Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 180 Oral Instruction

Chapter 180 Oral Instruction
"Have you figured out how to appease your mother's anger?"

Just a quarter of an hour after Ye Shi, the mistress of the National Teacher's Mansion, made that questioning voice.

Sitting on the porch in Ji Jiashu's courtyard, Chen Zichu looked at the empty opening with cold wind blowing when the door fell silently, and said with lingering fear.

"No," Ji Jiashu looked at Ying Baoyue and the people around her who were also sitting on the porch not far away, and Ji Si and Wang Zhong who were standing beside her at a loss, and said quietly, "Let's take one step at a time. "

"One step at a time?" Chen Zichu said in amazement, "Do you know how dangerous it was just now?"

Looking at the girl who was also sitting there like a normal person, Chen Zichu really didn't know what the two of them were thinking all day long.

Thinking of the confrontation that happened in front of the gate of the National Teacher's Mansion a quarter of an hour ago, the boy shivered.But looking at the girl who was actually allowed to enter the National Teacher's Mansion, he still opened his mouth unexpectedly.

"To be honest, I didn't expect your mother to let her in."

Ji Jiashu gave him a cool look, and Chen Zichu immediately shrugged and explained, "Of course I didn't mean your mother... well, you know what I want to say."

"Don't talk about your mother," Chen Zichu laughed, "You didn't see the look in your cousin's eyes when you just left..."

The young man looked gloating, and pouted to the other side of the corridor, "I wish I could eat her."

"It happened suddenly," Ji Jiashu said, "It's normal for everyone in the mansion to be unable to accept it for a while."

"Yes," Chen Zichu nodded exaggeratedly, "but I didn't expect your mother to be able to hold on."

He had heard too many rumors about Ye Shi, the mistress of the Southern Chu State Teacher's Mansion, and although he hadn't met a few times, this Madam Ye understood the righteousness in Chen Zichu's heart, and she could not be calm and self-sufficient.

But to be honest, my well-behaved son suddenly ran away from home, and when he came back, he brought a "daughter-in-law" who didn't know where he came from. No mother-in-law could bear it.

What's more, it is the daughter of the Ye family who is more noble than the princess in Southern Chu.

So when Ye Shi came towards Ying Baoyue and questioned Ji Jiashu about her identity, Chen Zichu really sweated for that girl.

What's more, seeing that girl standing in front of Mrs. Ye without any intention of being subdued, Chen Zichu was taken aback.

That's why he, Chen Zichu, was always making trouble outside, but he never brought women home. If he encountered such a scene, he would have knelt down to his mother.But the Second Young Master Ji in front of him was obviously not an ordinary person. Under his mother's icy and angry gaze, he could calmly explain the ins and outs, and told Ye Shi that this was the concubine princess from the former Qin Dynasty.

"You said she was a princess?"

Before Ye Shi could speak, Ye Jingshu took a deep breath and had an attack.

"Her identity has been confirmed? Has Your Majesty spoken?"

"Even if there is a marriage contract, it is not proper to meet your fiancé directly before the wedding ceremony? The royal family of the former Qin Dynasty raised the princess like this? Courtesy, integrity and shame..."

Seeing Ye Jingshu talking too much, Ji Jiashu frowned and looked at the expressionless girl. She wanted to speak, but found that the girl who was standing upright still didn't look at Ye Jingshu, but just watched her mother quietly.

The next moment, unexpectedly, Mrs. Ye stopped Ye Jingshu.

"Shu'er, shut up." The woman who was nearly fifty years old but still dignified said calmly.

"Auntie, she..." Ye Jingshu looked in disbelief at Ye Shi, who had always loved her so much, but saw Ye Shi coldly staring at the girl in front of her, "Do you have a marriage certificate?"

Ying Baoyue nodded, and then looked at Mrs. Ye indifferently, "If Madam wants to confirm, I can provide the rubbings, but I will only show the original book in front of the King of Nanchu."

At that time, Chen Zichu was still surprised at the difference between how the woman treated Mrs. Ye and them. The next moment, she just listened to the girl in front of her continue to speak.

