attacked came out again, and his eyes turned to her.

The severe pain in the shoulder made Ying Baoyue's vision blur for a moment, but she still gritted her teeth and grasped the Sunset Sword in her hand, and a little bit of fire mixed with blood rose from her sword.

However, before she could swing her sword, the scene in front of her stopped her hand in mid-air.

The scene of the wolf's head crawling out from Chunyuye's back was disgusting and terrifying, but just as it stretched out its body and opened its mouth to Ying Baoyue, a veiny hand suddenly grabbed the wolf's big mouth.


Chunyuye lowered his head, his sight was blocked by the messy hair on his forehead, Ying Baoyue couldn't see his eyes.

The boy's voice sounded coldly from the bottom of the pit.

"Something wrong?"

Chunyu Ye said in a low voice, "Is this different from what you said before?"

He pinched the wolf's mouth and pushed its head in front of him, his blood-red eyes staring straight at the wolf's head in front of him.

"That person asked me to bring you here, saying that you could help me get the sacrifice of the Breaking Heaven Rank, but he didn't say that I would be your sacrifice.",


Ying Baoyue was stunned upon hearing this.

Wait, Chunyuye... regained consciousness?

The wolf head looked at Chunyuye, blinked his eyes slowly, the next moment Ying Baoyue saw Chunyuye's muscles were bulging, his body was protruding with numerous lumps, twisted and twitched suddenly, and his joints crackled.

Split muscles!

Ying Baoyue's heart turned cold, this wolf head was showing Chunyuye its control over his body!

It can mobilize every piece of flesh and every bone in Chunyuye's body at will, and even cause Chunyuye's meridians to backflow to death.

Chunyu Ye suddenly collapsed to the ground, but the next moment, his whole body twitched and got up.

The meridian on his arm swelled like an old tree, but the wolf's mouth was still tightly clenched in his hand.


Chunyuye was bleeding from his seven orifices, but he still acted as if nothing had happened, staring at the wolf head who was close at hand, he sneered.

"I knew that person's arrangement, nothing good would happen."

What did you say that he found a secret method to help him break through the realm, as long as he went to Xiling Snow Mountain, he would be able to ascend to the heavenly rank, did it turn out that something like this was planted in his body?
(End of this chapter)

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