Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1790 Where To Go

Chapter 1790 Where To Go
In addition to the suspicious hidden pile, there is another possibility that Lin Shubai's "going to see the hidden pile" is all a lie.

She didn't go to see the stump at all, but went to meet another person whose identity was a mystery.

The hidden stake was just an excuse used by Lin Shubai to deceive Murongyin.

But who did Lin Shubai go to see again?

Ying Baoyue was just thinking about it, but suddenly felt a trace of moisture on her cheeks.

She froze for a moment, then raised her head belatedly.

Murong Yin lay on the pillow with her eyes closed, with crystal clear teardrops sliding down from the corners of her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I said too much."

"It was my fault."

Ying Baoyue suddenly became flustered, looking at the beautiful woman who was crying silently, at a loss.

Murongyin opened her eyes, glanced at the girl who was wobbling uncomfortably in her arms, and burst out laughing.


Ying Baoyue stared blankly at the woman in front of her who was smiling with tears in her eyes.

"You, just like your master."

Murongyin tapped Ying Baoyue's forehead with her fingertips, "I like to embrace myself in everything."

"It was indeed my mistake just now," Ying Baoyue regretted, "I shouldn't blame you for promising my master."

"But I'm really to blame for this." Murong Yin bit her lip, "I agreed to your master's request hastily."

Did she even think about it?Will things turn around?

Murong Yin said bitterly, "I wish I had asked a few more questions about the reason your master made up."

It seems that Murong Yin also felt that her master's reason was made up.

Ying Baoyue smiled wryly, "It's useless, even if you really prove that the reason is false, Master, she can make up something else."

In the final analysis, how could Murong Yin be able to defeat that big fool of her master?
Ying Baoyue knew very well how fast Lin Shubai's head was spinning, as long as she had that intention, a simple Hou Liao princess like Murongyin would be easily deceived.

But she didn't want to hurt her master's image in Murong Yin's heart, seeing that the other party still cared so much, Ying Baoyue boldly touched the top of Murong Yin's head, and smiled wryly.

"Master, after all, she is a human god of the first rank. If she can't hide it from the second rank, what kind of human god is she?"

"So none of this is really your fault."

Murongyin was stunned by Ying Baoyue's actions.

She slowly reached out and touched the top of her head.

Ying Baoyue was taken aback.

"Sorry, did I offend you?"

"No," Murong Yin shook her head.

It's just that many years ago, Lin Shubai often did this to her.

Of course, she would not say this to Ying Baoyue.

Seeing the other party's eyes focused on thinking, Murong Yin's eyes deepened, "What are you thinking?"

Ying Baoyue said softly, "I was wondering, who exactly did Master meet before climbing the Great Wall? Is that the same person as the one who took Tai'a Sword?"

Murong Yin was taken aback for a moment, and finally understood why Ying Baoyue suddenly brought up Lin Shubai's incident before he ascended the Great Wall, even though he was talking about Tai'a Sword.

Ying Baoyue's thinking speed is much faster than she imagined, and she is also more sensitive than her.

"If at that time……"

Murong Yin smiled wryly, and finally said that sentence, "It would be great if you were here at that time."

If the one who survived was Lin Baoyue, instead of her dull mountain ghost, with Lin Baoyue's keenness, Lin Shubai's purpose might have been noticed long ago, and Lin Shubai would not have fought and taken risks alone. The worst outcome may not yet come.

"Don't think so," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "If I die in front, it will be even more useless, okay?"

In another position, no one may be able to do better than Murong Yin.

Ying Baoyue shrugged, "Those who died early like me, who didn't do anything to help, are the most incompetent."

Murongyin couldn't help but smile, it was the first time she had seen someone say that about herself.


Ying Baoyue opened her mouth, but still choked.


Murong Yin lowered his head and asked softly.

"Murongyin," Ying Baoyue said calmly, "Can you tell me everything you know?"

"If you think you can't understand something, just tell me and let me think about it."

"Don't do everything by yourself."

Murong Yin was taken aback, then smiled, "Why, do you think I'm deliberately hiding it from you?"

Ying Baoyue hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Although Murongyin acted like she was useless, it had been seven years since Lin Shubai's death, and Ying Baoyue couldn't believe that she hadn't found anything.

Those who can be entrusted by her master are by no means so simple.

"Murongyin, what did you see when my master passed away?"

Although Wan Liuyun told her what she saw, Ying Baoyue knew that the world in the eyes of heavenly practitioners, especially Shenzi, was different from that of ordinary people.

Wan Liuyun didn't see how Tai'a Sword disappeared, but it doesn't mean Murongyin didn't see it.

If anyone could see everything clearly at that time, it would be only her and the three sons of God, Ji Mo and Xu Canghai.But Jimo and Xu Canghai were obviously a step late, and the only one who was most likely to see the clues of the murderer was Murongyin.

"Even if it's just a scale and a half claw, it doesn't matter."

Ying Baoyue asked eagerly.

"Have you seen the person who took Tai'a sword?"

Murongyin was silent for a moment, then turned away suddenly, "Ying Baoyue, have you ever thought about why your master deliberately dismissed me and prevented me from using the wind method to investigate?"

Ying Baoyue was taken aback.

Murong Yin looked at her with burning eyes, her eyes were like jewels in the dark night.

"Also, your master clearly sensed the danger before climbing the Great Wall, why didn't she ask other beast gods and god sons for help?"

Ying Baoyue choked for breath.

That's right, there were indications that her master probably noticed something was wrong before the Xirong people made a big attack.But she almost cut off all the people and gods who could protect her, and faced all this alone.

Lin Shubai first went to meet a mysterious person in the morning, and there was probably a battle, and then he chased the second emperor to the Great Wall without informing anyone.

During this process, she never called Shan Gui and others.

But the problem is that Lin Shubai is not an irrational and lonely person. She was the first to suggest that practitioners who are used to fighting alone form an army. Those who understand the art of war cannot fail to understand the importance of backup.

What's more, if the Great Wall of Eternal Night is not defended, countless people inside the Great Wall will be slaughtered. No matter how confident Master is in his abilities, he will not make fun of the lives of the people unless...

Ying Baoyue froze suddenly.

Unless her master judged that if she called for foreign aid, it would cause greater harm to the people and the situation in the Shanhai Continent.

But what is the greater harm?
What could be worse than the death of the god and the emperor at the same time?

Thinking of this, Ying Baoyue's heart suddenly stopped beating.

Indeed there is.

What is more terrifying than the death of a human being is...

The other sons of God all fell.

 Ah this

(End of this chapter)

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