Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 179 Relationships

Chapter 179 Relationships
Ying Xun didn't have the slightest affection for the Ying family or the royal family.

This is something everyone in the world knows.

The Ying family here even includes his father.

Ying Xun only found it difficult to understand the father who died because of a woman or because of his brother's framing.

The majestic eldest son died so unworthy. The unworthiness that Ying Xun felt for his father gradually turned into resentment as he grew up, towards his own father and the woman who killed his father.

Ying Xun was seven years old when his father died, so he didn't remember many things clearly, but Quan Nanchu and even the whole world knew that the Shao Si ordered Lin Baoyue to kill his father, and that woman could never deny it.

What's more, his grandfather told him many details of what happened back then, which made Ying Xun more and more sure that it was the woman who bewitched his father, which eventually led to his father's early death.

Ying Xun hated his father's ignorant stupidity, hated the woman who caused all this, and also hated the faint king who directly killed his father but still ascended to the throne.

Of course, he also hated the child of the foolish king.

But before their parents hated each other, these juniors had long been disgusted with each other.

The discord between the only two remaining sons of the former Qin royal family is well known throughout the world. He and Ying Hanri have fought since childhood, and have suffered a lot both openly and secretly.

And after the death of the second emperor, many people wanted to use his identity to challenge Ying Hanri's throne, making the relationship between him and Ying Hanri endless.

With this kind of relationship, how could he treat Ying Hanri's younger sister.

As for Ying Hanri's younger sister, although Ying Xun had no direct conflict with her, because of the bad relationship between Ying Hanri and him, Ying Baoyue also hated him since she was a child.

Although it wasn't to the extent that Ying Hanri wanted to kill him quickly, but Ying Xun remembered that he and Ying Baoyue had looked at each other and hated each other since they were young.

The internal struggle within the Ying clan ended with him going to Southern Chu, but Ying Xun never expected that nine years later, Ying Hanri would throw his own sister directly to Southern Chu.

To what extent did the siblings want to force him?
Even though I have only seen it a few times in nine years, it is always difficult for people to forget the face they hate.

The Ying Baoyue in Ying Xun's memory was a little girl who was annoying but couldn't fight back when you hit my brother and I wanted to kick you.

Looking at the girl who walked straight in front of him, Ying Xun narrowed his eyes, preparing to fight back before the girl who was as stupid as Ying Hanri and who was full of hostility towards him spoke.

But in the next moment, Ying Xun never expected that the first thing that girl said when she saw him after nine years was——

"How did you get your face so dirty?"



Ji Jiashu, who was walking towards the two from the crowd, paused.

Knowing the grievances of the Qin royal family and wanting to step forward to protect the princess and support him, Lou Xiaowei froze in place.

Realizing that she had been ignored, Ye Jingshu froze all over.

And Ying Xun looked like he had seen a ghost.

Ying Xun didn't expect that the girl who had seen him covered in thorns since she was a child would say this for the first time when she saw him after nine years.

Is this person Ying Baoyue?

"How did you get your face so dirty?"

I thought I would encounter verbal abuse, but the woman's first reaction turned out to be this, and Ying Xun didn't know how to answer for a while.

However, the girl in front of her just stared at his face, her eyes were even a little helpless.

"How did you get so much dirt on it?" Ying Xun heard the girl in front of him smile helplessly, "Did you fight with someone else?"

Ying Xun was startled when he heard the words, and before he could react, there was a soft touch on his face. He stood there in a daze, watching the girl in front of him raise her hand after saying this, and used his sleeve to be very patient. Gently wiped off the dust on his face from Ye Jingshu's throwing of flower pots.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ji Jiashu felt a little weird for some reason.

Something seems wrong.

But can't tell.

Judging by Ying Xun's reaction, the identity of the woman is almost revealed.

But for some reason, Ji Jiashu looked at the young men and women who were about the same age... cousins, and always felt that there was something wrong with the way they met and got along.

Why would a cousin wipe his cousin's face?
No no, that's not the point.

Looking at the helpless expression on the woman's face, Gui Chen who was at a loss on the other side didn't know what happened, but suddenly remembered his mother.

It's like when he came home after playing wildly outside for a day when he was a child, when his mother saw him...

It must be his illusion, Guichen felt that from the time he came to this mansion, all kinds of thoughts were very dangerous.

And Ying Xun stared blankly at the clear eyes of the woman in front of him, and for some reason a vague figure of a woman suddenly appeared in front of him.

But he couldn't remember who it was.


"Long time no see," Ying Baoyue shook her dusty sleeves, lowered her head slightly to hide the complicated eyes, smiled at the boy in front of her, and called out the name.

"Ying Xun."

The young man in front of her is tall and tall, and has grown from a soft and glutinous dumpling in her memory to a slender and handsome boy, but fortunately, genetics finally let her go.


Ying Xun is not like Ying Hanri, who looks almost exactly like his father.

His appearance seems to have the characteristics of his parents, in short, he doesn't look like Ying Su, which makes Ying Baoyue somewhat relieved.

If it really looks the same again, she really doesn't know how to face a face that is exactly like Ying Su's.

At this moment, the boy in front of her looked at her with a complicated expression.

"Why are you here?"

Ji Jiashu paused again, but at the next moment, the girl stood on tiptoe as if she wanted to touch the top of Ying Xun's head, and the boy finally shouted angrily, "What are you going to do?"

Ying Xun hated people touching his head since he was a child, and now he finally pronounced that name.

"Win the moon!"

Ji Jiashu's shoulders trembled, looking at the girl in front of him as if she knew what was going to happen, she closed it before she touched it, and turned her head when she achieved her goal, looking at him with a smile.

"Second Master Ji, is it alright?"

That's it.

Rather than letting Ying Xun consciously identify it, this woman chose to surprise him and directly ask him to report her name, which is really... very ingenious.

Ying Xun even proved her identity without knowing it.

"What's going on?" Ying Xun realized that something was wrong and was about to speak, but the next moment a majestic middle-aged female voice suddenly sounded from behind the door.

"Ji Jiashu, do you still know to come back?"

The originally noisy crowd fell silent.Ying Baoyue narrowed her eyes slightly, and saw a middle-aged woman walking out of the main house, staring coldly at Ji Jiashu at the door.

The woman was wearing a red gold embroidered phoenix walker, similar to the one on Ye Jingshu's head, but more gorgeous and luxurious, full of big rubies belonging to the main room.

Ying Baoyue stood outside the threshold of Nanchu Guoshi's Mansion, looking at the middle-aged woman who walked out with a cold face while holding the maid's hand.

When Ji Jiashu saw the middle-aged woman, his pupils shrank, and he immediately bowed to salute.

"The son is unfilial, which makes the mother worry."


After the woman appeared, the bustling Nanchu National Teacher's Mansion suddenly became quiet.Ye Jingshu and Ying Xun also bowed to salute.

Only Ying Baoyue stood alone outside the threshold, looking at the middle-aged woman who stared at her and frowned.

The Zheng wife of Ji Mo, the teacher of the Southern Chu State, the daughter of the Ye family's previous generation, Ye Wanru from the Ye family.

Mrs. Ye stared coldly at the girl outside the threshold who dared not salute her, and looked at her son Ji Jiashu.

"who is she?"



 It will not be the traditional Zhaidouqiao section, everyone can rest assured hahaha, there will be very special content

(End of this chapter)

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