Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1739 Breaking

Chapter 1739 Breaking
The mountain ghost didn't break free, and looked down at her, with no emotion on his face, "You're quite impatient."

The arm she held in her hand was much thinner than she imagined, and Ying Baoyue couldn't help being taken aback.


Ying Baoyue felt impolite, let go of her hand and took a step back, "Your junior just...can't figure it out."

"What do you not understand?"

The mountain ghost's eyes moved, and suddenly a trace of anger flashed across, "Do you not understand why your master wants to marry me, or do you think I am not worth marrying?"

She was stunningly beautiful even in her rage.Ying Baoyue had never been timid in front of thousands of troops, but somehow she lacked confidence in front of this person, and was forced to take another step back.

Ying Baoyue knew in her heart that the reason why she lacked confidence was because of that marriage contract.

In her previous life, her master was able to have children without marrying, but he attached great importance to her marriage, and could even be said to be a little bit obsessed with cleanliness.

If she is really willing to use her marriage as a means of trading, even if she doesn't marry Ji Mo, she can marry Emperor Ying, Song Zhai, and Ji Da. In short, there are plenty of candidates, and she can live a comfortable life after marriage.

There is no need to be a husband and wife. The name of the husband of the chief commander is a resource in itself, enough to make a fuss.

But even in the most difficult times such as being attacked by political opponents, she never changed her mind about marriage and insisted on not marrying for life.

Many people don't understand why Lin Shubai is so stubborn on this matter, but Ying Baoyue vaguely understands the reason.

For Lin Shubai, marrying someone is a very sacred thing.

Her master has given up a lot of things in his life for her, for Qin, for the practice world, and for the common people.

But she only wants to keep this freedom for herself.

Without marrying, she would belong to no one, she would not be tied to anyone else.

For this world that does not belong to her, she can come and go alone.

It can be said that not marrying is Lin Shubai's last insistence in this world where he does not agree with the one he loves.

Ying Baoyue understands this, so she would rather go to marry herself than someone to force Lin Shubai into marriage.

But she never expected that the master finally gave up his persistence for many years for the mountain ghost.

Although the mountain ghost kept saying that her master married her for a show, Ying Baoyue knew it in his heart.Even if it takes a lot of trouble, but with the wisdom of her master, there must be other ways to solve the predicament at that time.

A formal marriage contract is of great significance to her master, and it is absolutely impossible to make a decision lightly.

What kind of power changed her master's mind?
Is it Murong Yin's beauty, is it sympathy for her situation, or...

No, neither.

Ying Baoyue stared at the woman in front of her who had changed her master.

She knew in her heart that none of the previous reasons were enough to make her master give up her insistence.

"What? Is the reason why your master wants to protect me so unconvincing?"

Shan Gui quietly watched Ying Baoyue, "Or, in the same situation, you wouldn't make the same choice?"

Ying Baoyue was taken aback.

She... will.

If Murong Yin's identity was really about to be exposed at that time, in order to protect such a woman, she would have been willing to do the same.

Sensing the change in Ying Baoyue's eyes, Shan Gui's eyes flickered slightly, and he sighed in his heart.

At this moment, she finally understood how Ji Mo felt when he was facing Ying Baoyue in Nanchu.

Before Lin Shubai was alive, the mountain ghost really hated the ubiquitous apprentice that the other party said.

But after Lin Shubai is gone...

Yubai's fingers clenched slightly under Shangui's sleeve.

She had to admit that no matter in her previous or present life, this young girl was the person who most resembled Lin Shubai.

This similarity is not a similarity in appearance and temperament, but an inexplicable feeling.

Standing there, Lin Baoyue can make people understand that Lin Shubai is still alive.

Live in this girl's heart, live in her flesh and blood, live in her eyes.

Lin Baoyue will always be the moon in Lin Shubai's arms, the continuation of Da Si Ming's life and will.

"Since you will choose this way, why do you question your master's decision?"

Shan Gui snorted softly, "Don't you think your master made this decision irrationally?"

She glanced at Ying Baoyue lightly, "When you went to the Northern Wei Tuining Ancient Pagoda to save that Northern Wei girl, you may not have been much more sensible than your master."

Thinking of the woman named Meng Shi's attachment to Ying Baoyue, Shan Gui felt angry.Although that person had nothing to do with her, for a moment, she seemed to see her past self in Meng Shi.

This pair of master and apprentice is really terrible.

"Ning Guta..."

Ying Baoyue froze, and smiled wryly, "When you set the bricks of Ninggu Pagoda as a stepping stone, were you really testing me?"

Test her...whether she is the same person as her master.

"Not all," Shan Gui said lightly, "That kind of place shouldn't exist in the first place."

She can't go down the mountain. If she could go down the mountain, she would have shoveled it away.

Ying Baoyue nodded, but then she realized that the mountain ghost had changed the subject again, "Shan..."

Murong Yin glanced at her.


Ying Baoyue wanted to change her words, but the word "Mother" was clearly stuck in her mouth, and she couldn't say it no matter what.

People related to her master also have unusual meanings in her heart.

The mountain ghost looked at her quietly, showing embarrassment, and suddenly looked at the lake again.

"According to the oath, your master will come here often after helping me ascend the heavenly rank in half a year."

The words were endless, but Ying Baoyue knew what the mountain ghost was talking about.

At first, in order to prevent the world from suspecting that Murong Yin was still alive, her master did not return to Xiling Snow Mountain after holding back for half a year.But after Murongyin's escape from marriage was gradually forgotten by the world, her master gradually became free from restraint.

Regarding the process of her promotion from the third rank to the second rank, Murongyin directly said that it will be two years later, but Ying Baoyue knows very well that her master has not set foot on the Xiling Snow Mountain in the past two years.

After that half a year, her master would visit Xiling Snow Mountain almost every two months.

As for why it is said to be surreptitious...

With her master's strength, the human god can travel to and from the entire continent in a single day, as long as people and things around her are taken care of, she can disappear from the palace for an hour and lie down on the Xiling Snow Mountain without being noticed.

However, when he was in the palace, Emperor Ying would see her almost every day, and it was difficult to achieve if he wanted to stay outside for one night.

But Lin Shubai had other ideas.

According to the military practice, every three months in a year, the Great Qin Imperial Division has the opportunity to go to the Great Wall of Eternal Night to inspect the defenders on behalf of the emperor.

Just half a year after the incident of Princess Hou Liao's escape from marriage, Lin Shubai told the emperor that Xi Rong was dissatisfied with the border instability, and requested that the number of visits to the Great Wall of Eternal Night to be changed to once every two months.

Emperor Ying agreed.

Later, after God Son Baihu was officially born, her master played the emperor again, changing the frequency to once a month.

Ying Baoyue even remembered that only half a month had passed since the last warlord, and she discovered that her master, who was supposed to be in the Efang Palace, had secretly appeared in the barracks of the Great Wall of Eternal Night again.

The Great Wall of Eternal Night is adjacent to Xiling Snow Mountain.

how to say.

How often her master visited Xiling Snow Mountain during that time...

Probably more times than Ying Su came to the Great Wall of Eternal Night to find her.

 Hahaha, it's hard to talk about long-distance relationships

(End of this chapter)

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