Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 19 The Giant Wood

Chapter 19 The Giant Wood
What do these three women in the family think of him?

You Guili are afraid of danger, so he is not afraid of danger?

Thinking back to his mother's thieves-like eyes when she warned him, Gui Chen felt depressed for a while.

Thinking of the experience in Sima Mansion during the day, what really happened, I still don't know if she is in danger or he is in danger.

This girl is someone who can't even hit Gui Rong, what else can he do to her?
It's fine for Guili to play petty temper, Guichen feels that his mother is not normal today, but recalling the smile on the corner of his mouth when his mother watched Guili chattering before going to sleep, Guichen sighed in his heart.

Mother is abnormal, probably because she is happy.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be tempted to make a joke on a whim.

It's just that Mrs. Mu was joking, and that girl didn't take it seriously at all.

"Miss Mingyue...if you don't dislike...won't you live in my son's house?"

When his mother said this half-jokingly, Gui Chen was taken aback and was about to sneer, but he didn't laugh yet.

"Don't dislike it."

The girl spoke calmly.

Who asked if you disliked it?

The atmosphere at that time was really weird, Gui Chen wanted to resist at first, but seeing the indifferent expression of the girl across the dining table, he felt a little annoyed for some reason.

Unexpectedly, he did not speak by accident.

Thinking about it now, Gui Chen really wanted to beat himself to death.

He still had a little luck, thinking that the girl would repent temporarily, but night fell.

She did come.

Could he not let her in?

In the end, he actually lived in the same room with this girl whom he had known not long ago.

of course.

She sleeps in bed.

He sits on the ground.

"Gui Chen?" Unexpectedly, the girl who occupied his bed was still restless, turned around and asked again before waiting for an answer.

"You really don't know the steps your aunt danced today?"

"I always feel that step is like dancing, don't you think?"

This NPC doesn't sleep at night, still thinking about Chu Ji's steps during the day?

What a normal little girl does during the day is enough to have a nightmare all night, right?
"Probably imitating the method of practicing with dance." Gui Chen pouted.

"But it's useless for practitioners who are not at the level of Shenwu to dance."

The boy said contemptuously.

God Dance?
Ying Baoyue turned over, staring thoughtfully at the moonlight shining on the roof of the tent.

Hearing the sound of the girl turning over behind him, Gui Chen suddenly stood up.

"It's too hot, I'm going outside to blow some air."

Gui Chen left after speaking.Just leave someone alone in the house.

Divine dance.

Is there a way to practice with dance?

This kind of thing...

Ying Baoyue sat up from the bed, recalling Chu Ji's last movements during the day, and groped to get out of bed.

She imitated that aunt's steps and jumped up and down twice with her bare feet.

Sure enough, nothing happened?
Ying Baoyue held her sore wrist and laughed a little.

Even though she lost her memory, she knew that Chu Ji's footwork was not that simple.

And the dance of the five god dances of equal rank is not that simple.

After all, it is not a dance that anyone can dance casually, which can communicate with the world.

In my current state, I can only dance and play by myself.

Thinking of this, Ying Baoyue jumped up like a child, and for some reason, the first sentence of the Songs of Chu engraved on the coffin, which was written on the coffin, floated up in his mind, and he read it jokingly.

"The autumn orchids are like the moose, and the Luosheng is under the hall. The green leaves are like the plain flowers, and the fragrance is like the flowers."

The breeze is coming, and the summer cicadas are ringing in my ears.

Ying Baoyue shook her head and smiled, ready to go back to bed and sleep.

However, the tip of her nose suddenly felt cold.

Ying Baoyue paused and raised her hand to touch it, then quietly looked at the water stains on her fingertips.

A drop of water suddenly fell on the tip of her nose.

This is... morning dew?
Why is there dew in the room?

Ying Baoyue was taken aback for a moment, then raised her head in a daze.

At this time, the soles of her feet suddenly became soft, and countless moss and grass grew.

The mist rises, covering the sky and the earth.

A towering tree rose from the ground.

appeared in front of her.




Sitting in the yard looking at the stars alone, Gui Chen seems to have noticed something and turned around.

However, the room behind him was quiet, not even the wind blowing.

It was still what he was used to, the summer night in his small courtyard.

If you probe deeper, you can seem to see the girl's crystal-clear eyes.

Gui Chen shook his head abruptly, throwing out the scene that appeared in his mind.


The boy muttered and turned his head again, sighed and looked at the sky full of stars.


However, when Guichen was imitating loneliness in the yard, Ying Baoyue in the house was already looking different.

Upside down.

The fresh, forest breath enveloped her whole body.

The girl stood barefoot on the black fertile soil, and looked up in astonishment.

The dense forest fog filled the entire space, and the moist wind hit her cheeks, and also hit Ying Baoyue's heart.

Looking at the different space in front of him, Ying Baoyue's heart beat violently.

"what is this?"

Moist water dripped from the wide leaves and slid across her cheeks, and the cold touch made her shiver and her eyes widened.

This is not the place.

but a tree.

Towering giant tree.

Just when the world was turned upside down in front of her eyes, Ying Baoyue once thought that she was pulled into some kind of space like the plot of a novel.

However, when she looked at the grand scene in front of her, she understood that things were not that simple.

Because the tree in front of me is really shocking.

This is a huge banyan tree.

The root system is well developed and overwhelming.

Banyan trees have always been said to form a forest in nature, and this giant tree that appeared in front of Ying Baoyue out of thin air is so lush and dense that it is unimaginable.

The huge trunk is as thick as more than ten people hugging, and the huge mushroom cloud-like leaf canopy hangs down with countless thick air roots, like countless ribbons.

A rough look at this banyan tree has at least [-] aerial roots.

Numerous aerial roots penetrate the soil and become the new pillars of the tree.

The roots are connected, the branches and leaves are luxuriant, covering the sky and the sun, and a single tree becomes a forest.

The part of the root system exposed from the soil is thick, dense and complex, and one can imagine how dense and massive the root system under the soil will expand.

The ground is covered by the roots of the banyan tree, while the sky is shaded by the canopy of this banyan tree.

Everything can be said here.

All these spaces seem to be born for this tree.

A tree is a forest.

And in the center of this forest, the trunk of this banyan tree continues to extend upwards, as if it is about to plunge into the sky.

Ying Baoyue seemed to be attracted by something, and walked towards the trunk of the tree.

She kept pushing aside the branches and leaves in front of her eyes, and came to the trunk of the banyan tree.

Ying Baoyue raised her head while supporting the rough bark.

Then the pupils shrank.

through gaps in the canopy.

She saw the sky full of stars.

However, what shocked her was that this was not the starry sky she saw in the backyard.

28 huge stars are dotted on the starry sky at the top of the canopy like gems.

It was like the starry sky that Ying Baoyue saw for the first time when she woke up.


She was right.

This is the same as the starry sky at the top of Qin Huangling's Mausoleum.

The same.

(End of this chapter)

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