Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1767 Exchange

Chapter 1767 Exchange
The old servant was silent for a moment, then touched his own face the next moment, and gave a wry smile.


Ji Da reached out to touch his ears, tore off the human skin mask on his face, and then bowed deeply to the man sitting by the window to salute.

"It's been a long time since I saw you. Master still has such good eyesight and such a good memory."

Ji Da straightened up, staring at Ji Mo who was sitting by the window.

"Not as good as you," Ji Mo closed the book in his hand and stood up from the bamboo chair.

He casually took a look at Ji Da's true face, and his eyes stopped on the other's gray hair, "Ji Da, you are getting old."

Ji laughed out loud, "I'm not the only one who is old."

He stared deeply at Ji Mo who was wearing a black dress with a red border, "I remember that the master didn't like dark sacrificial clothes before."

"People change," Ji Mo put the book back on the desk, "The me you know is just the young master of the Ji family, not the master of the National Teacher's Mansion."

"Yes," Ji Da sighed, but couldn't help looking at the book that Ji Mo put on the desk.

Ji Mo frowned slightly, turned sideways to block the book with his body, and cast a cold glance at Ji Da.

"Tell me, what are you doing here?"

Ji Mo's tone was sarcasm, "You didn't come to see me to reminisce about the past, did you?"

"If you are looking for your younger brother, he should be in the butler's courtyard on the east side of the mansion right now."

"I'm not here to look for the second child," Ji Da put the lantern in his hand on the ground, and the next moment there was a flash of cold light around him, he suddenly pulled out a sword from the bamboo pole holding the lantern.


Suddenly there was a servant's scream from a distance, Ji Mo frowned, and a burst of energy popped out of his fingertips.

At the corner of the wall ten feet away from the study, a maid slipped softly to the ground and passed out.

Ji Da turned his head and took a look, then clasped his sword and handed over to Ji Mo to make amends, "It's my fault, the villain is too careless and has caused trouble for the master."

"You also know that you were careless?" Ji Mo snorted coldly, "It's a good thing I don't have guards outside the courtyard, otherwise you should be shot like a hedgehog by now."

"There is no guard outside the study of the dignified master of the country," Ji Da said with a smile, "Is the master being a little overbearing again?"

"Do you think I need a guard?"

Ji Mo sneered, looking at the thin sword in Ji Da's hand, "I can crush your sword with two fingers."

"It's easy to dodge an open spear, but it's hard to defend against a hidden arrow," Ji Da stared into Ji Mo's eyes, "There is no general who is always victorious in this world, no matter how strong a practitioner is, there is a possibility of being assassinated."

"Men and gods will all die, so how about the Son of God?"

Ji Mo's pupils contracted slightly, and the aura on his body became completely icy cold. The huge coercion concentrated on Ji Da's body, and the white clothes on the servant's body fluttered automatically in the absence of wind, and even the strands of his hair floated up.

"What the hell are you here for?"

All the bones in his body creaked under the pressure of Shenzi, but Ji Da smiled indifferently, "The villain is here to ask the master for something."

Ji Mo slowly clenched his fist, "Oh? What is it?"

"Ji Da is no longer a servant of the Ji family, but a servant of the Lin family." Ji Da stretched out his hand to caress the long sword on his side, his eyes lit up, "So this time, he is naturally here to ask for something from my master."

With a click, a crack appeared on the square brick under Ji Mo's feet. He fixedly looked at the gray-haired man in front of him, "I entrusted you to return all her things to her 20 years ago."

Ji Mo paused and said, "Could it be that you still forgot?"

"The old slave has not forgotten," Ji Daping said calmly, "but Miss still has one thing, which has been kept in Ji's house."

Ji Mo's eyes were fixed, and he suddenly turned around and glanced at the table, before speaking lightly.

"If you're talking about those two children, they're not at Ji's house long ago."

"I know," Ji Da smiled gratifiedly, "I saw them in Soochow, Master Ji thanked you for raising the young lady's child very well."

"Hmph, her child?"

Ji Mo sneered, turned around and glanced at the man behind him with disgust, "Those two children's surname is Ji!"

He straddled behind the desk, his face was as cold as ice, "What? Those two little things ran out, don't they admit that they are from the Ji family?"

"That's not true," Ji Da said with a smile, "but he didn't mention anything about the Ji family."

"If you mention it, I'm afraid you will only talk about how I abused them?"

"You said I was raised well?" Ji Mo smiled sarcastically, "The biggest wish of those two guys in this life is probably to get rid of me and escape from this ghost place, right?"

The smile on the corner of Ji Da's mouth faded, "There is no need for the master to be so pessimistic. The eldest son and the young lady are both the young lady's children. Even though they feel resentful because of their young age, they will never forget the master."

"Stop talking nonsense with me here and there," Ji Mo interrupted him, picked up a pen on the desk, and waved his hand impatiently, "There's nothing you want here, before I change it, Before making up your mind, go back where you came from."

"Since you are not a servant of the Ji family, if you dare to step into the Imperial Teacher's Mansion, I will kill you."

Ji Da clenched the sword in his hand, "What if I say, I have what the master wants?"

Ji Mo paused the hand holding the pen, and asked without raising his head, "What is it?"

Ji Da sighed in his heart, "I'm afraid the master didn't know that seven years ago, before the lady left, I left you a letter."

With a click, the pen in Ji Mo's hand broke in two, and all the paper on the table caught fire. The man sat in the raging flames and raised his head, quietly staring into Ji Da's eyes.

"What did you say?"

Shenzi Suzaku's voice was very soft, but Ji Da had no doubt that if his answer did not satisfy Ji Mo, he would be burned to death immediately.

Ji Da's eyes moved slightly, and he cast his gaze on the table, and found that only the book that Ji Mo had read before was not attacked by flames on the entire table.

"Master National Teacher, there is no need to get angry," he said calmly, "The purpose of this villain's visit is to deliver this letter to you."

Ji Mo stood up and flicked his sleeves, and the flame on the table went out immediately.

He looked down at his old servant who was threatening him majestically, and sneered, "So, you're here to make a deal?"

"Not a deal, just an exchange."

Ji Da bowed again, "Master Guo Shi, please believe in the sincerity of the villain. As long as you give the last thing that Miss put here to the villain, the villain will hand over the letter to you."

"Otherwise, even if you burn the villain to ashes, you won't be able to see that letter."

The study room was filled with deathly silence, and Ji Mo quietly stared at the submissive man sitting down.

Ji Da's face became more and more red under the pressure of the true energy, and his waist became lower and lower, but there was still a smile on his face.


The pressure on Ji Da's body was suddenly relieved, he let out a sharp breath, and wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Ji Mo stood up and walked to the door, "Follow me."

 The lines start to tie up

(End of this chapter)

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