Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1826 Identity

Chapter 1826 Identity
The moment Murongyin was stabbed, everything in Ying Baoyue's eyes seemed to slow down.

She saw the white tiger god roaring in the sky and rushed towards him, but Yinglong god bit his hind legs from behind. She saw Li Ji get up from the snow and tried desperately to rush over.

She heard the sound of her own bones rubbing against each other. It turned out that she was also running, but no matter how hard she ran, she couldn't run.

Drops of blood flew across the air, across her eyes, and splashed onto Murong Yin's white cheeks.

Ying Baoyue opened her eyes wide.

Why is she so weak now?

Why did she finally find another relative, but let her lose it again?
Why is her master gone?Why can't she protect everything on behalf of Master?

Countless thoughts flashed through her mind, and Ying Baoyue saw herself standing alone in a wilderness. At the end of the wilderness, Murongyin smiled at her.

No, this is not an illusion.

The moment she was stabbed in the chest, Murong Yin turned her head and smiled at her.

There is relief, rejoicing, and blessing in the smile.

Ying Baoyue felt that a string in her brain was snapped with a bang.

Her mind was full of Murong Yin's last action just now.

Murongyin, who is the second rank, must have noticed the change in Wu Chanxu's state faster than anyone else, and realized the target of his attack, but the moment he moved, the first thing Murongyin did was push her away.

He didn't run away by himself, but pushed her away.


Ying Baoyue's ears were buzzing, and her mind went blank.

At this moment, a fire suddenly ignited in front of her eyes.

The fire was so bright red that it was as tall as a person.

The fire ignited in front of Murong Yin, and the blazing light illuminated the woman's cheeks.

"This is……"

Not far away, Li Ji suddenly stopped.

The moment he stopped, there was a click, and a severed blade flew out of the fire.

Li Ji had a certain figure, and looked at the cutting blade inserted into the ground, with a look of astonishment flashing across his eyes.

That was not a sword, but the tip of a machete.

Wu Chanxu's knife was broken.

Cut in half by a sharper and more powerful weapon.

Wu Chanxu, who had been keeping his eyes fixed all the time, stood on the snowy ground, his arm holding the broken blade froze in mid-air.


Just when the point of his knife was about to stab Murong Yin's heart, his knife was blocked by someone.

Huo Tuan didn't answer, but Wu Chanxu's voice suddenly became strange.

"You are……"

The eyeballs on his arm fixedly stared at the fire in front of Murong Yin, and said stiffly, "Why did you come?"

The eyeball is not the only one who wants to ask this question.

Murongyin covered her bleeding but not yet pierced chest, staring blankly at the fire in front of her.

No, it wasn't a fire at all, it was a person.

The flame slowly fell from the figure in front of him, revealing the body of the man in red underneath.

Ying Baoyue stood on the snowy ground, staring blankly at the man not far away.

Unexpected people wearing unexpected clothes stand in front of unexpected people.

Ji Mo held Yue Wangjian with one hand, pointed at Wu Chanxu, rolled his eyes back, and glanced at the woman behind him, "Who are you?"

Murong Yin was a little stiff, she never expected that she would meet Ji Mo under such circumstances.

At this moment, the way Ji Mo looked at her suddenly changed, and his breathing paused for a moment, "Are you a mountain ghost?"

Murongyin's breathing also stopped for a moment, and after a while, she said lightly, "En."

Ying Baoyue stood not far away, looking at the two people who had a more complicated relationship not far away with complicated expressions.

Ji Mo looked away and looked at Wu Chanxu who was standing on the snow in front of him, his voice was difficult to distinguish between emotions and anger.

"Mountain ghost?"

"Didn't you have a lot of skills when you fought against each other in the air?"

He sneered, "It turns out that the strength of the Liao Guoshi is only this little?"

Ji Mo's tone was sarcasm, but Murong Yin just looked at his back without saying a word.

No matter how much she hated this man, he did save her just now.

Besides, it is a fact that she has no combat experience and combat ability.

Facing low-level practitioners, she can still use her true essence to suppress her, but when fighting one-on-one with swordsmen of the same level at close range, she becomes meat on the cutting board and can only be slaughtered.

Murongyin touched his healed chest and said flatly, "I don't know how to use a sword."

Ji Mo's eyes flickered, "Really? You're really a waste."

Murong Yin was too lazy to talk quickly with this person.

She took three steps back and squatted down on the snow.


"Are you OK?"

Ying Baoyue stumbled to her side.

Hearing the call of mistress, Ji Mo tightened his grip on the hilt of the sword.

The eyeball on Wu Chanxu's arm stared at him quietly, and suddenly swung the broken knife in his hand.

With a click, the swords intersected again, leaving only the hilt.

"What? You have to know yourself if I have to shave this sword?"

Jimo stared at the brown eyeball and narrowed his eyes, "Wait, what are you?"

"Ji Mo."

However, before he could speak, the eyeballs spoke first, and continued to question the previous question.

"Ji Mo, why did you come?"

"Want to know?"

Ji Mo didn't answer, but just stared at that eyeball, "Tell me what you are first?"

"Puppet?" He frowned, "Or an avatar?"

Murongyin supported Ying Baoyue's shoulders, his expression slightly startled, "I know the puppet, what does incarnation mean?"

"It's also a kind of puppetry," Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, "but it's different from ordinary puppetry."

Under normal circumstances, puppets are manipulated through curses, arrays, Gu, etc., but incarnations are different. It is a part of the caster's body that is removed and transplanted to the person being manipulated. At critical moments, this part can be seized and manipulated. dominance over the body.

At first glance, it sounds similar to parasitism, but in fact it is not the same.

Parasitism is the death of the host, and the part of the host that is parasitic on the body cannot survive.

The incarnation is more clever than parasitism, the part of the incarnation can exist alone, and it also has a separate will, and can echo with the main body at a distance.

The reason why she said that the eyeball on Wu Chanxu's body is the medium is that there are two eyes in people. If she guessed correctly, the other eye still grows on the caster.

The eye on Wu Chanxu's arm is like a camera, which can transmit the picture to another camera.

The hairs on Ying Baoyue's back stood up slightly.

At this moment, there is another person, thousands of miles away, looking at them through this eye.

"As expected of the Master of Southern Chu, he is very clear about our Xirong's techniques."

A strange laugh sounded from Wu Chanxu's mouth.

"Stop talking nonsense," Ji Mo said lightly, "Who the hell are you?"

"Give me your first and last name."

There are not many Shenzi on this continent who can compete equally with him.

"Since Master Nanchu wants to know, I might as well tell you."

The eyeball on Wu Chanxu's arm looked at him.

"My name is not important, but you Central Plains people, call me..."


 By the way, the Avatar movie has another name called "Avatar"

(End of this chapter)

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