Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1795

Chapter 1795
Murong Yin couldn't hide the shock in her heart, and asked.

"Yun Zhongjun, what kind of person is he?"

The morning light is getting brighter and brighter. Standing on the top of Yunshou Peak, the clouds and mist rise from the bottom of your feet, and you can see a very spectacular sea of ​​clouds.

The dawn was shining at the beginning of the dawn, and the floating light leaped into gold. Ying Baoyue stared at the sea of ​​clouds dyed colorful by the rising sun in front of him, his eyes were a little dignified.

"Although I have met Yun Zhongjun, I don't seem to have seen him."

Murong Yin was stunned, "What do you mean you haven't seen it before?"

"He is just like the name that was forced upon him back then," Ying Baoyue said, "He is like a cloud."

Although the title Yun Zhongjun is one of the eight gods, but unlike the other sons of God, this title was not conferred by the Great Qin court.

Titles such as Shan Gui and Donghuang Taiyi were conferred by Emperor Ying himself after the birth of a new son of God and after he had participated in the ranking ceremony.

However, no matter how crazy the Great Qin court was, it was impossible to canonize a Xirong person, so strictly speaking, the Xirong Guoshi was not a real eight-person god, but was called together with other gods because of the same realm.

Of course, the title of Yun Zhongjun was not chosen by Emperor Ying.

When it was discovered that there was a second-rank practitioner in Xirong, there were still four unused god titles in "Nine Songs", namely Shao Si Ming, Mrs. Xiang, Shan Gui and Yun Zhongjun.

Among the gods enshrined in "Nine Songs", Shao Siming ranks first, and he is the god in charge of the fate of human heirs and children. Naturally, practitioners in the Central Plains do not want to put such a god name on the murderous Xirong people. Mrs. Xiang and Shangui are both female gods in ancient records, and they cannot be used by male cultivators unless it is absolutely necessary. In the end, the only remaining title is Yunzhongjun.

So some practitioners began to use the title "Yun Zhongjun" to refer to Xirong Guoshi. Later, because the name of Xirong Guoshi was not clear, this saying gradually spread, and finally Xirong Guoshi became the "" King of Clouds".

In a sense, this is very similar to Chunyu Ye's origin of the title "Ghost Huajun".

At first it was a mistake, but later it fit the real person inexplicably.

"Like a cloud?"

Murongyin looked at Ying Baoyue in a daze, "What do you mean?"

"Although I have seen him, he is indeed standing on the battlefield, and the aura on his body is indeed the aura of the Son of God, but he does not seem to be there."

Ying Baoyue stared at the sea of ​​clouds in front of her, frowning.

The clouds and mist on the mountain peaks are changing, like the sea but not the sea, with myriad images.

Just like the man she saw on the battlefield back then.

"I don't know how to describe that feeling to you," Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, "Although he is standing there, he is like an empty shell."

"A person is standing upright on the ground, but he always feels that the next moment he will be scattered like a cloud and mist in an instant."

"In his eyes, there is no emotion, no joy, anger, sorrow, joy, nor the deep feeling of a high-level practitioner."

"If it wasn't for the aura of the second-ranked aura, I'm afraid that it wasn't him who appeared on the battlefield at that time, but a paper puppet manipulated by him."

Murongyin was horrified to hear Ying Baoyue's description.

Although Ying Baoyue's statement was vague, a sense of evil had already rushed over her face. She seemed to be able to see a practitioner who was as thin as a paper man standing on the battlefield with mountains of corpses and seas of blood, staring at your face expressionlessly. screen.

"So only this person, I can't tell you what kind of person he is."

Ying Baoyue looked at her palm.

Master of Xirong, Lord Yunzhong.

All the images of this person in front of the world are not real, and even if you have seen him, you can't get anything from him.

If it is said that ordinary gods hide themselves very deeply with aura and barriers, Yun Zhongjun gives the impression of being "thin".

That's right, it's thin.

On the battlefield, he is really like a cardboard sign, but the tree is there, doing nothing, and you can't see anything.

Not only the Central Plains people can't see it, but the Xirong people can't see it either.

"The Silver Cicada Guard once captured a celestial cultivator from Xirong before," Ying Baoyue said, "I personally led someone to interrogate him."

It is very rare to catch a living celestial cultivator. She was going to use some means, even if she administered some medicine, she would have to gather some information. As a result, she found that the celestial cultivator had a serious problem in his body before taking any medicine. The poison of Gu has begun to attack since he was caught, and he is about to die before he is asked.

It took her a lot of effort to save him, but if she hadn't happened to be on the scene at that time, that Tianjie would have died suddenly on the spot, even for a while at night, it would be impossible to save him.

But even if her life was saved, that Tianjie also lost her skills, and she gradually became stupid and stupid. She used hypnosis to ask a few questions before he was completely stupid.

One of the questions is, what is the name of the Xirong National Teacher?Where did you come from and where did you learn from?
"Did you ask anything?"

Murong Yin asked eagerly.

"Nothing," Ying Baoyue shook his head with a complicated expression, "That Tianjie said he didn't know either. He didn't speak to the national teacher directly, and he didn't see the other party's face."

"This is impossible!" Murong Yin blurted out, "This man is lying!"

It's fine if it's other practitioners, but it is the mission of the Son of God to command the heavenly practitioners in his country.Only the god sons of the second rank are eligible to command the third rank of heaven. Every heavenly practitioner and the god son have the closest superior-subordinate relationship. It is impossible for the heaven ranks of a country to have never seen their own god sons. .

"He didn't lie," Ying Baoyue smiled wryly, "You have to trust my way of asking people."

"Besides, this matter is not completely impossible," she glanced at Murong Yin, "Don't the Tianjie in Hou Liao know the appearance and origin of you, the son of God?"

Murong Yin choked for a moment, but said immediately, "My situation is different."

She can talk to Tianjie without meeting her, and she doesn't have to worry about someone pretending to be or leaking information. Can the Xirong State Division do it?
The more important point is that after she became the master of Hou Liao, there has been no large-scale war in Hou Liao again. She does not need to maintain a very close relationship with the heaven ranks in the Imperial Prayer Province.

Once a war broke out, Murongyin knew very well that her identity might not be concealed.

All the people of Xi Rong are soldiers, not only fighting against the six kingdoms in the Great Wall, but also fighting among the tribes year after year. Under such circumstances, how can Jun Yun hide his identity?
"I don't need to fight, but Lord Yunzhong wants to fight."

Murongyin stared into Ying Baoyue's eyes.

"Even if he can hide it, can a son of God who never shows his face really gain prestige among the Xirong people who advocate force?"

(End of this chapter)

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