Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1775 Doubt

Chapter 1775 Doubt

Li Ji lay on the ground, all the healing bones in his body stopped moving in an instant.

He asked in a daze, "What did you say?"


Li Ji's reaction was beyond Baihu's expectation.

It stands to reason that Li Ji should not know that Shan Gui's true identity is a woman. Bai Hu stared closely at his eyes, feeling that the other party's reaction was really unreasonable.

"Why, don't you feel bad when the woman you love spends the night with other men?"

Bai Hu asked further.

Li Ji felt that something was wrong, but a word in Baihu's words made him more concerned.

"Dear... woman?"

Lying on the edge of the river, looking at the stars above his head, Li Ji repeated these words in confusion.

"No way? You kid wouldn't be unaware, would you?"

Baihu was very surprised, and changed from lying on his stomach to squatting. He suddenly understood why Li Ji's reaction was so strange.

The huge tiger head poked over and looked at the man lying on the ground from top to bottom, "Hey, are you insane?"

"You still don't understand this kind of thing?" Bai Hu laughed loudly, "Are you sure you are a man?"

"Senior, is it too much for you to say that?"

Li Ji frowned. Although he had great respect for the Eight Beast Gods, it didn't mean he could accept such slander from the other party, and his voice suddenly turned cold.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I, a beast who doesn't understand people's hearts, can see things, but you alone can't understand."

Bai Hu shook his head, looked at him speechlessly, and sighed, "You have been a fool for nothing."

Li Ji frowned even tighter, but before he could get angry, a white light flashed by the river bank, the huge tiger shadow disappeared instantly, and a silver-haired boy stepped on the gravel on the river bank with his bare feet.

The White Tiger God suddenly turned back into a human form, and Li Ji was stunned for a moment.

The silver-haired boy bent down and glanced at him with his hands behind his back, "Don't you think I can't see it? The little girl on the top of the mountain is the one you like, right?"

favorite person.

Li Ji was suddenly hit hard by these words, and the conversation with Ji Jiashu in the cave before resurfaced in his mind.

"Is the person you like?"

He who was about to struggle to get up suddenly felt disheartened, and spread out his hands and feet on the river beach.

"Tell me, can you see it?"

A lonely smile suddenly appeared on the corner of the mouth of the man lying on the ground, "You can understand things that I didn't even think about myself?"

"You don't want to understand?"

The silver-haired boy blinked with shock.

He bent down and stretched out a finger to poke Li Ji's broken leg, "You jumped from such a high place before, could it be that you wanted to commit suicide for yourself?"

The silver-haired boy looked at Li Ji in disbelief, "To save that girl, you even gave up your life, don't you understand?"

This is more love than Jin Jian, right?
Li Ji was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then said calmly.

"I'm not the only one who is willing to take such a risk for her."

He said lightly, "On the battlefield, soldiers are willing to die for their loyal generals and kings. You can't say that these are all because of the love between men and women, right?"

Hearing Li Ji's comparison, the White Tiger God was dumbfounded.


The silver-haired boy gasped and shook his head repeatedly.

He crossed his legs and sat down next to Li Ji, "I thought it would be easy for you people to judge whether you like someone or not, but I didn't expect you little things to think of so many twists and turns."

"We people? Easy?"

Does this mean that it is not easy for the gods?

Li Ji looked at the young man beside him in puzzlement. For some reason, he always felt that the words of the White Tiger God seemed to mean something.

"Your bodies are too fragile," the silver-haired boy shrugged. "You have a short lifespan and die easily."

"For you, your own life is the most important thing in this world."

"So if you are willing to disregard your own lives for the sake of another person's survival, doesn't that confirm that you love this person deeply?"

The silver-haired boy spread his hands and said, "But our beast gods are different from you, we don't die so easily."

The gods will not easily choose death for a person.

Li Ji was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and suddenly came back to his senses.

Does this mean that...

With a start, he stared into the eyes of the boy beside him and asked, "Have you fallen in love with someone?"

The gods... fell in love with someone?

Even though his heart was always calm, Li Ji was stunned for a moment.

He even wondered if he had misunderstood the hint in the words of the White Tiger God.

God fell in love with man.

is it possible?

The lifespan and strength of beast gods and humans are very different. They are completely different existences. It can be said that their status is completely unequal.

The clouds in the sky will never fall in love with the ants on the ground.

Even the heavenly cultivators who are closest to the gods have never imagined such a possibility.

"No, not me!"

The silver-haired boy sitting next to him jumped up like a cat whose foot had been stepped on, and said incoherently, "I was just talking about the other beast gods under my seat, and I was talking about a friend of mine!"

is that so?

Li Ji lay on the river beach speechless, if it wasn't for his arm being unable to move, he would really like to help his forehead at this moment.

Well, since the White Tiger God has said so, let's take it as such.

"Then, did that friend of yours have a good impression of a practitioner?"

Li Ji asked tentatively.

He didn't use the word love, for fear of irritating the gods around him.

The silver-haired boy frowned, "How do you know that the other party is a practitioner?"

That is of course because it is impossible for ordinary people to withstand the enormous coercion of the four spirits of the sky, Li Ji thought to himself.

Those who are fortunate enough to be favored by the White Tiger God should at least be a heavenly practitioner.

Wait, Li Ji thumped in his heart, that person couldn't be a mountain ghost, could he?

But Shan Gui is a man!

"Hey, what do you think?"

Realizing that Li Ji's eyes looking at him suddenly became weird, the silver-haired boy frowned.

"It's nothing." Li Ji turned his head away, "I just guessed about the cultivators."

"Really?" The silver-haired boy was dubious.

He took a deep breath, "Then continue talking about my friend, I have something I want to ask you."

"Asked me what?"

Li Ji smiled wryly, "I've said it before, but I'm not proficient in matters between men and women."

Of course, the same goes for men and women.

"You don't need to be proficient, as long as you are a person." The silver-haired boy gave him a condescending look, "Are you a person?"

What's there to doubt?

Li Ji could only sigh, "I'm just an individual."

"Then that's enough." The silver-haired boy looked at him curiously, "By the way, what is the love that you people often talk about?"

Li Ji couldn't laugh or cry, "Didn't I just say that I don't understand these things..."

His words were suddenly interrupted, and the silver-haired boy stared at him thoughtfully.

"I just want to know one thing."

"If you allow the one you love to die, is that still a kind of love?"

 The atmosphere suddenly became philosophical
(End of this chapter)

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