Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1796 Means

Chapter 1796 Means
"According to common sense, it is naturally impossible," Ying Baoyue said softly, "But don't forget, what is the name of the Xirong National Teacher."

Murongyin was shocked, and lost her voice, "You mean, sorcery?"

Ying Baoyue nodded.

After Yun Zhongjun appeared in Xirong, Xirong's sorcery, which was once sluggish, grew stronger again.

Thinking of the poisonous poison that can actually make a heavenly cultivator stupid, Ying Baoyue's eyes turned cold, "I suspect he will do something unusual."

For a long time, things like curses, sorcery, and poisonous poisons have generally prevailed in the more humid and hot south, and such things are rarely seen in the north.

Until her death in her previous life, Ying Baoyue had never found Gu poison in the north except for that time at Xirong Tianjie.

Xirong used to be good at witchcraft, but witchcraft and poisonous poison are not the same system, witchcraft does not poison people, but is closer to psychic.

Every Xirong tribe has great witches, who have psychic abilities, contact gods, ancestor spirits, elves, ghosts and other worlds, communicate with the world, ask questions, and eliminate disasters. Their status is very sacred, and not all of them do dirty things. According to legend, the most powerful Xirong Witch can even "Jedi Tiantong", predict the future, and in a sense, he is more divine than a god.

It can be seen from this that Xirong's sorcery based on such a foundation was not very evil from the beginning, and Jedi Tiantong is just another ideal state of communication between heaven and earth, because it is not the same way as the Central Plains' exercises. It is contemptuously called "sorcery".

But just after Ying Baoyue was reborn, she met those weird Xirong killers, Chunyuye and Wu Chanxu with various methods, and the Xirong people secretly manipulating the king of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Xi Rong became even more evil than before her death.

The current Xirong sorcery is really worthy of the name of "magic".

In the past in Xirong, there were not so many practitioners who were good at forbidden techniques.Establishing a practice system is the same as creating a new sword art. It is not something ordinary practitioners can do. Even heavenly practitioners can generally just follow the existing path.

There is only one Emperor Ying in this world, and Ying Baoyue doesn't think that a genius like Emperor Ying who is at the third level but can conceive of a cultivation method at the first level can casually produce another one.

Therefore, the Xirong practice world has become like this. If there is no guidance from the only son of God, Yun Zhongjun, no ghost will believe it.

Who taught Chunyu the tricks at the night party?

Who is Chunyu Ye's master?

Who is Wu Chanxu's master?
Those who can teach heaven-level practitioners will generally not be lower than heaven-level practitioners.

Is there such a possibility?
That means that both of them are disciples of Yun Zhongjun.

Ying Baoyue narrowed her eyes.

Chunyu Yehui's forbidden technique is outrageous enough, if Yun Zhongjun is really his master, then the forbidden technique he mastered will only be even more terrifying.

"Something abnormal..."

Murong Yin shivered, "Then what do you think he is good at?"

Ying Baoyue pondered, "Have you heard of Small World?"

"Small world?" Murongyin was taken aback, "Isn't it formations and curses?"

The marriage letter she gave to Lin Shubai was tampered with formations, and Ying Baoyue was cursed. If all this was a conspiracy by Yun Zhongjun, then he should be extremely good at formations and curses.

"I don't think he is good at formations and curses," Ying Baoyue shook his head, "At least he wasn't very good at it ten years ago."

When she guarded the Great Wall of Eternal Night before, she used formations to make the Xirong cavalry who invaded the border suffer a lot, but no matter how much they suffered, the Xirong people never came up with a solution.

According to Lin Shubai's memories of Yun Zhongjun's performance on the battlefield, regardless of the curse, Yun Zhongjun is at least not good at formations.

Formation is different from other skills, it requires talent, it doesn't mean you can learn it if you want to learn it, and it doesn't mean that the ability to improve the realm will improve.

If Yun Zhongjun was not good at it more than ten years ago, there is a high probability that he is still not good at it now.

This is also one of the reasons why Ying Baoyue cannot directly suspect this person.

She still still remembers the formation that was attached to the coffin lid when she first wore it back. Its sophistication and weirdness are by no means something ordinary people can draw.

"not good at……"

Murongyin murmured, "What happened to the small world?"

As an observer of the whole continent, she has indeed heard of such a forbidden technique, but compared to the forbidden technique, this "small world" is more like a pure market legend, and it is a guess of the people about the practitioner's ability.

Different from ordinary exercises, the small world is a world completely created by the practitioner himself, which can involve other practitioners and let them enter it.This is somewhat similar to the illusion in the formation, but it is different from the illusion that only blurs the five senses of the practitioner. According to the folk script, the small world can really "move" the practitioner's position, and move the practitioner from From one place to another.

"I heard from some Xirong prisoners before that the Xirong National Division can shrink the ground to an inch."

"Shrink the ground into an inch?" Murong Yin was taken aback, "Isn't that a formation?"

Shrinking the ground into an inch can ignore the constraints of distance, even if it is hundreds of miles away, it can be reached in a moment.

According to the letter left by the Emperor Taizu, this effect can be achieved by a formation, but this formation has too high requirements for the caster, so far no one has successfully drawn it.

Murongyin is confused, is Yun Zhongjun good at formations?

"It's a formation, but Yun Zhongjun is unlikely to draw this formation," Ying Baoyue said, "so I wonder if he has mastered the small world."

Murongyin was a little speechless, "Is this guess even more unrealistic than Yun Zhongjun's good at formation?"

She found that Ying Baoyue, like Lin Shubai, also had a side that thought about problems with a powerful and unconstrained style.

"That's true," Ying Baoyue smiled, "However, it is also possible that the prisoners themselves were deceived."

After all, human eyes can be deceiving, and it is even easier to deceive low-level practitioners.Maybe Yun Zhongjun just used simple illusions to confuse those soldiers, making them think that he has such great power, thus establishing his own prestige.

"If he knows these things, he can indeed establish prestige."

At least enough to bluff.

After listening to Ying Baoyue's explanation, Murongyin's doubts faded away, "Then do you think Shubai's death has anything to do with him?"

Ying Baoyue was silent for a moment, "If it was him, there is one thing I can't figure out."

"What's the matter?" Murong Yin became nervous.

"That is, if it was him, how could he call Master out?"

Ying Baoyue clenched her fists tightly. According to what Murongyin and others said, Lin Shubai went to meet a person before climbing the Great Wall for the last time, and had a fight with him.

This person is likely to be behind the scenes.

But if this person was Yun Zhongjun, Ying Baoyue didn't think that Lin Shubai would go to see him alone at that sensitive moment.

If that person is Daqin's hidden pile, he can call Lin Shubai out through a secret signal.But Yun Zhongjun couldn't do this, and his status as Xirong National Teacher would only make her master highly vigilant.

 According to the "Hanshu" records, "Witch Gu originated from Hu Wu." Hu Wu is often the person who has the most knowledge, especially the myths, lineages, and epics of clans and tribes. According to legend, Zhuanxu among the five emperors in ancient times is a person who can " In the late Warring States period and the Han Dynasty, ethnic groups migrated and exchanged, mixed together, and the wind of witchcraft rose and spread in the Central Plains. The so-called "witchcraft" refers to the technique of witchcraft or witchcraft (curse).

(End of this chapter)

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