Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1771

Chapter 1771
"Do nothing."

Ji Da treasured the cloth bag into his arms without looking back.

"I came all the way from thousands of miles to ask for an unburnable lamp," Ji Mo said with a mocking expression, "It seems that the rumors that the black tiger army is full of fools and lunatics are not true."

Ji Da turned his head and glanced at Ji Mo lightly, "Even if the lamp doesn't light up, isn't there someone hiding it at home for seven years?"

There was a moment of silence in the dark room.


Ji Mo was silent for a moment and then laughed, "It's just a casual gesture, it's troublesome to throw it out."

It's been seven years, but he can't even bear to touch it.

Ji Da didn't bother to expose this person, after all, he still wanted to leave the National Teacher's Mansion completely.

"Since I got the things, my lord, the villain will leave."

Ji Mo sat on the ground without looking up, "No."

Ji Da stood beside him, "I hope we don't have to see each other again."

Ji Mo's eyes flickered, and he waved his hand impatiently, "Get lost."

Ji Da smiled wryly, the last trace of connection between the two had been severed, and they both knew that if they met again, it would be a time of tension.

I'm afraid it was the time when he got the evidence and wanted to avenge Lin Shubai.

In the most secret corner of his heart, Ji Da hoped that he would never find such evidence and never see Ji Mo again.

He took a step forward, quickly climbed the stairs and walked towards the door of the dark room, when he reached the door, Ji Da stopped suddenly.

He stood at the top of the stairs, turned around and looked at the back of the man who was still sitting cross-legged under the altar.

Ji Mo didn't turn his head, nor stretched out his hand, but just quietly watched the altar.

Looking at the letter on the altar, Ji Da couldn't help but ask, "Master, don't you open the letter?"

He originally thought that Ji Mo would at least open the envelope to check, but until he was about to leave, Ji Mo didn't touch the letter.

"Our transaction is over, both the money and the goods," Ji Mo said with his back turned to him, "Don't worry about it so much."

Ji Da smiled wryly, "Aren't you afraid that this letter is empty?"

"That lamp is useless to me, so take it away if you want," Ji Mo said coldly, "Whether this letter is empty or full, what does it matter to you?"

Ji Da sighed, "Anyway, Master National Teacher, please also know that I did not open this letter."

Even though he kept the letter for seven years, he still didn't know what was inside.

Ji Mo didn't speak, and stretched out his hand to press a position under the altar, and the door of the dark room opened in front of Ji Da.

"If you were dismantled, the bones in your body would have been dismantled by now," Ji Mo said lightly, "I can tell if it's true or not. If I tell you to get out, get out, or do you want to stay at my house and drink tea? "

If he drank any more, he would be drinking dead man's tea, Ji Da gave a wry smile, and stepped out of the threshold with both feet.

Ji Mo switched the mechanism again and closed the door of the dark room.

Ji Da's figure gradually disappeared from the crack of the door, at this moment, a word suddenly came in from the crack of the door.

"Ji Mo."

Ji Da turned his back to the crack of the door, "How long are you going to stay in this ghostly place?"

Ji Mo paused with his hand on the mechanism.

The voices of people outside the door were like a bell, echoing countless times in the dark night.

"After all these years, what have you been waiting for?"

Ji Mo slowly turned his head and looked at the white-haired old man outside the door from a distance.

Ji Da straightened his stooped waist, making him look much younger suddenly.

"She's back, and a new wind is blowing."

"So, I'm leaving."

"If you want to continue to rot in this place, you can continue to stay."

"What should be done, someone else will do it."

With his back to the dark room, Ji Da spoke lightly, without looking behind him, he strode out of the Ji family ancestral hall with his sword in hand.



The ancestral hall in the dark night regained its tranquility, and the incense candles were burning quietly in front of the ancestral tablets.

There were a few crows calling outside the house, making the place as silent and gloomy as a grave.

Ji Mo sat in front of the altar, looking at the three soul lamps that were still burning on the altar.

After an unknown amount of time, he let out a soft snort.

"Those three little things have a lot of life."

"No, is one of them not too young?"

"Twenty, it's time to marry a wife."

Ji Mo suddenly laughed at himself.

"It's just that the kid shouldn't be able to marry what he wants, right?"

While muttering, he slowly stood up from the ground and looked at the letter on the far right.

Ji Mo concentrated his attention and picked up the letter.

The thin letter paper was so light that it was unbelievable that this was the last thing she left him.

Looking at the seal on the envelope, he raised his other hand to tear it, but just before touching the paper, his hand stopped suddenly.

"You bastard."

In the silent night, looking at the letter in his hand, Ji Mo suddenly cursed in a low voice.

The surrounding area was extremely quiet, and no one knew who he was scolding.

Jimo reached out and stuffed the undamaged envelope into his bosom, and finally glanced back at the three soul lamps on the altar table, then turned and walked up the stairs, leaving the dark room.

The gate of the Ji Family Ancestral Hall slowly closed again.

After passing through the noisy crowd, Ji Mo returned to the front of the study.

From a distance, I saw a bent old servant standing in front of the door, whose appearance was somewhat familiar.

Ji Mo narrowed his eyes, and got rid of the sword fire that was about to rush out beside him.

Inexplicably feeling a murderous aura, Ji Er, who was waiting at the door, trembled and looked into the void in horror, "Master?"

"It's okay," Ji Mo appeared from the void, "I just recognized you as someone else."

"Master, who do you think this old slave is?"

Ji Er was taken aback when he heard the words, there are not many servants of his age in the National Teacher's Mansion, how could he be mistaken?
"It's nothing." Ji Mo waved his hand and pushed open the door of the study.

It was because he was thinking about it, even if Ji Da was given a hundred courage, that old guy would not dare to come back.

Ji Er keenly sensed that Ji Mo was in a bad mood, so he didn't dare to ask any more. Ji Mo went straight into the study, and he followed respectfully and said, "Master, madam said dinner is ready, let this old servant call you."

"I'll go later," Ji Mo said without looking back after turning back to the desk. The next moment he looked at the table, his pupils shrank suddenly.


Sensing the sudden chill on Ji Mo's body, Ji Er shuddered and knelt down with a plop, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

"who is it?"

Ji Mo turned around slowly, paused and said, "Who came here just now?"

"Who has been here?"

Ji Er raised his head in a daze, "The old slave has been standing at the door, didn't you see anyone coming?"

Besides, in the entire National Teacher's Mansion, who would dare to trespass into Ji Mo's study?

Are you dying?
Back then, even the wife of the national teacher, Mrs. Ye, wanted to enter under the banner of delivering desserts, but Ji Mo mercilessly stopped the door.

"Nobody came?"

Ji Mo stared fixedly at the empty table. The old books he had placed on the table had disappeared.

At this time, the moonlight came in from the window, and suddenly there was a glimmer of light on the clean nanmu tabletop.

Ji Mo's eyes flickered, and he suddenly extinguished the lantern by the table.

As soon as the lights were turned off, under the moonlight, a line of words written on the table with tea surfaced.

"I happen to be going to Xiling Snow Mountain on this trip, so I will help the national teacher to deliver this book to the eldest son."

 Ji Mo: You can't hide the look in your eyes that want to kill someone
(End of this chapter)

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