Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1772 Red Clothes

Chapter 1772 Red Clothes
"Ji Da!"

With a loud bang, Ji Mo suddenly overturned the table, gritted his teeth and said, "Do you want to die?"

"Big brother?"

Ji Er fell on the ground and was frightened, but when he heard the name, he raised his head and said in a daze, "My elder brother has been here?"

The table case that was overturned happened to stand in front of him, dripping tea flowed down from the table case, Ji Da stared blankly at the tabletop in front of him, carefully deciphering his brother's handwriting on it.

"Book? What book?"

It is not difficult to see from the left book on the desktop that Ji Da took away a book from the study that caused Ji Mo to be so furious.But it's all right, why did his elder brother steal a book from the National Teacher's Mansion?

And according to the statement in the left book, Ji Da took the book to give to Ji Qingyuan?
Looking at the line of words, Ji Er opened his eyes wide.

When it comes to the eldest son of the National Teacher's Mansion, ordinary servants would think that it is Ji Jiashu, the eldest son, but Ji Er knew in his heart that the only eldest son his elder brother mentioned could only be Ji Qingyuan.

Ji Mo hadn't been so angry for a long time, Ji Er was terrified, but felt something was wrong.

Although his elder brother is messing around, he can only mess around within reason, and he can't steal Ji Mo's precious secret book and give it to Ji Qingyuan.

Since Ji Da said he would bring that book to Ji Qingyuan, there is only one possibility.

It was that book that originally belonged to Ji Qingyuan.


Why is Ji Qingyuan's book in Ji Mo's study?
Ji Er knelt on the ground, his expression suddenly a little subtle.

Ji Qingyuan's love of books is well known in the whole family. Although Ji Mo did not allow Ji Qingyuan and Ji Ange to go out these years, the food and clothing expenses in Qing'an Courtyard are managed by special personnel, and there must be no less.

This special person... is Ji Er himself.

Ji Qingyuan wanted to buy books, all he had to do was sit in the study and make an order, and a servant would deliver them to him.He will search all over Danyang City according to Ji Qingyuan's request. If he can't buy it in Danyang City, he will send the book list to the booksellers in the middle Tang Dynasty, Dongwu and other places through the Ji family's information network, and buy it back from afar. .

In short, except for the books about cultivation that Ji Mo did not allow Ji Qingyuan to read, Ji Er would try his best to collect the books that Ji Qingyuan wanted and send them to Qing'an Yuan.

He was able to do this, of course, with Ji Mo's tacit approval.

I'm afraid only a few people know that the place with the richest collection of books in the Southern Chu State Teacher's Mansion is not the study of the State Teacher himself, Ji Mo.

The collection of books in Ji Qingyuan's study in Qing'an Yuan is the largest in the whole country.

So, even if Ji Da was entrusted by Ji Qingyuan to come home to pick up the books, how could he steal them into Ji Mo's study?

Ji Da is not illiterate, so it is impossible to find the wrong book? ,


Ji Er's heart skipped a beat, and an absurd idea emerged in his mind.

Unless Ji Qingyuan's book is in Ji Mo's study.

But this may be even more inconceivable than Ji Da touching the wrong study room.Since Ji Qingyuan was five years old, the father and son have almost never been in contact. After Ji Qingyuan and Ji Ange left with Ying Baoyue, Ji Mo even ordered the Qing'an Courtyard to be closed and no one was allowed to approach him. I have never stepped into Qing'an Yuan.

How could Ji Qingyuan's book appear in Ji Mo's room?

Looking at Ji Mo's back, Ji Er asked tentatively, "Does the book that my elder brother took away belong to the eldest son?"

Jimo was silent and did not speak.

After a while, he said coldly, "Go out."

Ji Er was a little stunned, "Master?"

"There is nothing in this family that belongs to that guy," Ji Mo said coldly, "You have to mention it again, you can go back to Ji's house tomorrow."

Ji Er's heart trembled, knowing that he could no longer guess, he silently got up from the ground and retreated to the door.

