Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1768

Chapter 1768
Ji Mo stepped down the steps. The lantern outside the study hadn't been lit yet, and he walked slowly into the darkness.

Ji Da was taken aback when he saw this scene, "My lord, wait a moment, I'll light the lamp."

He picked up the lantern on the ground to light up the surrounding lanterns.But at this moment, with a chirping sound, a light suddenly appeared in front of him.

A small flame floated beside Ji Mo, and the flame quietly floated in the air, following Ji Mo closely.

"I need some kind of lantern," Ji Mo walked forward without looking back, "Stop dawdling, hurry up."

Ji Da looked at the man walking in the darkness, his vision became complicated.He put down the lantern and ran after him quickly.

The backyard of the National Teacher's Mansion was extremely lively tonight, but Ji Mo and Ji Da shuttled through the crowd, but none of the servants noticed their existence.

Ji Da knew that it was Ji Mo who opened the barrier to isolate the breath of the two of them.

Ji Mo walked through her backyard as if no one was there, through the bustling back kitchen, and around the brightly lit back garden. The human voice was gradually left behind, and Ji Da followed closely behind, quietly watching the back of the man in front of him.

Ji Mo walked forward at a leisurely pace, never turning back, bypassing the winding path, the road in front of him gradually became familiar.

The surroundings gradually became barren, and a pine forest appeared, and there was a straight road in the pine forest.

Seeing the road in front of him, Ji Da's expression suddenly changed.

Although he has not set foot here for at least ten years, he knows this road.

Although this place is quiet and remote, in a sense it is the road leading to the most important place in the National Teacher's Mansion.

Ji Da had guessed countless times where Ji Mo would hide that thing, but he never guessed that Ji Mo would put it here.

Ji Mo slowly stepped onto the road in the pine forest and walked forward.

Ji Da's heart sank, and he followed him step by step.

The smell of joss sticks wafted through the air, and after walking a few dozen feet away, a tall house appeared at the end of the road.

In the night, the room was dark, lying quietly in the darkness, dotted with red candles, like sparks, and like will-o'-the-wisps.

Ji Mo walked to the front of the house, and the sword fire beside him illuminated the huge plaque hanging on the eaves.

There are four big characters written on the plaque.

"Ji's Ancestral Hall."

Looking at these four big characters, Ji Da felt extremely complicated.

That's right, the place Ji Mo brought him to was the ancestral hall of the Ji family.

With a creak, Ji Mo pushed open the door of the ancestral hall and strode in.

The stale smell came over the face, Ji Da stood still at the threshold, hesitant.

The Ji family has been the servants of the Ji family for generations, so they naturally understand the rules of the Ji family.

"what happened?"

Sensing that the people behind him stopped, Ji Mo sneered, "Afraid your father will break your leg if he finds out?"

Ji Da smiled wryly, "My father drove me out of the house a long time ago."

For the Ji family who have been loyal to the Ji family for generations, he is undoubtedly a traitor.

"Hmph," Ji Mo snorted softly, noncommittal, but walked forward slowly.

"Come in," he said calmly after walking a dozen steps away, "There are only you and me here."

Ji Da took a deep breath, stepped over the threshold, and followed Ji Mo forward.The two entered the main room, the candles flickered in front of them, and countless tablets enshrining the ancestors of the Ji family appeared in front of them.

However, Ji Mo didn't stop in front of the ancestral tablet. He just continued walking blindly, bypassing the ancestral tablet. He turned into a small room, turned several more turns, and stopped in front of a thick wall. down.

Seeing this wall, Ji Da's heart skipped a beat.

He understood that there might be a mechanism here.

Sure enough, Ji Mo put his palm on the wall and pressed down hard. With a bang, the wall in front of him turned over, and a dark dark room appeared in front of the two of them.

Ji Mo walked into the dark room without saying a word, Ji Da gritted his teeth and followed.

With a bang, the thick wall closed behind the two of them.

Clusters of flames lit up on both sides of the road, Ji Da looked at the scene in front of him, and slowly opened his eyes wide.

There are stone steps behind the organ door, and Ji Mo walked down the stone steps.

Although the scene in front of him was weird, there was nothing weird at the end of the stone steps. Instead, it looked like an ordinary room with roughly the same layout as Ji Mo's study.

The only difference is that there is no desk in the center of the dark room, but a long altar table instead.

There were no joss sticks on the altar, but four lamps.

The lamp base is a glazed cup, and the style is very ordinary except for the material.

But the strange thing is that there is not a drop of lamp oil in the crystal clear glass cup.

Four lamps, three burning and one extinguished.

Seeing these four lights, Ji Da's breathing stopped for an instant.

He stood rooted on the stone steps, holding his breath and staring at the four lamps on the altar.

But Jimo remained silent. He took out a futon from under the altar table with ease, sat on it indifferently, rested his elbows on his knees, and rested his chin on one hand to quietly stare at the lights on the altar table.

Ji Da noticed that the futon under Ji Mo's body was very worn, but there was no dust on the surface, obviously it was often used by people.

"It seems that the rumor that Master Guoshi is often not in the mansion is not true," he slowly walked down the stone steps and stood beside Ji Mo.

Looking at the lights on the altar, Ji Da said softly.

"It's not that you are often away from the mansion, but you often stay here?"

"Hmph, who knows?"

Ji Mo didn't say any more, still staring at the lights on the altar.

Ji Da's gaze also returned to the lamps on the table. Although the three burning lamps were of the same style, one could see that the size of the flames were different when one looked closely.

The glazed lamp on the far left is the latest in color, but it has the largest flame, burning scorchingly, illuminating half of the table.

The second lamp from left to right is older than the lamp on the far left, and has the smallest flame, only slightly larger than a bean, but it is not weak, and it seems to be burning brighter and brighter.

The lamp to the right is much older, and the flame is bigger than the one on the left, but there is still a big gap with the one on the far left.

And the one on the far right...

Ji Da tightly clenched his fists.

The lamp on the far right has been extinguished, and the glazed lamp is already covered with thick dust.

However, the strange thing is that the tabletop under the lamp on the far right is spotless, even cleaner than those under the three lamps next to it. On the smooth tabletop, a few traces of clear light can be faintly seen.

This is...finger marks?
Ji Da's eyes were suddenly in a trance, as if he saw a man sitting under the altar table reaching out to the extinguished lamp, wanting to brush off the dust, but he stopped when he reached the table.

Day and night, year after night.

The man stretched out his hand to this lamp countless times, touching the tabletop until it was extremely smooth.

But from the beginning to the end, he dared not touch the extinguished lamp.

 Tip: In ancient China, the right was the most respected.The hills overlap and the golden light fades away, and the clouds on the temples want to burn the snow on their cheeks.I also feel very complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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