Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1791 Protection

Chapter 1791 Protection
Why didn't the master consult with the other eight gods?Why not ask the other sons of God for help?
Just because she wants to do it all by herself?

No, absolutely not.

The life of every celestial practitioner does not belong to himself alone.

Ying Baoyue gritted her teeth.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

Every practitioner of the Heaven Rank has already worn the crown. The position of the Heaven Rank makes everyone bear a huge responsibility. It is extremely irresponsible to risk one's life easily.

Although Ying Baoyue couldn't remember how she died in her previous life, she believed that she must have made the most correct choice before she died and didn't waste her life.

She can do this, and Lin Shubai who raised her is even more so.

Lin Shubai would never waste her life, she chose not to seek help from other sons of God, unless something more terrible than her being in danger alone would happen.

What would be more terrifying?
Ying Baoyue huddled under the soft quilt, and suddenly trembled all over.

What is more terrible than one death is eight deaths.

She suddenly remembered what Master had said to her.

"My little Ah Yue, grow up quickly, and when you become the Son of God, you will be able to protect one side."

"Da Qin is too big, Master can't guard it alone."

The woman's warm voice rang in Ying Baoyue's ears.

When she really grew up, the woman who had become a human god stroked her head.

"Ah Yue, I know you don't like Ah Mo and Cang Hai, but those two are necessary for the north and the south. Promise me, don't make things difficult for them, okay?"

The man-god is the most powerful, but there is only one man-god.

Many high-level practitioners will eliminate dissidents and discourage the emergence of new talented young people, but Lin Shubai is on the contrary. She has always attached great importance to cultivating heaven-level practitioners, and even more attention to the support of other gods.

Ying Baoyue lay down under the quilt and suddenly choked up.

"My little Ah Yue, Da Qin is too big, Master can't keep it alone."

These words she had heard since childhood were used to lull her to sleep, and at this moment, Ying Baoyue's heart was deeply struck.

The Great Qin Empire has a vast territory, and only one strongest person can't protect it. It needs many strong people to protect the four directions together.

For Lin Shubai, the existence of many strong men is far more important than the existence of only one strong man.

She had always thought so in her heart.

And it turns out that's true.After the fall of the gods and humans, although the Great Qin Empire fell apart in the past seven years, the sons of gods from all countries who were still safe and sound all guarded their respective countries.

Ying Baoyue could only think of one possibility for Lin Shubai to put his own safety at risk and insist on not seeking help from other sons of God.

That was Lin Shubai's judgment. If she asked other god sons for help, it would bring danger to other god sons.

If most of the sons of the eight gods had an accident, then the entire mountain and sea continent's practice world would be completely over.


Ying Baoyue clenched her fists tightly, she still couldn't figure out one thing.That is, it is fine not to let other sons of God help, but why is Lin Shubai not even willing to let other practitioners get in touch with any truth?

Why did she keep all the news firmly under wraps?

If you are worried that Ji Mo, Xu Canghai and others will directly intervene in the battle and be in danger, Murongyin is different from others. She hides on Yunshou Peak, and the environment she is in is very safe. Even if she gets the news, she will not participate in the battle. Why can't she reveal the clues and let her know?
From Murongyin's previous narration, Ying Baoyue vaguely noticed that her master seemed a little scared.

When admonishing Murongyin, he used two absolutes in a row, for fear that the opponent's style would approach him.

But even if Murong Yin's demeanor were discovered, it would be very difficult for people to trace her location.

Murong Yin was originally the last person who might learn the truth and catch the murderer.

What was her master afraid of?
Looking at Ying Baoyue's trembling shoulders under the quilt, Murongyin sighed in her heart.

"Baoyue, I didn't understand your master's actions at first," Murong Yin said softly, "I hated her too."

I hate her for not being willing to tell myself anything, and stubbornly insisting on bearing it alone.

But during the six months of silently guarding Ying Baoyue, Murongyin gradually discovered that she seemed to be able to understand why Lin Shubai did what he did back then.

"Ying Baoyue, your master once said something to me."

Murong Yin said softly, "She said, when you stare at the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you."

"Do you know what this sentence means?"

Ying Baoyue raised her head in a daze.

Of course she knew, because this was a saying that circulated in the world she traveled through.

If she remembers correctly, the last sentence of this sentence is "Fighting with the dragon for too long, you will become a dragon yourself."

It means that after fighting the evil enemy for a long time, it must be because of too much attention and understanding that I have become like the other person.

But for some reason, Ying Baoyue vaguely felt that the mountain ghost didn't mean that when he mentioned this sentence here.

"It seems that you understand," Murongyin smiled, "This sentence originally said that fighting the wicked will make you degenerate, but in the past seven years, I have gradually realized that the sentence Shubai mentioned to me back then, and Another understanding."

Ying Baoyue's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Murongyin stared into her eyes and said softly word by word.

"When you look at the wicked, the wicked will look at you."

Ying Baoyue was shocked.

"If you don't know, you won't be watched."

"If you don't know, you won't be seen as a threat."

Murong Yin said softly, "But if you know, you will be discovered."

Ying Baoyue's arm also trembled, and Murong Yin grabbed her arm, her fingertips also trembling slightly.

"Hug the moon."

Murong Yin said softly.

"Your master was protecting me back then."

"Protect me from a force that targets practitioners."

During these seven years of investigation, she gradually discovered what a mysterious and terrifying opponent Lin Shubai faced back then.

That opponent is so dangerous that once someone notices its existence, those who perceive it will be in danger.

That person, just like her, has the ability to observe the entire world.

"That may be a person, or it may be a force that specifically targets practitioners, let's call it 'he' for the time being."

Murong Yin said softly.

No one knew what he was planning, but that man was obviously very confident and enjoyed the thrill of manipulating everything behind the scenes, and everyone was a pawn in his hands.The chess piece is safe before self-awakening, no matter how high the realm is, there is no threat in his eyes, but once a chess piece perceives his existence, it will be regarded as a threat and then wiped out.

Ying Baoyue understood.

Anyone who knows, must be in danger.

So her master didn't dare to let the mountain ghost know that person existed, for fear that the mountain ghost would also be targeted by that person.

This was the opponent her master faced back then.

Lying in the darkness, Ying Baoyue felt as if a bottomless abyss really opened up in front of her eyes, in which a huge black hand writhed.

"So, you mean..."

She spoke with difficulty, "My master was the first to discover that 'him' back then, and then he was wiped out?"

"Do not."

Murong Yin shook her head, "I don't think Shu Bai was the first to discover that existence."

Looking into the eyes of the girl in her arms, she said softly.

"Lin Baoyue."

"The first person to find that person should be you."

 "Wrestle too long with the dragon, and you become a dragon yourself; stare too long at the abyss, and the abyss stares back." - Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil

(End of this chapter)

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