Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1753

Chapter 1753
What does this mean?
Murong Yin's waist softened, and she was finally fished out of the lake, but she stubbornly refused to turn her head, and she did not want to look at the person behind her.

The man panted slightly, carried her to the turtle-backed rock on the shore, looked at her back and chuckled, "You should take a look at me."

"I won't see you for three months, you don't know who I am, do you?"

Murongyin's lips were still tightly pressed, and she made up her mind to ignore her.

Lin Shubai's voice changed from joking to helpless, and he sighed faintly, "I came here after suffering such a great crime, but you refuse to even have a word with me?"


Murong Yin bit her lip, finally unable to ignore it.In fact, she sensed something was wrong when Lin Shubai dragged her up from the lake just now. The touch on Lin Shubai's body was very hard, as if it was wrapped in something. Thinking of the current situation, her heart rose. .

Could it be that Lin Shubai was injured?

"what happened to you?"

She sighed in her heart, and finally turned her head back, but as soon as she turned her head, she was stunned.

The person standing behind her was not wearing the familiar black sacrificial uniform of the Great Qin State Master, but a silver-white armor, shining like a bright moon under the snowy light, and unparalleled in martial arts.

This was the first time Murongyin saw Lin Shubai dressed like this.


Even the face of the person behind was covered with a visor, like a strange female general standing in front of her, only the pair of smiling eyes exposed under the silver armor brought back her sanity.

"What's wrong with your outfit?"

Murong Yin's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and she turned away abruptly, "Where did you come from?"

There are still arrow marks on the armor on his body, and Lin Shubai looks as if he just came off the battlefield, but isn't this man trapped in the Daqin Imperial Prayer Province?
At this time, her brain, which had been stagnant due to suffocation at the bottom of the lake, started to move again, and Murong Yin suddenly noticed something was wrong.

No matter how powerful Da Si Ming is, it is impossible to escape from Afang Palace under the surveillance of so many practitioners.

Her intelligence network did not receive any news that Lin Shubai had disappeared.Just an hour ago, the spies she placed near the Efang Palace told her that the Great Qin State Master was discussing state affairs with His Majesty the Emperor in the Imperial Prayer Province, and the shadow was shining brightly on the window!

An hour is not enough for Lin Shubai to come to Xiling Snow Mountain.

But if Da Si Ming is still in Efang Palace, who is this person in front of her?

Murong Yin glanced at the figure behind her, and slowly took a step back, her gaze became unfamiliar, "Who are you?"

"Hey, I was joking just now, you really don't know me, do you?"

The female general standing behind her was stunned, and quickly pulled off the visor, "It's me, I'm Lin Shubai!"

What was exposed under the visor was undoubtedly Lin Shubai's face, but Murongyin was even more creepy.Not to mention other places, she knows several creatures that can transform into other people's appearance in the Xiling Snow Mountain.

"You are……"

She carefully observed the face of the person in front of her, narrowing her eyes, "Snake?"

If it can pretend to be so similar, the possibility of turning into a snake is the greatest.

Could it be that the White Tiger God sensed that she wanted to commit suicide, so he turned a snake into Lin Shubai to lie to her?
The female general in silver armor laughed angrily.

"I don't know if I've turned into a snake or not," Lin Shubai smiled wryly, "but with all your strength just now, turning into a snake shouldn't be able to get you out of the lake."

Murong Yin was taken aback for a moment, then straightened her gaze, "You, you are really..."

"It's me, Ah Yin," Lin Shubai laughed, and reached out to stroke her head, "I came out of Efang Palace, and I came here specifically to find you."

She came to her.

Murong Yin's eyes turned hot, but the next moment the shock prevailed.

"But, how did you come out of Efang Palace?" She couldn't figure it out, "There are obviously still..."

"Obviously there is another me, right?"

Lin Shubai accepted her words with a smile, "He is still sitting in the Imperial Prayer Department."

Murong Yin was stunned.

what happened?

