Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1755

Chapter 1755
The surprise on Lin Shubai's face didn't look fake, but Murongyin was a little confused.

She asked in a daze, "What do you mean true or false?"

Isn't the purpose of Lin Shubai's trip here to use the marriage between Shan Gui and Da Si Ming to settle the rumors?
This marriage is of course true in front of the world, but between them...

Murongyin clenched her fingers slightly, her heart was colder than the wind and snow above her head.

If ordinary people mentioned the matter of a woman marrying another woman, they would turn pale with fright and curse that it was against ethics.But when Lin Shubai talked about it, it was as simple and natural as eating and drinking water, and he didn't seem to think it was strange for a woman to marry a woman at all.

This is enough to show that Lin Shubai did not take this matter seriously.

Her real identity is not a man, so she will never be able to marry Lin Shubai in this life.

Lin Shubai hated married people so much, and he could say the word "marriage" so easily because he knew in his heart that this marriage was just a fake Phoenix.

Murongyin's mouth was bitter.

Fake Phoenix, the first word is fake.

She is just a woman, it is impossible for her to have anything real with Lin Shubai, let alone have children, so Lin Shubai faced this marriage so easily.

This marriage is just a play between them.

Murong Yin thought that they all knew this well, so why is Lin Shubai still doubting the truth?

"I mean……"

Lin Shubai looked at her ice-cold expression, and suddenly hesitated, " you hate this?"

"What do you hate?"

Murong Yin became more and more puzzled.

"Sorry, I forgot. Your place is different from my hometown. Not everyone can accept this." Lin Shubai's eyes suddenly wavered, "If you don't want to, I'll think of another way."

What does it mean to be different from her hometown?
Murongyin was puzzled by Monk Zhang Er. If she remembered correctly, Lin Shubai's hometown should be near Nanchu Danyang City, right?

She has heard that the wedding customs in the north and the south are different, but is there such a big difference?
But at this moment, Murong Yin was not in the mood to investigate the customs of Lin Shubai's hometown, and all her attention was focused on her problem.

"What do I want?" She smiled wryly, "You are not trying to force me to marry a Xirong man."

Although a certain secret place in my heart was stabbed deeply, I have to say that the "fake marriage" between her and Lin Shubai is indeed the most effective way to solve this rumor.

"You don't need to change it, your method is very good," Murong Yin exhaled, trying to force a smile to Lin Shubai, "I just need to stay on the top of the mountain and play a play with you to clear up the rumors, why not Why?"

She thought that she had done a good job in expressing her stance and hid the true emotions in her heart well, but she didn't expect Lin Shubai to suddenly fall silent when he heard the words and looked at her.

"Play a play..."

Lin Shubai lowered her head slightly, her forehead hair blocked her eyes, and Murong Yin couldn't see her expression clearly for a while.

Lin Shubai paused for a while, then slowly laughed, "Yes, that's right, put on a play."

Murong Yin's heart skipped a beat, a vague thought flashed through her mind, but she didn't have time to catch it.

Because Lin Shubai had already raised his head, his eyes were as calm and gentle as ever, staring at her and said softly.

"However, even if it's acting, it can be faked."

That is natural.

The Eight Gods and Emperor Qin are both human beings, and the other officials are not stupid, nor are they believed when they say they are married.

Murong Yin suddenly realized, "You just asked whether it was true or not, so you were afraid that I would not take this marriage seriously?"

She suddenly felt that she had figured everything out. Although Lin Shubai originally wanted to play a scene with her, he also hoped that she could take this scene as "real".

Otherwise, her acting skills would not be enough to fool the world.

"Don't rush to agree," Lin Shubai smiled wryly, "Although it's acting, but if you really want to use this method, you must really become my husband in terms of etiquette."

This was as she expected, but Murong Yin's heart still stopped beating.

In other words, although she can't get what she wants...

But can she get credit?

Murongyin restrained the turbulent emotions in his chest, and pretended to be calm, "It means that we have to go through all the three books and six rituals. Right?"

"That's right," Lin Shubai nodded calmly, "On the way to Xiling Snow Mountain, I have already sent a letter to Nanchu and sent a letter to my original father."

She raised her head and glanced at Murong Yin, "The letter is the letter of appointment. The signature is your name."

Murong Yin's heart beat faster, "You still said you want to ask for my opinion, haven't you made all the arrangements?"

The official marriage process between aristocratic families is three letters and six rituals. The three letters refer to the letter of appointment, letter of ceremony and letter of welcome.

A letter of appointment is a document for engagement.It is the letter issued by the man's family to the woman's family when the man and woman enter into a marriage contract at the third step of the Six Rites.

The first two steps of the Six Rituals are Na Cai and Asking Names, which are mainly for the matchmaker to propose marriage and the man and woman to check the birth date.But there is probably no matchmaker in this world who dares to match the two national teachers. In order to prevent her and Lin Shubai's birthday horoscope from being revealed to ordinary people, it seems that Lin Shubai intends to skip the first two steps and go straight third step.

"I sent the letter of appointment to prepare for both hands," Lin Shubai said seriously, "As long as you don't agree, I can stop that letter at any time."

"In my hometown, I have already installed eyeliner."

Murong Yin was startled when he heard the words, "You..."

Putting eyeliner on is not a one-day job. Could it be that Lin Shubai has been monitoring his former family members?
"You should know that I broke away from my family when I was 15 years old," Lin Shubai said calmly, "But I have made too many enemies. It is inevitable that some people will want to use my people to plot against me. I have to guard against it."

Murong Yin's heart clenched, and he suddenly understood Lin Shubai's helpless move.

No matter how disgusted she was at the beginning, after Lin Shubai became the national teacher, the Lin family would definitely want her to recognize her ancestors again, and many clansmen wanted to attach to her, and if they failed, they would sell her information for a living.

But so far, Murong Yin has never heard of any troubles in the Lin family. This is definitely not because the Lin family understands righteousness and has the backbone not to touch the daughter who left the family. It is probably because Lin Shubai has handled these scandals behind his back.

"Although I have left the family, after all, my biological father is still alive, so I still need him to nod in order for the world to make mistakes in matters of marriage."

Lin Shubai said calmly, "My father is short-sighted and greedy for money. When he sees the letter of appointment, he will definitely open his mouth, but in the end it can only be solved by hurting some money."

Father Lin probably wanted more than money, but he probably had already been dealt with by Lin Shubai, so he only wanted money, right?

Murongyin said silently, "The hire money..."

If you want to marry Da Qin Guoshi, the gift money may not be cheap.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about this, I've already prepared the dowry," Lin Shubai said with a smile, "If you agree with this method, I will let my subordinates in Nanchu bring the dowry and letter of engagement to find my biological father."

what is this?
Murong Yin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Are you paying for yourself to marry yourself?"

Although with her poor net worth, she really couldn't afford to marry such a powerful daughter-in-law of the national teacher.

"Fat and water don't flow to outsiders' fields," Lin Shubai said indifferently, "Besides, these are just for ordinary people to see. There is still the most important step for heavenly cultivators to get married."

"What steps?"

The next thing should be for practitioners to see.

Murongyin suddenly became nervous. She had heard that high-level practitioners have some differences when they get married. This is true for all high-level practitioners, and it must be even more unusual between the heavenly ranks.

Marriage in heaven, what are you going to do?
(End of this chapter)

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