Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1740 Attachment

Chapter 1740 Attachment
Not long after Murongyin escaped from marriage, Xirong gradually began to re-provoke the border of Daqin. In order to stabilize the border, she bid farewell to Ying Xun, who was only two years old, and left Efang Palace to go to the Great Wall of Eternal Night.

From the age of 12 to the age of [-], Ying Baoyue stayed at the Great Wall of Eternal Night for a total of six years.

The first three years were spent on the Great Wall of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and in the next three years, her military rank rose and she was in charge of the entire Great Wall. Li Meiniang and others gradually got to know the military affairs of the Northern Wei Dynasty, so she shifted her focus to the Great Wall of Hou Liao, often staying in the barracks of Hou Liao.

Then...Ying Baoyue found out that her master, who was supposed to stay at the Efang Palace to guard the rear, showed up in Hou Liao's barracks every three days.

With her in the army, her master actually didn't need to inspect anything. When he was in the Northern Wei Dynasty, her master came to the barracks mostly to see her.

But later, Ying Baoyue found that her master's visit gradually became impure.

Generally, the warlords spend five days, but the nights that her master stays in the barracks are few and far between.At first, she was only invisible at night, but she could be seen during the day, and then she came to the barracks for five days. This person was not in the army for three days and three nights.

With her master's skills, Ying Baoyue is not afraid of any accidents for her.But what is deceptive is that although not everyone is qualified to meet the commander in chief, the commander who came to inspect the army is not in the army, and the junior officer came to find someone. She had no choice but to cover up for this person.

Only then did she discover that her figure and her master's figure were extremely similar, as long as she wore a veil and sat behind the curtain, the real one could almost be mistaken.

As for her master's voice and handwriting, she would have imitated it.

For high-level practitioners, her meager level at that time could not pretend to be a god, and she would have to reveal her secrets when she met a heavenly level, but there are not many officers in the army who are higher than her level, and she can cover up nine times out of ten. past.

But after a long time, she couldn't bear it anymore, and one day she stayed in the big tent and waited for the rabbit, but just in the early morning, her master flashed back with a chill and fragrant wind.

Well, it is really delicious.

Ying Baoyue sighed, she now knew whose scent it was.But at that time, she didn't have that kind of imagination, thinking that Lin Shubai was sneaking around Hualou behind her back again.

She can't say anything, after all, she will also go to Hualou, otherwise it is impossible to meet Wan Liuyun.It's just that she couldn't figure out why her master secretly went behind her back when she went to a flower building, and why she chose to go when the governor of Hou Liao.

So she sternly asked her master to take her with him when he went out next time.

There was no secret between her and her master. Seeing her cold face, her master confessed honestly that she did not go to Hualou, but to Xiling Snow Mountain.

"What are you going to Xiling Snow Mountain for? To see the White Tiger God?"

She frowned, "Do you have to watch it so many times a year?"

"It's because there are too many times, so I have to secretly," Lin Shubai laughed, "otherwise, His Majesty should be suspicious."

"I'm going to see the newly born son of God," the master said sternly, "She has just become a son of god, and there are many things that are not suitable for her. I will go and point her out."

"Are you going to guide the wind magician?"

Ying Baoyue remembered that she had a cold face when she heard the words, "Master, are you lying to ghosts?"


Lin Shubai didn't speak, just laughed.

"I can take you there next time you want to go," Lin Shubai said with a smile, "but you can't go up the mountain."

"The mountain ghost is afraid of life and doesn't want to meet outsiders."

So are you a wife?

She was speechless, but she had heard about the eccentricity of Xin Shenzi before, so she didn't think much about it.

Later, worried that Master would be deceived, she followed her to Xiling Snow Mountain a few times and met Huali, but she never saw the mountain ghost.

But every time Master went down the mountain, he would smile happily, with the smell of sulfur on his body after soaking in the hot springs, and it seemed that his whole body and mind felt relaxed, and she gradually stopped worrying.

Thinking about it now, some things turned out to be early signs.

"Standing here all the time, are you cold too?"

At this time, the mountain ghost turned around and took a look at her, "I can't finish talking about you and me for a while, come to my residence and sit down."

Without waiting for her to refuse after speaking, the mountain ghost walked along the lakeshore by himself.

Ying Baoyue hurriedly followed.

The two left two sets of footprints on the shore of the lake, and soon, the mountain ghost took her to the cave next to the hot spring in the lake.

It is said to be a cave, but the surrounding stones have been cut into unique shapes, and it looks like the door opening of a small pavilion.

The mountain ghost doesn't know how to use a sword, so it's self-evident who cut this gate.

Ying Baoyue followed the mountain ghost up the steamy steps and walked into the cave step by step. An exquisite, simple and natural hut in the cave appeared in front of her eyes.

The moment she saw this residence, she knew where Lin Shubai spent all the time disappearing in the barracks.

Lin Shubai's handwriting can be seen on every table and chair in the room.

Ying Baoyue stared at a stone bed in the corner with a delicate expression.

Well, that bed is indeed a double.

The bed was covered with a piece of pure white deerskin and a soft eiderdown quilt, and Ying Baoyue recognized whose belongings it was at a glance.

"What, did you recognize it?"

The mountain ghost sat casually on the bed, fondled the quilt with his slender hands, "This is not the bed you used when you were a child, the duck down inside has been replaced a long time ago."

"You came in a hurry, I guess you didn't notice. There is a kind of wild duck by the Moon Marsh Lake. The duck down is the most fine and soft. Shubai has caught many of them. In order not to hurt their lives, each duck only takes a small cluster. The bed has kept her busy for a long time."

Ying Baoyue didn't know what to say, so she could only smile wryly.

The tone of the mountain ghost did not show off, she was just narrating some small daily things, but in everything, there was the intoxicating tenderness of that woman.

But it's nothing, what the mountain ghost has, she has experienced it when she was a child.

She bent down and stroked the soft and warm bedding, and asked softly.

"Master, she has rested here?"


The mountain ghost's ears felt a little hot for no reason, "She will be busy when she comes, from day to night, I can't let her rest."

On that day, after watching Lin Shubai leave, Murong Yin never thought that the next six months would be the most difficult for her.

It is true that the White Tiger God treated her very well.The silver-haired boy kept his promise, brought her a lot of prey every day, and would show up in time to help her when her cultivation was about to fail.

She didn't worry about food or clothing, and her practice gradually became smoother, but her heart always felt empty, as if there was a hole that couldn't be filled.

At first she thought that she was not used to living in seclusion alone and felt lonely, but then her wind power was fully awakened, and she became able to hear the voices of the whole world. At first she was not used to controlling her power, and she was quarreled all night long Can't sleep.

Of course she couldn't be called lonely in this situation.

But with countless information pouring into her heart, her heart felt even more empty.

She began to spend more and more time sitting by the frozen lake, on the turtle-backed rock facing the road up the mountain, imagining a figure appearing on that road.

Then, one day, that figure appeared.

 Double bed, Miss Yue, do you understand it well?

(End of this chapter)

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