Just as he was about to leave, he whispered, "Master, can you have dinner..."

"I won't eat," Ji Mo said lightly, "Go and tell Madam."

Ji Er couldn't help sighing in his heart when he thought of Mrs. Ye who was sitting in the hall looking forward to the preparation for half a day.

"The old slave understands, so I will leave now."

Ji Er exited the study lightly, and carefully closed the door of the study.



After Ji Er left, the study returned to tranquility.

Ji Mo stood silently on the ground for a while, then turned to look at the messy ground.

Tables and chairs were overturned, tea was dripping, and ink was spilled.

He closed his eyes, leaned over and set the table up again, and then stood by the window.

There are no flowers and trees outside the window, only an old willow tree with bare branches fluttering in the cold wind.

The cold moonlight hit the willow tree, and a ghostly shadow fell.

Ji Mo rested his hands on the window sill, quietly watching Liu Ying outside the window with gloomy eyes.

"Don't look at it anymore, no matter how much you look at it, that tree will not sprout."

At this time, a shadow fell on the window sill, and a fat sparrow suddenly landed by his hand.

The body of the sparrow is extremely fat, and upon closer inspection, one can find that the edges of the feathers of this sparrow are actually slightly red.

Ji Mo's eyebrows moved slightly, and he looked down at the fat bird beside him, "Are you back?"

The fat sparrow squatted on the window sill, staring seriously at the bare willow tree in the yard, "It's been seven years, and I haven't seen this willow tree sprout."

"Probably Lin Baoyue cut off its roots before." Ji Mo turned away from the window, "This tree probably died a long time ago."

"But how do I remember that the tree didn't sprout seven years ago?"

"How many years has it been since Princess Zhaoyang's sword smashed the National Teacher's Mansion?"

The fat sparrow flew into the window, squatted on Jim Mo's shoulder, and said dissatisfiedly, "Can you stop pushing everything on Baoyue?"

"Hug the moon..."

Ji Mo sneered, "Is that woman still alive? Has the high-ranking leader come out?"

The fat sparrow suddenly closed its sharp beak, hid its head under its wings, curled up into a ball, as if it had fallen asleep.

Ji Mo let out a breath slowly, shook his shoulders, "Get down."

The fat sparrow staggered and rolled onto the desk, and squatted on the dry inkstone like a nest. It looked around the messy desktop, "Why is your room so messy?"

"You talk a lot tonight," Ji Mo walked to the closet, "Will the person you take away affect your personality?"

Fat Sparrow's eyes were blank for a moment, he tilted his head, and then became afraid, "Probably, no?"

Its voice suddenly felt a little regretful, "If I knew it, I wouldn't have left Dapeng in Xiling Snow Mountain."

Was the golden-winged roc thrown away in Xiling Snow Mountain?
Jimo was speechless.

"Don't stay in the sparrow's body for too long," Ji Mo said calmly, "If I really become a sparrow, I have to find another beast god."

"Hmph, no other beast god can stand you."

The fat sparrow spread its wings and shook its feathers. Looking at Jimo who took out a dress from the closet, its bird eyes suddenly opened wide.

"Ji Mo, are you going out?"

Ji Mo was silent for a moment, then put the clothes in his hand on his body.

"Since you just came back, it's up to you whether you want to go together."



late at night.

Mrs. Ye sat in the main room, quietly facing a table of rich but already cold delicacies.

All the maids and women have been kicked out by her, and the pride of being the wife of the national teacher made her not want to see any of them at this time.

But at this moment, Mrs. Ye raised her head inadvertently, and saw a figure standing in the courtyard in a daze.


Ye suddenly grabbed the teacup in hand and threw it out, "Didn't I tell everyone to get out?"

The teacup was smashed to pieces on the ground, but the figures in the courtyard did not disappear.

Looking at that figure, Ye's heart beat wildly.

She stood up holding the table as if possessed, and walked to the door step by step.

The moonlight was as pale as water, and a man in red was standing in the yard.

 This chapter is probably a climax in another sense, the climax of literature and drama.

(End of this chapter)

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