Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1737 Leave

Chapter 1737 Leave
"Don't trust me that much," Lin Shubai said seriously, looking at her.

"Practitioners should not trust others easily."

Her previous fears were pointed out by this person, Murongyin was taken aback for a moment, and then she couldn't laugh or cry.

"Don't think it's funny."

Lin Shubai looked extremely serious.

"In the face of cultivation resources, all practitioners are enemies. The older you are, the more you will deceive novices. Especially if someone sells you pills and secrets that can quickly improve your realm, don't believe it."

But Murong Yin couldn't help smiling, looking at the serious woman in front of her, she asked, "These seniors who need to be wary include you, too?"

"Of course," Lin Shubai said without hesitation, "You must not believe everything I say, you must consider it carefully based on your own understanding of the way of heaven."

Murong Yin sighed, "Isn't it too late?"

She smiled and looked at the Great Master of Qin, "I listened to your words and changed my body, and I made a blood oath with you. Haven't I already been held in your hands?"

"If you want to harm me, how can I fight back?"

"If I don't believe you, doesn't that mean I've gone the wrong way?"


Lin Shubai froze when he heard the words, and was speechless for a while.

Murong Yin looked at this man's dumbfounded appearance, and couldn't laugh or cry even more.

She had never seen such a person who lifted a rock and shot herself in the foot.

Lin Shubai came to his senses amidst her laughter, and reluctantly said, "You have just stepped into the world of cultivation and are still immature, so you need someone to help you..."

"But you believed me so easily before, you took a big risk," Lin Shubai insisted, "You must never..."

"I know."

Murongyin interrupted her for the first time, looking at the woman who was too upright in front of her, she said softly.

"Lin Shubai, I won't believe anyone except you."

Lin Shubai failed to comprehend the emotion in her words, instead he frowned, "I'm just afraid of you, you may obey my words now because of the baby bird effect, but I am also human, and I will make mistakes in judgment Even when being manipulated, in case..."

Murongyin couldn't bear it anymore, she took a step forward and covered her mouth.


Lin Shubai's voice stopped abruptly, and he stared at her with wide eyes.

Cold fingertips touched the woman's soft lips, Lin Shubai was still not stiff, but Murongyin himself was stunned, the words he wanted to say were thrown out of the sky, and his mind went blank.


It took a while for her to realize, turned her head away, "Don't think I'm a fool."

She withdrew her hand and muttered softly.

"I know what you said."

Lin Shubai took a step back, opened his lips slightly, and said dryly.

"Really? You just know."

The wind and snow above the two of them suddenly increased, and Murong Yin squeezed her skirt tightly, "You haven't answered me yet."


Lin Shubai was also in a trance, and he was shocked when he heard the words, "Answer what?"

Murong Yin frowned, and sighed in her heart, "Why are you being so nice to me?"

The heavy package prepared by this man was placed at her feet, and the heartfelt advice remained in her heart.

Lin Shubai's words and deeds are no longer at the level of helping others.

Murong Yin didn't know how to describe what this man had done for her even if she could say what she didn't trust herself too much.

Lin Shubai told her not to trust her too much, but how could she not trust her?

Except for her biological mother who died young, no one in this world has ever planned for her like this.

But this person they had never met five days ago was a complete stranger.

Perhaps for a human god of the first rank, helping a junior break through is a piece of cake.But the Hou Liao army Chen Bing went down the mountain, and the Great Qin Emperor was waiting for the news of the Hou Liao princess in the capital. The pressure Lin Shubai had to face after going down the mountain was definitely not light.

Lin Shubai not only gave her a way out, but also told her a big lie.

If someone finds out that she, Princess of Hou Liao, is still alive, what Lin Shubai will face is ruin.

She was sent to Xirong to quell the war. If the people of Xirong start a war on the grounds that she is still alive and endanger the common people, Lin Shubai's prestige on the battlefield of Xirong in the first half of his life will be wiped out.

All these troubles can actually be solved by her alone.

But Lin Shubai did not hesitate to spend so much effort to keep her alive, and even risked his whole life for her.

How could Lin Shubai be sure that she wasn't a person who said something in front of her?

Murongyin stood on the snow, hesitating to speak.

If she sneaked down the mountain after Lin Shubai left, but went to find her father or meet the people of Xirong, then Lin Shubai would be bitten back by her.

She could have imagined all these risks, and it was impossible for the Great Qin State Teacher to miss them.

So Murong Yin was even more confused.

"I know there are many things you can't figure out," Lin Shubai said with a smile while looking at her, "I act in a weird way, if you can't figure it out, don't think about it."


Murongyin bit her lips unwillingly.

She would rather Lin Shubai make it clear, no matter whether she is used as a pawn or expected to do something in the future, if she finds out the reason, she will at least not feel uneasy.

"I really don't know the reason," Lin Shubai said softly, "It's like many people asked me why I saved Baoyue."

"To me, there's no reason for this."

Murong Yin was taken aback, Lin Shubai mentioned the name she didn't want to hear again, but this time she didn't feel jealous.

Why Lin Shubai rescued Lin Baoyue and brought her up through hardships has always been the biggest mystery surrounding Da Si Ming.

Everyone in the world felt that this move was against common sense and unbelievable, and some even made up countless stories about it, but at this moment, Lin Shubai told her.

There is no reason.

Murong Yin's heart was hit hard.

Some things just have no reason.

"It doesn't matter if you suspect that I have ulterior motives or have other plans in the future," Lin Shubai said with a smile, "Just don't force me to answer why, I'm used to everything else."

got used to.

Murongyin clenched her fist slightly under the sleeve.

This person is really...

"Lin Shubai..."

She gritted her teeth, looked at the thin figure of the woman in front of her, and said ruthlessly, "Let's go."

The longer Lin Shubai lingered on this mountain, the more doubts he would face when going down the mountain.

"By the way, before I broke through, you said that you can only stay on this mountain for three days at most, but today is already the fourth day, is it okay?"

When Murong Yin thought of this, she was suddenly worried.

"Ah, if it's only for one day, it should be fine." Lin Shubai smiled, "Baoyue is at the foot of the mountain, even if the Xirong people come, Baoyue can stop it."

Embracing the moon, embracing the moon...

Murong Yin faintly heard the sound of grinding her teeth.

"Murong Yin?"

"It's okay," Murong Yin said angrily, "You go, don't make your apprentice wait!"

 Hugging the Moon--The Stumbling Block on Master's Love Road
(End of this chapter)

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