Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1736

Chapter 1736
"Tai Ah Sword?"

Ying Baoyue had been quietly listening to the mountain ghost's narration of the past, and then suddenly made a sound when she heard this.

The mountain ghost glanced at her, his expression couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry, "Want?"

Ying Baoyue was startled, and lowered his head slightly, "I just want to know, where is Tai'a Sword?"

Through the information of various people, she can probably guess that the mountain ghost should be the last person her master saw before going to the Great Wall of Eternal Night to die.

There was no trace of the Tai'a Sword left on the Great Wall of Eternal Night, and Lin Wangong and Ji Da didn't know the whereabouts of the Tai'a Sword. Combined with the Tai'a Sword scabbard that the mountain ghost took out during the middle-level ceremony, they were in front of the Shangxiling Snow Mountain. , Ying Baoyue kept guessing that Tai'a sword was in the hands of the mountain ghost.

However, when she saw the mountain ghost, there was no sword on the mountain ghost's waist, which made Ying Baoyue a little uneasy.

Sensing Ying Baoyue's gaze, Shan Gui just glanced at her and said calmly, "Listen to me."

Ying Baoyue smiled wryly.

The mountain ghost seemed to be telling her about the past with his master, but basically she would stop for at least ten sentences after she said a sentence. Most of the time, the woman in white just looked at the lake and remembered quietly.

Including how she went from level [-] to level [-] directly, the mountain ghost just said "I passed out for four days, your master protected me, and then I succeeded" and prevaricated.

Then she stood by the lake and stared at the lake water for half an hour.

Although the mountain ghost is a beautiful sight even if it just stands still, Ying Baoyue is still a little speechless just being left alone.

But fortunately, she knew that the mountain ghost didn't mean to leave her alone.

Looking at the lake, the mountain ghost's eyes made it hard to bear to disturb her.

Ying Baoyue just stood aside quietly, watching this woman who was as beautiful as a painting immersed in the memories of the past, silently missing the person they loved together.

"and after?"

Seeing that the mountain ghost was about to sink into his own world again, Ying Baoyue asked quickly.

She had made a blood oath with Chun Yuye in the ice tower forest before, agreeing not to invade each other, and she knew the process of the blood oath very well.Next, the mountain ghost should also cut his fingers and fuse with her master's blood.

But Shan Gui's description of the matter was indeed without process.

"Later? Then I made a blood oath with your master."

The mountain ghost said lightly.

"She's gone."

Of course, the process was not as simple as she and Ying Baoyue said.



Murong Yin never expected that Lin Shubai would do so many things before leaving.

"Lin Shubai?"

Seeing Lin Shubai's blood drop from the blade of the famous sword, Murong Yin was a little dumbfounded, "What are you doing?"

"Blood oath," Lin Shubai said, "don't be afraid, just a little blood, it won't hurt."

The woman in black waved to her, "Come here."

Tai'a Sword's sword light was extremely cold, and it exuded unparalleled coercion when it was unsheathed. Even with the body protection of the True Essence of the Divine Dance Realm, Murongyin could still feel the terrible pressure.

Just looking at it is chilling.

But as if bewitched by the cold light, she walked towards the sword in a daze.

"Come, touch and see."

Lin Shubai held the blade across her face, she stretched out her hand, and touched it lightly with her fingertips.


Seeing blood when you touch it is a fast!

Murong Yin had never seen such a sharp blade in his life.

The next moment, the blood beads of the two of them met on the blade, interweaving into a pattern that she couldn't understand.

Lin Shubai held the blade with his bare hands, and Murongyin gasped.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt," Lin Shubai glanced at her, grabbed her hand, and carefully cut a hole in her palm with the tip of the sword.

"You and I swear here that we will meet again in half a year and gather here."

Lin Shubai read softly.

"Kill the animal and drink its blood, and make an oath to the gods. If there is any violation, you want to make the gods add disaster and make such a sacrifice."

The blood streaks flowed into the body along the wounds on the palms of the two people. The feeling was quite strange, and Murong Yin couldn't help but coughed.

"Sorry, sorry, I forgot that your body has not fully recovered, and it is still a little bit reluctant to make a blood oath."

Lin Shubai let go of the sword, hugged her into his arms and patted her on the back gently.

Rubbing her cheek against the warm clothes on the chest of the woman in black, Murongyin slowly grasped the skirt of the person in front of her.

Her fingers were a little stiff, and her eyes widened a little bit in this person's arms.

For a moment, she wanted to be buried in this embrace and never let go.

Lin Shubai's heartbeat was steady and strong, while hers was rapid and uncontrollable.

This unfair.

Murongyin took a deep breath, and suddenly pushed the person in front of him away.

"Murong Yin?"

Lin Shubai was slightly taken aback.

"I'm fine," Murong Yin turned around and said coldly, "Since I've made an oath, I don't have anything to worry about, you can go."

Lin Shubai was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "You..."

"Although I'm leaving, I still have a lot to tell you."

The woman in black squatted down on the snow, rustling, not knowing what she was busy with.

"What are you doing?"

Murongyin frowned, trying not to turn around.

She was afraid that if she turned around, she would grab the man's skirt and beg her not to leave.

"Leave some food for you," Lin Shubai said while taking something out of his pocket, "I brought a lot of dry food up, and I don't need it now."

"By the way, when I came up before, I found that the Qingluan Peak in front of me is not frozen all year round and has a lot of products. You can go there to look for food later."

"By the way, your realm is not enough to completely keep out the cold. This is the eiderdown quilt I made for me before hugging the moon. It's warmer, and I will leave it to you."

"Oh, is this still there? This is the deerskin tent that Baoyue and I used. Although there are many caves by the lake, if you can't find a suitable one, you can live in this tent..."

Lin Shubai babbled behind her, like an old mother whose children are about to travel.

Murong Yin finally couldn't bear it anymore, and turned around abruptly, "I can take care of myself..."

Her voice stopped abruptly, and she stared blankly at a "hill" built behind her.

There are food, clothing, supplies, and even books.


"Huh? These are all the luggage I stored in the space magic weapon before. Many of them are no longer needed, so I will leave them to you."

Lin Shubai was busy, wrapping a pile of things on the ground with a big furoshiki.

"By the way, the book here was written before Baoyue. I haven't had time to read it. It should be about formations and prohibitions. It also collects a lot of content about prohibitions and curses from the previous generation. You can't practice swords, but you can. Learn more about formations and barriers, I think you are very talented in this area."

Very good, she will definitely surpass Princess Zhaoyang in terms of formation in the future.

Murongyin secretly swore in her heart.

She took the heavy package from Lin Shubai's hand, but her heart became even heavier.

"Lin Shubai."

She finally couldn't help asking that question.

"Why...why do you want to help me like this?"


Lin Shubai raised his head with a puzzled expression, "Why?"

Murong Yin lowered her eyes. She didn't ask this question before because she was not afraid of Lin Shubai's plans.

Those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. She has nothing but this body. Even if Lin Shubai wants it, she doesn't care.

But at this moment, what Lin Shubai had done for her had already surpassed everything she could give her.

"You ask me why, I don't know either."

Lin Shubai laughed, this smile was almost silly in Murongyin's eyes.

It was hard for her to believe that a woman who had survived the hardships in the first half of her life could show such a pure and warm smile.

But the next moment, Lin Shubai became serious.

 The book of the old mother's attributes, her existence itself is a miracle

(End of this chapter)

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