Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1825 Lost

Chapter 1825 Lost
"Embracing the moon?"

Sensing that Ying Baoyue's breath was not right, Li Ji was about to look sideways at her when his ears moved suddenly.

Gollum, gollum.

In the shrill wind, he heard a strange sound.

Like small bubbles bubbling from a puddle of black mud, an extremely ominous thing rolled up with the darkness under the mud.

Li Ji turned his head slowly.

Wu Chanxu covered his face and stood there, with black mud continuously flowing between his fingers.

"Wu Chanxu?"

Looking at this scene, Murong Yin opened her eyes wide in astonishment.

Wu Chanxu's face was completely covered by the black mud, and the black mud flowed down from his face, then onto his shoulders and arms.

The next moment he turned sideways, and with a creaking sound, a round thing protruded from his forearm.

That is an eye.

So far, Murongyin has seen too many weird things through Fengfa, but the scene in front of her is still so weird that her scalp tingles.

What was even more frightening was the next moment when black mud flowed from the eyelid of that eye.

Then, the one-eyed eyes opened.

The eyes are indifferent and cold, as if there is no human emotion.

"This is……"

Ying Baoyue has never seen such an eye, the only thing that can be confirmed is that it is not Wu Chanxu's eye.

Although Wu Chanxu's eyes were not as green as Chunyu Ye's, they were also the light color common to Xirong people.

But at this moment, the pupil of the eye on his arm was dark brown.

The brown eyes rolled on Wu Chanxu's arm, and looked straight at her, Li Ji and Murongyin who were standing opposite.

Ying Baoyue felt a chill in her heart, for some reason, she faintly felt that this eyeball seemed to have a will of its own.

"What is this?"

The eyes of the brown eyes stayed on Murong Yin's body, and her heart trembled.

"Wu Chanxu, what the hell are you doing?"

Wu Chanxu still covered his face with his hands, just grinning.

"Wu Chanxu?"

The ominous premonition in Ying Baoyue's heart is getting stronger and stronger.

"You don't need to call him anymore, this body is mine now."

At this moment, Wu Chanxu opened his mouth, and a completely different old voice came out of his throat.

Ying Baoyue's heart skipped a beat, and she looked in shock at Wu Chanxu who suddenly put down her hands.

He put down his hands, closed his eyes, and only opened and closed his mouth.

The person is still the same person, the mouth is still the same mouth, but the breath on his body has suddenly changed.

Murongyin choked for breath, and pulled Ying Baoyue behind him abruptly, staring at "Wu Chanxu" in front of him like an enemy, and shouted sharply, "You are not Wu Chanxu, who are you?"

In just a short moment, Murongyin was astonished to find that Wu Chanxu's aura belonging to a practitioner suddenly rose, and he was actually approaching the realm of the Son of God!

She shuddered slightly, which had never happened in the practice world.

"Wu Chanxu" still turned sideways, the eyeball on his arm was looking straight at Murong Yin, and said slowly in an old voice, "It doesn't matter who I am, you just need to know that I am the one who came to pick you up."

"pick me up?"

Murong Yin had no time to care about what this person was talking about, and just stared at the eyeball on Wu Chanxu's arm.


The black mud slipped from Wu Chanxu's arm, and Ying Baoyue's heart stopped beating.

"No, it's not."

Ying Baoyue said hoarsely, "It's not possession."

The scene where the eyeball crawled out was very similar to the scene when Chunyuye crawled out of the wolf's head on his back, but the two situations were not the same.

The wolf head is parasitic on Chunyu Ye's body, and can even manipulate his body, but this eyeball gives Ying Baoyue a different feeling.


Looking at that brown eyeball, Ying Baoyue's breathing suddenly became rapid and she murmured.


The eyeball that was originally looking at Murong Yin slowly turned to look at her.

Eyes fixed on Ying Baoyue, an old voice sounded
"What a troublesome girl."

Murong Yin's pupils shrank, "What do you mean by medium?"

Judging from the tone of her eyes, she realized that Ying Baoyue had guessed what it was.

"Yes..." Ying Baoyue was about to explain, when the wind in his ears suddenly became noisy.

A cold light flashed in front of his eyes, and Wu Chanxu pulled out the scimitar at his waist.

A fierce thunder light shined from his knife, and Ying Baoyue felt a chill in his heart when he sensed the real energy contained in it.

For a moment, she thought she saw Xu Canghai.

"This kid is soft-spoken, if you don't invite Mr. Mountain Ghost to drive you, this old man has no choice but to do it himself."

The eyeballs on Wu Chanxu's arm turned around, looked at Murongyin again, and said staidly, "Please enlighten me."

As soon as the voice fell, the murderous aura rushed over.


Before Murongyin could say a word, Wu Chanxu's figure flashed in front of her like a ghost.

This is by no means a speed that a celestial practitioner can possess!

Murongyin only had time to push Ying Baoyue out, and then she heard the sound of her chest belt breaking.

The wind enchantment around her has actually been pierced.

This man's knife is too fast!
Murongyin backed away suddenly with a chill in his heart, but the bloody smell of the knife tip came over his face.

This is the saber technique of a person who has experienced many battles, it is the saber technique of someone who is in the same realm as her but has far more combat experience than her!
Murong Yin had never felt that death was so close to her. She was unarmed and could not resist the sharp blade in front of her. Suddenly, with a click, a sword and a machete intersected in front of her.

The sparks from the collision of the two sharp blades flashed across Murongyin's pupils.

A thin figure stood in front of her.

Li Ji held the Juque sword in his hand, and held Wu Chanxu's sword tightly.

However, at the next moment, his knees bent, unable to withstand the pressure of the opponent's real essence, he knelt down on one knee.

"A Ji!"

Ying Baoyue was pushed into the frozen lake by Murongyin, she poked her head out of the lake suddenly, and cried out.

"Don't worry about me, where's your sword?"

Li Ji's hand holding the sword was bleeding, but he still firmly held the hilt in his hand and asked loudly.

Both Murongyin and Ying Baoyue didn't have swords, so he knew he had to hold on.

"I don't have my sword, it's..."

Ying Baoyue looked at the cave on the other side of the lake, feeling very anxious. Just as she was planning to get the sword, the sound of the blade rubbing suddenly became intense.

The eyeball on Wu Chanxu's arm glanced at Li Ji, and said calmly.

"Boy, you are in the way."

There was a flash of thunder in front of his eyes, and Li Ji's pupils shrank violently.

With a click, his figure flew up high, and a strong force rushed him more than ten feet away, leaving a deep mark on the snow.

"A Ji!"

Ying Baoyue's mind was shocked, and now Wu Chanxu really has the strength of the second rank!
She wanted to investigate Li Ji's situation, but a more terrifying scene had already caught her eyes.

Without Li Ji's obstruction, the scimitar in Wu Chanxu's hand suddenly cut to Murong Yin's chest.

Blood stained her white clothes red.

A heart-piercing roar came from the sky.

"A Yin!"

(End of this chapter)

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