Lin Shubai sighed, "It's my fault. I wish I could get out of Efang Palace sooner, so I won't force you like this."

"It's not your fault," Murong Yin took a deep breath, "You really couldn't get out before."

Even with millions of troops blocking the door, Lin Shubai could force his way out, but as soon as she disappeared from Afang Palace, the entire cultivation world would be in chaos.

At this moment, the eyes of the whole continent are fixed on Daqin Yuxuan, so Da Siming can't escape.

"But why are you able to come out now?"

Lin Shubai raised his head, "Because Baoyue is back."

Lin Baoyue, are you back?
Murong Yin's heart skipped a beat, could it be that the person staying in the Imperial Prayer Province is...

Lin Shubai smiled, and touched the silver armor on her body, "It's normal that you didn't know me just now, this is the first time I'm wearing this."

Murong Yin stared at the half-new but well-fitting armor on her body, "Then this armor is..."

"This is the armor of Yinchanwei," Lin Shubai said softly, "Now do you know whose clothes it is?"

Yes, she knew.

Silver Cicada Guard.

The elite cavalry on the border is as famous as the Black Tiger Army of the Commander-in-Chief, and they are the personal guards who belong exclusively to Princess Zhaoyang.

Who else can wear this armor to enter the palace and meet Lin Shubai?

"So you're wearing your apprentice's clothes?"

Murong Yin stared at the woman in front of her, "Where is your apprentice?"

Lin Shubai lowered his head and said softly, "She is in the Imperial Prayer Province."

Murong Yin was hit hard in her heart, "You left her alone in the Imperial Prayer Province?"

The current Daqin Imperial Prayer Province is no different from a wolf's den. If someone finds out that Da Siming is not in it, other officials will immediately lead people to that place.

"Bao Yue took the initiative to come back from the Great Wall of Eternal Night to replace me," Lin Shubai smiled wryly, turned around, and said softly, "Did you find out?"

"The kid's almost exactly the same size as me."

Lin Shubai's gaze became extremely complicated, "I only discovered it this time, when Baoyue put on my sacrificial clothes, the real one can almost be seen from behind."

"Even people who know us well can't tell the difference at a glance."

Murongyin's heart skipped a beat, it seemed to be true.

In all fairness, Lin Baoyue and Lin Shubai do not look alike.But it is difficult to draw bones when drawing dragons and tigers. The similarities between Lin Baoyue and Lin Shubai happen to be in the bones.

In addition, after she became a celestial rank practitioner, even the unique aura of a celestial rank practitioner became very similar to that of Lin Shubai.

It can be said that Lin Baoyue is the only person in the world who can pretend to be Lin Shubai.

Even Lin Shubai's younger daughter who looked exactly like her later couldn't do this.

"Baoyue wanted to come back a long time ago, but Xirong has been harassing the border for the past three months. She couldn't get away, and came back as soon as the war calmed down."

Lin Shubai let out a sigh of relief, "I originally wanted her to bring you a letter for me, but who would have thought that the child would just pick up my clothes and throw me out of the door, and let me come to you."

At the same time, she also threw out the armor on her body.

Murong Yin was dumbfounded, Lin Shubai was kicked out by his apprentice?

"She can pretend to be me, so naturally I can pretend to be her," Lin Shubai said softly, "I used the identity of Baoyue to sneak out of the palace."

This pair of masters and apprentices is absolutely perfect.

Murongyin lowered her head, her voice was difficult, "You... are really willing."

She couldn't believe that Lin Shubai actually left his beloved apprentice alone in the palace to face the pack of wolves, tigers and leopards, just to see her.

"Although I'm sorry Baoyue, there are some things that I should tell you personally."

Lin Shubai's eyes suddenly became serious, and he stared straight at her.

Under her gaze, Murong Yin suddenly became flustered, "What are you going to say?"

"A Yin."

Lin Shubai laughed and said solemnly.

"How about you marrying me?"

(End of this chapter)

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