Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1776

Chapter 1776
Allow the person you like to die?

Time seemed to stop in an instant, and Li Ji slowly opened his eyes wide.

What kind of problem is this?
To be honest, he didn't fully understand, but his whole body was greatly shocked from head to toe, from inside to outside.

"Hey, you are talking!"

Looking at the man lying on the river beach without saying a word, the silver-haired boy frowned and stamped his feet anxiously.


Li Ji opened his mouth in a daze, and glanced at the people around him, "I don't understand..."

The silver-haired boy frowned into a knot.

"what you do not understand?"

He didn't understand why someone would ask such a question.

Li Ji looked at the young man beside him who didn't seem to be joking, and his mood was extremely complicated.

Even if he doesn't understand love, he instinctively feels that this question is very contradictory.

"Don't you understand what my question means?"

The silver-haired boy stared at his face, "It's simple, let me give you an analogy, let you put yourself in the situation and you will understand."

"For example, what is the name of your sweetheart, Ying Baoyue?"

The silver-haired boy pointed to the top of the mountain and gestured, "One day in the future, she is going to die because of something she thinks she must do, and then she will ask your permission..."

"Wait," Li Ji interrupted him abruptly, "Why did she come to ask for my permission?"

There are so many things wrong with the example given by Baihushen, he was terrified when he heard it, and finally couldn't help but question it.

Why is he qualified to allow Ying Baoyue to die?
"Oh, by the way, I forgot that you don't have this power." Baihu God looked at Li Ji with a sudden understanding, "No wonder you can't understand my question."


Li Ji was startled, and suddenly realized.

Allow someone you love to die.

No wonder the White Tiger God can ask such outrageous questions, this is indeed a dilemma that only the Eight Beast Gods will encounter.

Heaven-level cultivators have restrictions on avoiding death. If they want to kill themselves, only the Eight Beast Gods can lift the restrictions for them.

That's why the White Tiger God asked the question of allowing the other party to die, because He has this power.The death of any celestial cultivator must obtain the permission of the beast god behind it.

But even so, the question is still outrageous.

"Since you don't have the power, let me ask it another way," the silver-haired boy said, "The woman you like is going to die, and you have the ability to stop her, will you stop her?"

Isn't this nonsense?

Li Ji said without hesitation, "Of course."

Although he wasn't sure if he was tempted, any man would definitely make such a choice.

If you don't even stop the one you love from going to death, how can you like it?
However, the silver-haired boy seemed to have known that he would answer like this a long time ago, so he stared into his eyes and immediately asked, "What if this is her wish?"


Li Ji froze suddenly.

Bai Hushen's eyes flickered slightly, and he took advantage of the victory to pursue, "If Ying Baoyue stands in front of you, please don't stop her?"

"Hug the moon..."

The voice of the White Tiger God pierced his ears like a magic sound, bit by bit into his brain, and Li Ji felt like he was in an ice cellar.

He seemed to be able to see that scene, Ying Baoyue's bright eyes appeared in front of him, staring at him intently.


Cold sweat flowed from Li Ji's forehead, dripping on the edge of the mask, making a crisp sound.


The silver-haired boy straightened up, looked at him and sighed.

"I knew it, and you didn't know how to choose."


Li Ji's voice was a little hoarse, his lips were very chapped, he licked his lips and said, "I only hope that I don't have to make such a choice in my life."

"Yeah," the silver-haired boy turned his head and looked straight in one direction, "This is the best."

The best and the happiest.

"But senior, I know how to answer your previous question."


The silver-haired boy turned his head to look at Li Ji, and this time it was him who looked more puzzled, "What did you say?"

Li Ji slowly exhaled a breath of foul air from his chest.

"The situation you said before, it is."

Li Ji covered his eyes with the back of his hand, and said softly, "That is indeed a kind of liking."

It is indeed love.

Li Ji was a little ashamed to say the word love, so he could only say it in his heart.

It is indeed a kind of love to allow the one you love to die.

That is a kind of deep, deep love that ordinary people can't do, can't understand.

No one knows how much pain and love the person who made this decision has.

Li Ji had never thought that such a kind of emotion existed in the world before, and the question of the White Tiger God made him come into contact with these for the first time.

"is it?"

Hearing Li Ji's answer, the silver-haired boy who had been chatty before suddenly fell silent.

"Is that right?"

He repeated it again, his voice mixed with sadness and joy, "So it really is."


Li Ji stared blankly at the young man with sad eyes and gentle smile on his lips, his heart was slightly shaken.

"It's all right, thank you, boy."

The silver-haired boy put away the expression on his face and said calmly, "I'm not human, so I don't understand people's hearts. Thank you for helping me answer my question."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave.

"You're welcome, it's just..."

Looking at the back of the distant opponent, Li Ji suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart, and stretched out an arm with all his strength, "Senior, wait..."

The silver-haired boy stopped suddenly, turned around and walked back to him.

"Since you helped me, I'll help you too."


Li Ji's arms froze in mid-air, staring blankly at the young man squatting beside him.

"Li Ji, stop deceiving yourself and others."

The silver-haired boy tapped Li Ji's forehead with his fingertips, "You already have the answer in your heart, don't you?"

Li Ji was stunned.

what is the answer?
"Li Ji, after all, you are a human being, not an immortal body."

The boy said in a deep voice.

"Have you ever thought that when you fell off the cliff before, you just took a small wrong step, and what is lying here is a corpse at this moment."

The White Tiger God's voice was extremely cold.

"You will lose everything, your eyes will be black, you will never be able to open them again, and you will never see anyone again."

Li Ji's heart trembled, and his breath suddenly became disordered.

The silver-haired boy stared into his eyes.

"Just ask, if you were going to die in the next moment, who do you want to see now?"

"What other wish do you have that cannot be fulfilled?"

"what do you want to do?"

Li Ji's breathing suddenly became rapid, and his chest rose and fell slightly.

He wanted to say that he wanted revenge, and he wanted to find his enemy.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Li Ji."

The girl smiled like a flower.

"I found that you look better in white."

"Then the next time we meet, I will change into white clothes."

What wish has he not fulfilled?
Li Ji opened his eyes wide, quietly watching the sky full of stars above his head, and the bright moon surrounded by the stars.


He promised her that he would change into white clothes and meet her again.


Li Ji opened his mouth slightly, feeling surging in his heart, but the moment he made the sound, he was startled suddenly and covered his mouth.

"I knew it."

The silver-haired boy smiled at him, stood up, and disappeared by the river beach.

Only one sentence was left echoing in the air.

"Don't you understand?"

Don't you understand?
The echo echoed in the night, and Li Ji lay on the ground under the gravel, staring blankly at the vast sky.

Yes, he had already understood.

It turned out that he was finished very early on.

Li Ji suddenly covered the mask on his face.

The warmth from his palm burned his heart.

It turned out that even the cold mask couldn't hide the hotness of his cheeks.

It turned out that he had already fallen in love with her.

 Ah ah ah ah ah!

(End of this chapter)

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