Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1754 The Oath

Chapter 1754 The Oath
Murongyin froze all of a sudden, wondering if there was something wrong with her ears.

The person in front of her is really a snake, right?


She stared straight at Lin Shubai without speaking, the woman opposite was a little panicked, carefully observed her face, and continued to call, "A Yin?"


Murongyin opened his mouth, but couldn't speak, and asked abruptly, "When is Princess Zhaoyang's birthday?"

Lin Shubai was a little overwhelmed, but he answered honestly, "I usually celebrate the seventh day of July for her."

"That's right, it's this day."

Murongyin let out a long breath, Lin Baoyue was an orphan, the year of birth and death was unknown, and she couldn't find out the date of birth, but Lin Shubai once mentioned to her that he would celebrate his apprentice's birthday every year on Qixi Festival.

It is impossible for the snake to know this matter, only the real Lin Shubai will know.

"So you are really Lin Shubai."

"Why do you always think I'm fake?" Lin Shubai smiled wryly, "Your reaction is different from what I thought."

Murong Yin stared at her face, "What did you think I would react?"

"Either you were scared or thought I was joking or..." Lin Shubai looked at her expression and said with a smile, "Kick me out?"

Her mind was in a mess, and she said woodenly, "Why should I kick you out?"

"Because I offended you?"

Lin Shubai smiled, "But as long as you don't think I'm joking, it's fine."

"I'm telling you very seriously."

Unfortunately, she really wanted to treat Lin Shubai's words as a joke just now.


Murongyin's throat moved, "What did you mean by that question just now?"

"It means literally," Lin Shubai looked at her with clear eyes, and smiled, "I want to get married."

Murong Yin's heart stopped beating for a beat, but the next moment she gritted her teeth and pulled back to her senses.


big liar.

She took a deep breath, "You clearly told me that you never want to marry in your life."

"One moment and another moment," Lin Shubai shrugged, "The ancients said that at thirty one was established, and I am thirty, and it is time to start a family and start a business."

Looking at the woman in front of her who was not blushing and heartbeating, Murong Yin suddenly felt angry.

Why can this person say such words so easily, but she blushes and her heart beats by herself, as if she is being played in the applause.

"Getting married and starting a career refers to a man marrying a wife and having children," Murong Yin said coldly, "We are all women."

"Well, that's a problem," Lin Shubai pondered, "Do you still want to marry?"

She looked at Murong Yin sincerely, "Then why don't you marry me instead?"

Murong Yin's heart stopped beating again.


She pressed her chest violently, "What the hell are you talking about? What are you going to do?"

Lin Shubai wants to marry her?

"I originally planned to marry you," Lin Shubai spread his hands, "but marrying a wife seems a bit shocking to traditional women?"

What is a traditional woman?It's as if there are other women on this continent who have married wives.

Besides, won't she shock the world if she marries Lin Shubai?
Murong Yin never thought that such a possibility existed in this world.

She never expected that Lin Shubai would say such things to her.


Lin Shubai looked at her expression, and suddenly his eyes became sad.

But the emotion in Da Si Ming's eyes was fleeting, and quickly made Murong Yin feel that he was wrong. Lin Shubai sighed softly and laughed, "Sure enough, you still want to go down the mountain, marry a good man, and live a normal life." live?"

What is a normal life?

Murong Yin said stiffly, "I don't like..."

"Huh?" Lin Shubai asked patiently.

Murong Yin closed her eyes and said lightly, "I'm not interested in men."


Lin Shubai opened his eyes wide, startled.

Murong Yin opened her eyes suddenly, and gave her a hard look, "I'm not interested in anyone in this world!"


Seeing that the other party seemed to be relieved, Murong Yin felt inexplicably sad.

Lin Shubai's mood was really different from hers.

After the initial shock passed, her senses returned, and she also figured out the purpose behind Lin Shubai's shocking remarks.

After all, even if she really married Lin Shubai, it would not be shocking to the world.

Because in the eyes of the world, Shan Gui, the master of the Later Liao Dynasty, is a man.

The person Da Si Ming will marry is naturally a man.

Murongyin touched her calmed heartbeat, she looked at the person sitting in front of her, and suppressed all the emotions in her eyes.

"Are you here to save me?"

Lin Shubai was startled, then lowered his head, "I'm sorry, I failed to protect you well."

Murong Yin frowned, "What does this have to do with you? Didn't I cause this incident?"

If it wasn't for her not being able to go down the mountain to show up and give someone an excuse, how could there be so many people attacking Da Si Ming?
"You don't need to feel guilty," Lin Shubai looked at her. "Although this incident seems to be caused by you, it is still because I have made too many enemies. They will always find a reason to attack me. Without you, and other people."

There was a trace of fear in Lin Shubai's eyes, "If you failed to come up from the lake just now, I will never forgive myself in my life."

"That's my own choice," Murongyin couldn't look her in the eyes for some reason, turned her head away and said calmly, "Zifeiyu knows the joy of fish? That's a good home for me, you don't have to worry about me .”

Lin Shubai clenched his fists, "Is it a good home?"

"You really don't know what to do with me."

She smiled wryly, "No wonder Yue'er insisted that I come to you, saying that she had an ominous premonition, and asked me to come and stop you."

"The Princess?" Murong Yin frowned, "Wait, she doesn't know I'm a woman, does she?"

Since she didn't know, how could Lin Baoyue guess that she would commit suicide?
"She probably doesn't know," Lin Shubai said, "but Baoyue has been very sensitive to some things since she was a child, especially when it comes to life and death. That child may have noticed something."

Lin Baoyue, the owner of Zhaoyang County... is really a strange person.

Murong Yin didn't know what to say, the woman she disliked the most indirectly saved her.

"Ayin, you said that the lake is a good home for you, so in this world, do you really have nothing to miss?"

"If you really don't, I can send you back. But..."

Lin Shubai stared closely at her eyes, "Do you not want to see anyone? Don't you want to do anything?"


Lin Shubai's gaze was too bright and gentle, as if he could see into the bottom of a person's heart. Murongyin didn't know how to answer her, so she sighed, "There are one or two."

"That's good."

Lin Shubai breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at her with a smile, "Is there me in there?"

this person……

For the first time, Murongyin felt that Lin Shubai's personality was a bit bad?

She turned her head away, "What do you want to say?"

"Don't go to a dead end, A Yin," Lin Shubai said seriously, "The situation is not so bad that there is no way out, there are still ways to solve it."

"So that's what you're thinking of?"

Murongyin grimaced and spit out the four words, "Zheng, Zhi, Lian, Marriage?"

Lin Shubai was slightly taken aback, then smiled wryly.

She didn't affirm or deny, but just explained, "In this way, all problems can be solved."

That's right, no one thought Da Si Ming would marry a woman, not even thinking about it.

As long as they get married and announce it to the world, the rumor that the mountain ghost is a woman will naturally be dispelled.

"It's a good idea, but I've wronged you."

She stared into Lin Shubai's eyes, and said calmly, "However, marrying a woman is not considered a real marriage, and Master Si Ming is not considered breaking the vow not to marry for life."

Lin Shubai was taken aback for a moment, then looked into her eyes and asked puzzledly, "Is this a fake?"

 Shubai: I think I am serious

(End of this chapter)

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