Ying Baoyue looked at Ying Xun who hadn't figured out the situation yet, "My cousin has just identified my appearance, so we can write to the King of Southern Chu together."

Ye Shi coldly looked at the girl who was not dressed like a princess but was neither humble nor overbearing, her chest heaved a little, Chen Zichu thought she was going to have a seizure, but the next moment she only listened to the woman's orders coldly.

"Commander Chen, take the master's token and ask about this matter clearly, let Ying Xun write his letter and bring the rubbings of the woman's marriage letter to the palace for His Majesty to make a decision."

Ye Shi looked at her arrangement in front of her and didn't seem surprised, she just stared at her young girl quietly, a trace of disgust flashed in her phoenix eyes, "Tell Your Majesty, the person who claims to be the former Qin and the princess has arrived, and is in the Imperial Teacher's Mansion." , His Majesty, please decide how to deal with it."

After speaking, Mrs. Ye stopped looking at the woman standing at the door, and turned coldly, "By the way, remember to send this message to the master as well."

"This subordinate has orders!" The commander of the guards of the National Teacher's Mansion nodded and accepted the order.

And Mrs. Ye maintained her dignified posture, ignored Ying Baoyue and others at the door, turned around and returned to the main house, and took away Ye Jingshu who was so angry that she almost couldn't maintain her noble lady's posture.



"Speaking of which, Commander Chen should have already arrived in the palace." Chen Zichu said while sitting on the porch.

Ji Jiashu nodded, "If Your Majesty answers quickly, the imperial decree or oral order should be on the way."

"I didn't expect your mother to send someone to ask His Majesty for instructions." Chen Zichu looked at Ji Jiashu and said, "I thought..."

"What do you think?" Ji Jiashu said calmly, "You think my mother will deal with her indiscriminately first?"

Chen Zichu's shoulders shook, and he smiled embarrassedly, "I was wrong, mainly because..."

The main reason is that if it was the proud daughter of the Ye family who just married into Ji's family ten years ago, she might do this.

Ying Baoyue, who sat in the corridor and listened to the conversations of the teenagers, thought of this while comforting Guichen and the others.

Thinking of Ye Shi Jingshu who had eyes that wanted to eat her, Ying Baoyue was not angry, but seemed to see Ye Wanru from more than ten years ago.

Ye Jingshu is still too immature, but Ye Wanru has seen the world and suffered a huge blow.

If you are still so brainless at this age, it is impossible to be the mistress of the National Teacher's Mansion for so many years.

"If it was my mother when I was young, maybe I would do this," Ji Jiashu looked at Chen Zichu and said, "But that was all 11 years ago."

Ji Jiashu still vaguely remembered that when he was a child, his mother's personality was far more irritable than now, and she often beat and scolded servants in the mansion.

But after he was four years old, for some reason, his mother's personality became more restrained almost overnight.

"11 years ago..." Chen Zichu asked suspiciously, "What happened when you were four or five years old?"

Chen Zichu looked at Ji Jiashu, "I've wanted to ask for a long time, what happened to your family 11 years ago?"

There were also rumors in Danyang City that 11 years ago, Ji Mo, the national teacher of Southern Chu, was so angry in his mansion that he almost divorced the teacher's wife.

But Chen Zichu was always curious because he didn't know the truth for a long time.

"I was too young to be placed in the house and didn't see it with my own eyes," Ji Jiashu said while looking at Chen Zichu.

"But nothing seems to have happened," the young man said lightly, "it's just..."

He took a deep breath and spoke slowly.

"Someone just split my house in half with a sword."

"What? What did you say?" Chen Zichu's eyes widened, and he couldn't help screaming. Hearing this, he almost fell off the corridor.

This is also outrageous.

"Who? Who is so bold... No no... Who was so capable before that... Wait... Why..."

Chen Zichu was almost incoherent, but at this moment, a sharp cry came from outside the courtyard.

"His Majesty has spoken!"

(End of this chapter)

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